So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

a lot of anger in here for no reason particularly from those that aren't white males from middle class or richer families.
a lot of anger in here for no reason particularly from those that aren't white males from middle class or richer families.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

I swear you people live in a Utopian

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 

i had a similar upbringing, parents still together though.
my dad isnt flashy at all and is kind of a dork, but ive gained a lot more respect for him as i grow older.  lives way below his means, hell, he bought me a nicer car than his own, always makes sure to notify me when the insurance/repair bills come in to try and make me feel guilty

one thing that most kids like me take for granted is their opportunities and how good you have it, especially when you arent at the way top.  We live in a nice house/neighborhood, but when you drive by a house that just sold for $8-9 million, you ask why you arent moving in there, and completely forget about all of  the people living in poverty.

about the race thing,  i would definitely agree that it is more about money than race
Originally Posted by SCuse7

I swear you people live in a Utopian

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 

i had a similar upbringing, parents still together though.
my dad isnt flashy at all and is kind of a dork, but ive gained a lot more respect for him as i grow older.  lives way below his means, hell, he bought me a nicer car than his own, always makes sure to notify me when the insurance/repair bills come in to try and make me feel guilty

one thing that most kids like me take for granted is their opportunities and how good you have it, especially when you arent at the way top.  We live in a nice house/neighborhood, but when you drive by a house that just sold for $8-9 million, you ask why you arent moving in there, and completely forget about all of  the people living in poverty.

about the race thing,  i would definitely agree that it is more about money than race
-Ability to get a job and keep it. 

-Don't get "randomly" stopped by the police 

-Member of this special secret club were I get privileges other races don't have, makes life so much easier. 
-Ability to get a job and keep it. 

-Don't get "randomly" stopped by the police 

-Member of this special secret club were I get privileges other races don't have, makes life so much easier. 
It's straight. It's got it's ups and downs.  My family's middle class but I never got to take long vacations, travel Europe, or go on cruises like friends I grew up with.  I grew up in Columbia, MD, a Rouse planned community that was supposed to be a "utopian" environment.  My parents had a pretty nice house, but then they got divorced and my mom moved into an average townhome just outside Columbia and my dad moved from leasing houses and townhomes all over Columbia.  Over time it's developed it's rough "inner-cityesque" areas.  I actually went to the "worst" high school in our county and it was directly across from one of the only Section-8 Housing Projects in the County.  I wouldn't trade it for the world, 'cus while the other school's in the County were largely middle-class White and Asian kids, my school had it all (35%-White 35%-Black 15%-Asian 10%-Hispanic 5%-Misc.).  The student body of my elementary, middle, and High School helped make me what I am today and I've made life-long friendships with people from all different socio-economic backgrounds. 

The biggest thing I'm thankful for is that my parents were able to save up enough money to send me to college and not have me need to take out any loans, and I will forever be indebted to them for that.  A lot of people think that because you have a little more money all your problems dissapear.  The extra 100 sqft. in our home or the 2 car garage rather than the one car garage didn't prevent my parents from getting divorced, me and my brother having our own rooms didn't stop my brother from having to battle with depression for some 5-6 years, they weren't able to send me to the private college's I wanted to go to, etc.  Either way I love my parents and I love where I'm from and it's made the person I am today.

SCuse- From the way you describe it I'm not exactly sure you're family is "middle-class" and if it is it's definitely the upper echelon of middle class.
It's straight. It's got it's ups and downs.  My family's middle class but I never got to take long vacations, travel Europe, or go on cruises like friends I grew up with.  I grew up in Columbia, MD, a Rouse planned community that was supposed to be a "utopian" environment.  My parents had a pretty nice house, but then they got divorced and my mom moved into an average townhome just outside Columbia and my dad moved from leasing houses and townhomes all over Columbia.  Over time it's developed it's rough "inner-cityesque" areas.  I actually went to the "worst" high school in our county and it was directly across from one of the only Section-8 Housing Projects in the County.  I wouldn't trade it for the world, 'cus while the other school's in the County were largely middle-class White and Asian kids, my school had it all (35%-White 35%-Black 15%-Asian 10%-Hispanic 5%-Misc.).  The student body of my elementary, middle, and High School helped make me what I am today and I've made life-long friendships with people from all different socio-economic backgrounds. 

