So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

My spin is a little different, Grew up middle class in NJ, Black father - Educator, White mother - dental hygienist, always went on two vacations a year. First car I got for free, but 18th bday, dad got me a 12K used car. Never went without anything. Always had nice gear, and all the toys. Lol If I could make a compelling reason why I needed something, pops always made sure I had it. Went to catholic school, my whole life. Got so so grades, bummed it thru CC eventually transferred to Rutgers, did alright graduated, my grad present from my parents was that they paid off my student loan balance, and beginning of senior year, my pops told me I could quit my job waiting tables and just enjoy my senior year. Anyway, I've been exposed to so much the world has to offer, Europe, the Carribean, South America, etc.

At the end of the day, I'm still brown. Funny thing is though, anytime I open my mouth people always take a step back, even now at work, being there for a year, it's like people are suspicious that a minority can formulate coherent sentences.

Prob the worst racial experience, I had in my life was Jr Prom, asked this girl Kristin, that I had a crush on, it took a lot for me to ask her, bc I really liked her. She immediately said yes. I was on cloud 9, next day I walk into school feeling myself, and everyone's like have you seen Kristin yet, I'm like nah what the heck? She walks up to me, crying so hard she can't even breathe, well her mom wouldn't let me take her bc I'm brown. In like a moment a wisdom beyond my years, I just gave her a hug and said, no worries, but inside I was hurt. Funny thing was at the time, my boy who was PR was dating her best friend, and had been to Kristin's house countless times, he was blown away, like Mrs R. is always cool with me, and I'm like yea cuz you ain't trying to knock down her daughter. The one thing I always said though was, it really didn't bother me when I thought about it, bc the lady never met me. If she knew me and wouldn't let her go, I really would've been devastated. Funny thing is, I grew up nicer than what they had, and now I do better for myself, than the guy she's with, so in the end she hurt her daughter.
I go to university, my siblings and all of my cousins have graduated from university. I tend to date quite exotic girls.. mixed race, Dominican etc.
I go to university, my siblings and all of my cousins have graduated from university. I tend to date quite exotic girls.. mixed race, Dominican etc.
I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

I was raised by a single mother for the majority of my life ... I've come home to pink slips on the door ... I've seen people shot and killed in front of me ... I've hung out with the white crowd, black crowd, brown crowd yellow crowd etc... I've "dressed black," "dressed white," and in turn, dressing "white" turned into dressing "black" in my area ... all that %$%! is irrelevant ...

When it comes down to it, my mom stayed on me harder than some of my friends moms ... and that's not a knock against their moms, but it is what it is ... maybe it comes from my mother having both parents in her household when she was growing up ... i was always taught manners and respect ... i was always taught hard work pays off and to watch my mouth around adults ... i was taught solid decision making ... even when i put myself in bad situations, i was always the first person to say "lets get out of here" or suggest we do something else to simply lessen the chance of getting caught ...

I had one objective in life and that was to graduate college ... I did it for my mother first and myself second ... my mom took out student loans for me and promised i would never have to pay as long as i graduated ... i was always that kid whose report card was held because the tuition wasn't paid ... i was always that kid who had the new iversons or jordans though ...

i owe my entire life to my mother ... and the truth is, they just dont build them like her ... she is one of a kind ... she understood what was important for me and i will never forget that ... the biggest problem with kids these days is their support structure doesnt include someone like my mother ... people just dont have the drive because its a lot easier to have the government pay for everything and then blame someone else for their shortfalls ...

i dont have the patience for race %$%! anymore ... i laugh at the race card ... you want something? go get it ... there is nothing stopping you ... i cant wait to have my own place where all my work has paid off and i can invite my BLACK, WHITE, LATINO friends over to eat food that I buy ... to get to a point in my professional life where i can give a break to any deserving person looking for a job regardless of their color ...

people want hard workers and decision makers, not excuse makers ...
I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

I was raised by a single mother for the majority of my life ... I've come home to pink slips on the door ... I've seen people shot and killed in front of me ... I've hung out with the white crowd, black crowd, brown crowd yellow crowd etc... I've "dressed black," "dressed white," and in turn, dressing "white" turned into dressing "black" in my area ... all that %$%! is irrelevant ...

