So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

Maybe I'm not the one to post in this thread ... Cuz the day my mother threw me some money "just because" is the day i watch a pig fly in frozen hell ... if it wasnt my birthday or christmas or my father didnt let me act like i was working and overpaid me just because he liked spending time with me, i wasnt getting $#** ...

i remember rockin the off-color dress pants to school ... had that different material than everyone else in grade school ... but you still couldnt tell me $#** ...
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

that's b/c you ARE white



300 million people in a non homogeneous society. The only privilege anymore is either political patronage and/or money.  Much like it occurred in Rome during the latter stages. 
The only people who have a claim against the rest of society are Black Americans and Native Americans because they were literally kept back for hundreds of years. The latter's society simply being decimated. Multi generational oppression does have a prolonged effect.

Everybody else can go cry a river with " my ancestors were oppressed while building the RR's in the US in the 1800's" or " my country was colonized by the US for all of 50 years"..yada yada

You want  to see real ingrained privilege visit Europe / South America/ the Middle East. 
dirty, explain to me how there's black people and latino people who i graduated with doing better than many of my white friends ... ... ... ?

these black people and latino people who had their college paid for by grants and scholarships for simply being an inner city minority ... get outta here with that $%+# ... life is what YOU make it ... you cant tell me any different cuz I've seen it with my own eyes ...

and for the record, i've been the "minority" where i've lived all my life ... my senior year of high school was the only time i had more white people around me than black cuz i commuted to a rich part of Va ...

i've been the same dude through it all ... yeah, i may act extra at work because i need to make money ... but other than that, i've been hated and loved because i'm the same person around whoever ... had a job since i could remember ... bought my own car and about to buy my own house ... and i guess it's all because i'm white
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

that's b/c you ARE white



300 million people in a non homogeneous society. The only privilege anymore is either political patronage and/or money.  Much like it occurred in Rome during the latter stages. 
The only people who have a claim against the rest of society are Black Americans and Native Americans because they were literally kept back for hundreds of years. The latter's society simply being decimated. Multi generational oppression does have a prolonged effect.

Everybody else can go cry a river with " my ancestors were oppressed while building the RR's in the US in the 1800's" or " my country was colonized by the US for all of 50 years"..yada yada

You want  to see real ingrained privilege visit Europe / South America/ the Middle East. 
dirty, explain to me how there's black people and latino people who i graduated with doing better than many of my white friends ... ... ... ?

these black people and latino people who had their college paid for by grants and scholarships for simply being an inner city minority ... get outta here with that $%+# ... life is what YOU make it ... you cant tell me any different cuz I've seen it with my own eyes ...

and for the record, i've been the "minority" where i've lived all my life ... my senior year of high school was the only time i had more white people around me than black cuz i commuted to a rich part of Va ...

i've been the same dude through it all ... yeah, i may act extra at work because i need to make money ... but other than that, i've been hated and loved because i'm the same person around whoever ... had a job since i could remember ... bought my own car and about to buy my own house ... and i guess it's all because i'm white
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Im Not You

 @ dudes coming in here with their "White Struggle" stories. 

 @ dudes thinking white people cant struggle.
everyone struggles, its jus that most black ppl are forced into it
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Im Not You

 @ dudes coming in here with their "White Struggle" stories. 

 @ dudes thinking white people cant struggle.
everyone struggles, its jus that most black ppl are forced into it
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Im Not You

 @ dudes coming in here with their "White Struggle" stories. 

 @ dudes thinking white people cant struggle.
everyone struggles, its jus that most black ppl are forced into it

 so white people choose to struggle?

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

Originally Posted by Im Not You

 @ dudes coming in here with their "White Struggle" stories. 

 @ dudes thinking white people cant struggle.
everyone struggles, its jus that most black ppl are forced into it

 so white people choose to struggle?

life is what YOU make it ... you cant tell me any different cuz I've seen it with my own eyes ...
the thing've never encountered those racial road blocks that many minorities face because you are white.
I'm not going to say it's black and white that if you're white.. you make it... you're a minority.. you don''s not that simplistic.