The biggest thing I'm thankful for is that my parents were able to save up enough money to send me to college and not have me need to take out any loans, and I will forever be indebted to them for that.  A lot of people think that because you have a little more money all your problems dissapear.  The extra 100 sqft. in our home or the 2 car garage rather than the one car garage didn't prevent my parents from getting divorced, me and my brother having our own rooms didn't stop my brother from having to battle with depression for some 5-6 years, they weren't able to send me to the private college's I wanted to go to, etc.  Either way I love my parents and I love where I'm from and it's made the person I am today.

SCuse- From the way you describe it I'm not exactly sure you're family is "middle-class" and if it is it's definitely the upper echelon of middle class.
Pretty sweet, but I bet it'd be almost exactly as sweet to be Asian or black in my exact situation, based on the lives of my friends who are those races and who I know have similar means as my family. Middle class in the suburbs is a damn good gig.
Pretty sweet, but I bet it'd be almost exactly as sweet to be Asian or black in my exact situation, based on the lives of my friends who are those races and who I know have similar means as my family. Middle class in the suburbs is a damn good gig.
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by SCuse7

I swear you people live in a Utopian

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 
Not true at all.

Yeah true...i mean more where i'm from...
Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by SCuse7

I swear you people live in a Utopian

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 
Not true at all.

Yeah true...i mean more where i'm from...
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Moms has her own business, dad is retired (making pension) city water manager for 22 years in the fastest growing city in America (before the bust). Life's good never a worry about cash no bills, cars paid for along with cell phone insurance etc.. I go to a university and my parents front the whole bill since I was a jerk-off in high school and did what I wanted and barely graduated (no scholly $) for those that say I'm unappreciative, I was young and dumb and now regret it as I feel bad because i could have got a 100% scholly. I work and make good money but I live above my means because I have no bills (live at home) so all my money is mine to do whatever with I've got all the new gadgets, whatev. and have a pretty good amount of money saved up for when I get married and move away to law school (June 2012). I'm 20 btw..
My life is sorta the same and Im black if it matters 
Originally Posted by KickHead23

Moms has her own business, dad is retired (making pension) city water manager for 22 years in the fastest growing city in America (before the bust). Life's good never a worry about cash no bills, cars paid for along with cell phone insurance etc.. I go to a university and my parents front the whole bill since I was a jerk-off in high school and did what I wanted and barely graduated (no scholly $) for those that say I'm unappreciative, I was young and dumb and now regret it as I feel bad because i could have got a 100% scholly. I work and make good money but I live above my means because I have no bills (live at home) so all my money is mine to do whatever with I've got all the new gadgets, whatev. and have a pretty good amount of money saved up for when I get married and move away to law school (June 2012). I'm 20 btw..
My life is sorta the same and Im black if it matters 
I was at Ruth's Chris Steak House on Sunday and it was whites-eat-free day- 
.  Just my luck, I was filling up my car at Chevron today and it was whites get gas free day- 
, saved me $55.  Turning out to be yet another good week to be white.
I was at Ruth's Chris Steak House on Sunday and it was whites-eat-free day- 
.  Just my luck, I was filling up my car at Chevron today and it was whites get gas free day- 
, saved me $55.  Turning out to be yet another good week to be white.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

I was at Ruth's Chris Steak House on Sunday and it was whites-eat-free day- 
.  Just my luck, I was filling up my car at Chevron today and it was whites get gas free day- 
, saved me $55.  Turning out to be yet another good week to be white.

im black BTW and  that was either really insensitive or racist, im not sure but funny none the less... and im from the Pjs and had to fight my way out and im almost good now. still GRINDING tho. 

And that quote was deemed a lil Racist... 
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