When it comes down to it, my mom stayed on me harder than some of my friends moms ... and that's not a knock against their moms, but it is what it is ... maybe it comes from my mother having both parents in her household when she was growing up ... i was always taught manners and respect ... i was always taught hard work pays off and to watch my mouth around adults ... i was taught solid decision making ... even when i put myself in bad situations, i was always the first person to say "lets get out of here" or suggest we do something else to simply lessen the chance of getting caught ...

I had one objective in life and that was to graduate college ... I did it for my mother first and myself second ... my mom took out student loans for me and promised i would never have to pay as long as i graduated ... i was always that kid whose report card was held because the tuition wasn't paid ... i was always that kid who had the new iversons or jordans though ...

i owe my entire life to my mother ... and the truth is, they just dont build them like her ... she is one of a kind ... she understood what was important for me and i will never forget that ... the biggest problem with kids these days is their support structure doesnt include someone like my mother ... people just dont have the drive because its a lot easier to have the government pay for everything and then blame someone else for their shortfalls ...

i dont have the patience for race %$%! anymore ... i laugh at the race card ... you want something? go get it ... there is nothing stopping you ... i cant wait to have my own place where all my work has paid off and i can invite my BLACK, WHITE, LATINO friends over to eat food that I buy ... to get to a point in my professional life where i can give a break to any deserving person looking for a job regardless of their color ...

people want hard workers and decision makers, not excuse makers ...
does it have to be white?

I didn't grow up rich, but i grew up seeing my parents hustle their way up to the "middle class" entire family at one point (parents, granparents, uncles, sister) used to live in a small condo. Eventually my parents locked down decent paying jobs for the state/city. I'd say we didn't have much money issues later since we actually helped out a lot of relatives and still had extra money to enjoy stuff like vacations and even buy me a nice car. College is expensive but compared to some of my friends, i shouldn't be complaining.

i'd say it's enjoyable, and with less stress, you tend to enjoy things better
does it have to be white?

I didn't grow up rich, but i grew up seeing my parents hustle their way up to the "middle class" entire family at one point (parents, granparents, uncles, sister) used to live in a small condo. Eventually my parents locked down decent paying jobs for the state/city. I'd say we didn't have much money issues later since we actually helped out a lot of relatives and still had extra money to enjoy stuff like vacations and even buy me a nice car. College is expensive but compared to some of my friends, i shouldn't be complaining.

i'd say it's enjoyable, and with less stress, you tend to enjoy things better
opulence, i has it.  i like da best...dis one.

I swear you people live in a Utopian

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 
I swear you people live in a Utopian

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its awesome. my hero growing up was my dad cause i have never seen anyone with such a work ethic, dude just builds houses on his own with his bare hands and gets $$$. my bros growing up were all just neighborhood goons, i lived in a middle class neighborhood in north seattle and we had a few hoodlums but mostly everyone had their heads on straight and wasnt getting into anything too shady. my parents are paying for me to go to out of state college and i have basically been given the opportunity to chase whatever i want in life. i'm on campus right now and its a beautiful day out, theres honeys everywhere and im surfing NT before a test. afterwards ill probably go home and smoke some weed that my parents indirectly paid for through my monthly stimulus fund.

i get decent grades and my parents and i get along great. love going home for the weekend every once in a while, mom hooks it up with the homecooked meals and lets me whip her car as long as i do the dishes. middle/upper class white person college life is tight, i highly recommend it.

Sounds like me... except im black mexican 

I think that race no longer matters. not saying that is always the case, but most of the time it doesn't matter.

people often say oh I can't do this and that because I'm ______. Thats a lie. your will is more powerful than any other person out there.

people of all races and classes have been able to do great things.