However you can't deny that there is a certain privilege that is afforded to white males on a whole.
Just one look at the business world will tell you that.
life is what YOU make it ... you cant tell me any different cuz I've seen it with my own eyes ...
the thing've never encountered those racial road blocks that many minorities face because you are white.
I'm not going to say it's black and white that if you're white.. you make it... you're a minority.. you don''s not that simplistic.

However you can't deny that there is a certain privilege that is afforded to white males on a whole.
Just one look at the business world will tell you that.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by SCuse7

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 
Not true at all.
Yeah true...i mean more where i'm from...
Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by Furrell

Originally Posted by SCuse7

This is how I pretty much describe where I live. there is some #!+@ that goes on but nothing bad really ever.
My school is 80% white, 15% Asian. There is a good percentage of people in my school who are pretty rich and other who are middle class. There isn't crime or anything in my town, so the biggest thing cops bust are high school parties or kids for weed. Out of 1,300 students at my school probably 10 people have a "criminal record"...but you get the point everyone is sheltered. I think something like 98% of seniors go to college. Preppy, suburbs, people are few and far between. 

Everyone in my family has gone to college

It's awesome like some people have said- my parents give me money pretty much whenever. I have had a job just to get more money, but my parents don't really make me or anything.My parents are divorced but my dad owns his own works for morgan stanley and my stepdad owns 3 pharmacies....all make 300+ I think....we just bought a lakehouse and a good amount of people have 2nd houses or summer homes.

you wouldn't want to live her for any reason...and my parents realize how boring and sheltered things are so they're paying me all the way to go out of state to college. It's great that i can pretty much go after anything i want to, but i feel like a **** for it.

None of this means anything in relation to how family life just depends on what people are like in your family, I just think a lot of the financial stresses and stuff are a lot less in middle class. And depending on where you live...SHELTERED. 
Not true at all.
Yeah true...i mean more where i'm from...
Where you're from of course. I went to school up there. You can stretch a dollar a lot further up there than anywhere else but to say that the middle class has less financial stress is false. The middle class has the most financial stress even more so than the lower class. We don't qualify for government help like the lower class. Paying for college is usually an issue when compared to the upper class who can pay it all off in one shot and the lower class who can go for damn near free/free. We're forced to take out loans and try to get scholarships or we can't go to school. The plight of the middle class is real and no knock on you because your family has earned EVERYTHING they have but I don't think you understand that.
A lot of these stories seem familiar to mine, but different as well. I'm black/native American & grew up in the DMV (literally, I’ve lived in DC, MD, & lastly VA before graduating H.S.)
Mom has always been a hard worker, always hustled keeping a 2nd job for many years & even picked up a 3rd when I broke both of my legs & she had to cover the medical bill. No matter if we lived in housing projects (green leaf in SW DC), a middle class neighborhood (Mt. Veron Sq out in Alexandria) or an upper class area (woodmore North out in Bowie/Mitchellville) I always felt comfortable because my mother always made my sister & I to believe that we lived comfortably.

Mom has always held a pretty good job & has worked for 3 of the top 5 big account firms (KPMG, Ernst & Young, etc). Grew up w/ 1 older sister & my pops was in & out of my life as my parents divorced when I was 2 mo's old, but ma dukes kept the household together. She instilled a great emphasis on education, & although I didn't always try my hardest in school, I recognized its importance & loved attending seminar classes w/ her during my elementary school days when she was unable to track down or pay for a babysitter while she attended Ohio State Univ. She double majored in Animal Psych/Study of Primates & Accounting. She missed plenty of meals but my sister & I never missed 1. When she graduated college, we moved back to VA, & although she was always employed, she decided to place my sister in I in a private Jr. High school (tuition per yr was $25,000 at the time, she paid about $12,000 each for my sister & I) & it made an impact on living at home. When the lights/gas/water were cut off we stayed with my cousins & rode the train from DC back into VA to get to school until my mom was able to pay the bills. High school, she attempted to place me back in private school in DC, but I was kicked out at the end of my 10th grade yr(racial slurs never sat well w/ me & I constantly fought). From there I attended HS in MD, C.H.Flowers for a couple months living with my upper-class aunt & uncle in bowie, & then moved back out to VA where I finished HS.

While living comfortably in middle class, I was never spoiled. I didn't have a cell phone, shoes were not purchased for me, I didn't get play stations or other systems for bdays or xmas. I didn’t need it though, at a young age I was humble enough to know that I had a roof over my head & food on the table & that was more than good enough for me. I mirrored myself after my mom, & started working when I was 14 through an internship program at school my 9th grade yr. Since the age of 15 I haven’t been without a job for more than a 2 month span & have worked a full time & part-time job for 6 of the past 8 yrs of my life. I went to college on an athletic scholarship for a yr & returned home to work, had a nice apt in a decent area of VA at 19, purchased my 1st cell phone when I was 20, & my 1st car when I was 21. My life w/ my mother was interesting, changing between lower to middle class, but mom always made it seem like we were upper middle class. Anytime I began to feel bad for not having extra money laying around, ma dukes would always quote Frederick Douglas “Without a Struggle, There can be no Progress
A lot of these stories seem familiar to mine, but different as well. I'm black/native American & grew up in the DMV (literally, I’ve lived in DC, MD, & lastly VA before graduating H.S.)
Mom has always been a hard worker, always hustled keeping a 2nd job for many years & even picked up a 3rd when I broke both of my legs & she had to cover the medical bill. No matter if we lived in housing projects (green leaf in SW DC), a middle class neighborhood (Mt. Veron Sq out in Alexandria) or an upper class area (woodmore North out in Bowie/Mitchellville) I always felt comfortable because my mother always made my sister & I to believe that we lived comfortably.

Mom has always held a pretty good job & has worked for 3 of the top 5 big account firms (KPMG, Ernst & Young, etc). Grew up w/ 1 older sister & my pops was in & out of my life as my parents divorced when I was 2 mo's old, but ma dukes kept the household together. She instilled a great emphasis on education, & although I didn't always try my hardest in school, I recognized its importance & loved attending seminar classes w/ her during my elementary school days when she was unable to track down or pay for a babysitter while she attended Ohio State Univ. She double majored in Animal Psych/Study of Primates & Accounting. She missed plenty of meals but my sister & I never missed 1. When she graduated college, we moved back to VA, & although she was always employed, she decided to place my sister in I in a private Jr. High school (tuition per yr was $25,000 at the time, she paid about $12,000 each for my sister & I) & it made an impact on living at home. When the lights/gas/water were cut off we stayed with my cousins & rode the train from DC back into VA to get to school until my mom was able to pay the bills. High school, she attempted to place me back in private school in DC, but I was kicked out at the end of my 10th grade yr(racial slurs never sat well w/ me & I constantly fought). From there I attended HS in MD, C.H.Flowers for a couple months living with my upper-class aunt & uncle in bowie, & then moved back out to VA where I finished HS.

While living comfortably in middle class, I was never spoiled. I didn't have a cell phone, shoes were not purchased for me, I didn't get play stations or other systems for bdays or xmas. I didn’t need it though, at a young age I was humble enough to know that I had a roof over my head & food on the table & that was more than good enough for me. I mirrored myself after my mom, & started working when I was 14 through an internship program at school my 9th grade yr. Since the age of 15 I haven’t been without a job for more than a 2 month span & have worked a full time & part-time job for 6 of the past 8 yrs of my life. I went to college on an athletic scholarship for a yr & returned home to work, had a nice apt in a decent area of VA at 19, purchased my 1st cell phone when I was 20, & my 1st car when I was 21. My life w/ my mother was interesting, changing between lower to middle class, but mom always made it seem like we were upper middle class. Anytime I began to feel bad for not having extra money laying around, ma dukes would always quote Frederick Douglas “Without a Struggle, There can be no Progress
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