With that being said I don't think your class has anything to do with it. I feel as if it's all about parenting in one way or another.
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

its awesome. my hero growing up was my dad cause i have never seen anyone with such a work ethic, dude just builds houses on his own with his bare hands and gets $$$. my bros growing up were all just neighborhood goons, i lived in a middle class neighborhood in north seattle and we had a few hoodlums but mostly everyone had their heads on straight and wasnt getting into anything too shady. my parents are paying for me to go to out of state college and i have basically been given the opportunity to chase whatever i want in life. i'm on campus right now and its a beautiful day out, theres honeys everywhere and im surfing NT before a test. afterwards ill probably go home and smoke some weed that my parents indirectly paid for through my monthly stimulus fund.

i get decent grades and my parents and i get along great. love going home for the weekend every once in a while, mom hooks it up with the homecooked meals and lets me whip her car as long as i do the dishes. middle/upper class white person college life is tight, i highly recommend it.

Sounds like me... except im black mexican 

I think that race no longer matters. not saying that is always the case, but most of the time it doesn't matter.

people often say oh I can't do this and that because I'm ______. Thats a lie. your will is more powerful than any other person out there.

people of all races and classes have been able to do great things.

With that being said I don't think your class has anything to do with it. I feel as if it's all about parenting in one way or another.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Race has nothing to do with it. Its about the opportunities you get and what you do with them.


I swear you people live in a Utopian world that I would love to live in 

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Race has nothing to do with it. Its about the opportunities you get and what you do with them.


I swear you people live in a Utopian world that I would love to live in 

doyung9 wrote:

However, with people I didn't consider friends, some messed up $%*! has happened. Instance I can't ever forget is in the 1st or 2nd grade, I got a lot of praise from my teacher for being really intelligent at a young age and I enjoyed being "good" at something. Well one day, someone's mother came in as a substitute because our teacher had jury duty or something (yeah, in small towns sometimes someone's mom will teach, forget professional substitutes) and this particular lady thought her daughter was the chosen one or something. Well as we're going out for recess, the lady pulls me to the side and says "You don't have to show off for all the kids, you think you're so smart. Well if you're so smart, why didn't you real mom and dad want you and they threw you away".


What a +$*%*@+ *%%##!.

I would've smacked the %#+! out of her with my tiny hands,I wouldn't even care. How the hell can someone say that to 1st grader
doyung9 wrote:

However, with people I didn't consider friends, some messed up $%*! has happened. Instance I can't ever forget is in the 1st or 2nd grade, I got a lot of praise from my teacher for being really intelligent at a young age and I enjoyed being "good" at something. Well one day, someone's mother came in as a substitute because our teacher had jury duty or something (yeah, in small towns sometimes someone's mom will teach, forget professional substitutes) and this particular lady thought her daughter was the chosen one or something. Well as we're going out for recess, the lady pulls me to the side and says "You don't have to show off for all the kids, you think you're so smart. Well if you're so smart, why didn't you real mom and dad want you and they threw you away".


What a +$*%*@+ *%%##!.

I would've smacked the %#+! out of her with my tiny hands,I wouldn't even care. How the hell can someone say that to 1st grader
Black 23yr old here. My parents weren't handed anything just worked hard all their lives. The bring home around 250k combined a year now. Unlike most kids who normally come from this background my brother and I actually made something of ourselves. We arent balling like them but we have good jobs right now. I hate that people assume cause you're comfortable everything is all gravy in your life. I cleaned the bathroom, washed dishes, washed clothes, cut the grass, washed my parents car, racked the leaves, painted the bottom of the whole outside of the house with some rust stuff idk, the list goes on
. Even tho I hated it as a kid it taught me a lot and set a good foundation in me. it's really not about the money to me it's the quality time parents don't spend with kids nowadays.
Black 23yr old here. My parents weren't handed anything just worked hard all their lives. The bring home around 250k combined a year now. Unlike most kids who normally come from this background my brother and I actually made something of ourselves. We arent balling like them but we have good jobs right now. I hate that people assume cause you're comfortable everything is all gravy in your life. I cleaned the bathroom, washed dishes, washed clothes, cut the grass, washed my parents car, racked the leaves, painted the bottom of the whole outside of the house with some rust stuff idk, the list goes on
. Even tho I hated it as a kid it taught me a lot and set a good foundation in me. it's really not about the money to me it's the quality time parents don't spend with kids nowadays.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

I swear you people live in a Utopian

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 

Not true at all.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

I swear you people live in a Utopian

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 

Not true at all.
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