life is what YOU make it ... you cant tell me any different cuz I've seen it with my own eyes ...
the thing've never encountered those racial road blocks that many minorities face because you are white.
I'm not going to say it's black and white that if you're white.. you make it... you're a minority.. you don''s not that simplistic.

However you can't deny that there is a certain privilege that is afforded to white males on a whole.
Just one look at the business world will tell you that.

Now that's the truth right there.

I still would like to hear more though.  Put it this way if you look at all the young shoe collectors and the general taste in "average white girls" I know that NT is filled with these cats. 

Don't feel guilty to post your life experiences,  this is a thread to learn about one another not attack anyone.  

Also, middle class can be different for each family that lives in the same neighborhood.  Alot of you guys think just because somebody lives near you or goes to school with you they have the same financial situation and come from a similar background.  That's not always true. 

And to the dude that said "you still a N in a coupe" ain't lying.  You'd be surprised at how ugly the world can be at times.  When I was in middle school I used to hang with 2 dudes.  Ryan and Wesley.  Ryan was mixed (dad black and mom white) and Wesley was white.  We all would hoop in their driveways, play video games in each others house, etc.  Normal kid stuff.  So one day I'm killing them in the drive way like usual and Wesley's little brother comes up to me outta no where says "hey wayne you're a N".  A kid that was probably 10 years old just called me a N.  I was didn't even know how to react.  I asked him what he said just to be sure and without hesitation he said it again "you're a N".  Then Wesley was like
 and grabbed him and took him in the house.  Wes said sorry and I think later the kid was forced to apologize.   I am playing with my friends and I have to hear that?

Now that I'm grown I can see what really happened.  The kid obviously learned the word from his house.  I always had the "redneck" vibe from his fam but I didn't really care because I thought they were cool.  But now that I look back I can remember their Dad having a real ugly side.  I remember times when we would play basketball the Dad would be rooting for Wesley and getting mad when he lost to me like usual.  It was probably like Magic vs Bird in his eyes.
 I could see the disappointment in his whole vibe. The worst was when me and Wesley got in a fight in their yard and dude sat there and cheered his kid on.  You can say it was to "make him a man" but as an adult in the suburbs you need to break it up man.  Fighting doesn't really solve anything.  He was hoping to see his white son kick my black butt, and it didn't happen.  So you can only imagine what those kids were hearing inside that home.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

life is what YOU make it ... you cant tell me any different cuz I've seen it with my own eyes ...
the thing've never encountered those racial road blocks that many minorities face because you are white.
I'm not going to say it's black and white that if you're white.. you make it... you're a minority.. you don''s not that simplistic.

However you can't deny that there is a certain privilege that is afforded to white males on a whole.
Just one look at the business world will tell you that.

Now that's the truth right there.

I still would like to hear more though.  Put it this way if you look at all the young shoe collectors and the general taste in "average white girls" I know that NT is filled with these cats. 

Don't feel guilty to post your life experiences,  this is a thread to learn about one another not attack anyone.  

Also, middle class can be different for each family that lives in the same neighborhood.  Alot of you guys think just because somebody lives near you or goes to school with you they have the same financial situation and come from a similar background.  That's not always true. 

And to the dude that said "you still a N in a coupe" ain't lying.  You'd be surprised at how ugly the world can be at times.  When I was in middle school I used to hang with 2 dudes.  Ryan and Wesley.  Ryan was mixed (dad black and mom white) and Wesley was white.  We all would hoop in their driveways, play video games in each others house, etc.  Normal kid stuff.  So one day I'm killing them in the drive way like usual and Wesley's little brother comes up to me outta no where says "hey wayne you're a N".  A kid that was probably 10 years old just called me a N.  I was didn't even know how to react.  I asked him what he said just to be sure and without hesitation he said it again "you're a N".  Then Wesley was like
 and grabbed him and took him in the house.  Wes said sorry and I think later the kid was forced to apologize.   I am playing with my friends and I have to hear that?

Now that I'm grown I can see what really happened.  The kid obviously learned the word from his house.  I always had the "redneck" vibe from his fam but I didn't really care because I thought they were cool.  But now that I look back I can remember their Dad having a real ugly side.  I remember times when we would play basketball the Dad would be rooting for Wesley and getting mad when he lost to me like usual.  It was probably like Magic vs Bird in his eyes.
 I could see the disappointment in his whole vibe. The worst was when me and Wesley got in a fight in their yard and dude sat there and cheered his kid on.  You can say it was to "make him a man" but as an adult in the suburbs you need to break it up man.  Fighting doesn't really solve anything.  He was hoping to see his white son kick my black butt, and it didn't happen.  So you can only imagine what those kids were hearing inside that home.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I knew this thread was really about black people.
 actually it's not.  I was responding to some comments made by somebody else on the last pages and to dirty.

Originally Posted by HankMoody

I knew this thread was really about black people.
 actually it's not.  I was responding to some comments made by somebody else on the last pages and to dirty.

Originally Posted by aphexacid

I'm Serbian, and was born there. But to all of you, since my skin is white, you'll call me white. So since you're interested, here you go:

Q: Did you go to college?

A: We had no money for college. And i had no time for it. I had to work.

Q: Who was your role model growing up?

A: My Mother. She raised me, my sister, and a half brother by herself working as a cleaning lady.

Q: What is your circle of friends like?

A: European mostly. My Fiance is middle eastern, so add in her family as well, cousins etc. One of which is pretty much the ONLY Jordan fanatic that i know in real life. Thats why i'm on NikeTalk.
You guys are the only ones i get to talk shop with.

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: Like i said, my mom and dad came here from Serbia about 31 years ago. Neither spoke english at all. They lived with a family friend until my father and mother found jobs. 6 months into living in the good ole USA, my dad left my mother. He decided to open his own custodial company. then later a trucking company. He became very successful.
Meanwhile, my mother took me, my sister, and a half brother from my fathers previous marriage, to a studio apt in Chicago. I was about months old.
My father took my half brother away about 6 months after they divorced. So it was me, my sis and my Mom. My Mom did her absolute best. She worked hard everyday, learned english and put in 110% at her job. She would go without on many occasions so that my sister and i could have our "wants".

As time went on, things got a bit easier. My mom was making more money, my sister was married, and it was just me and my mom. I got a job as soon as was able to. And we lived decently until i got into my 20's.

Throughout all this, never a dime from my father. I grew up hating him, and what he did. And having to see him on occasion with his new family, living the good life.

When i was about 23 years old, he got a divorce yet again. And HE came looking for me. I wanted nothing to do with him. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) forced me to be civil. She talked me into hearing him out. So i did. And i let him have it. I told him everything i ever felt, and wanted to tell him.

Long story short, i have a relationship with him today. He sold off his trucking company to fund a wild idea, that could have crashed and burned, but made him a pretty penny. And today, i'm apart of his investment firm. And i get to take care of my momma now.

Q: What type of women have you dated?

A: Ive been with all kinds. american (white) girls, mexican, puerto rican, filipino, middle eastern, all kinds of Europeans. My favorite is the middle eastern. I liked it enough to put a ring on it.

Q: How did your siblings turn out?

A: They turned out great. But almost completely removed themselves from my family. One thing i will never do is leave my mothers side, and now my fathers as well. I'll always be here for them.

Q: Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents?

A: Yes. Im Serbian Orthodox. And as far as morals, a big yes. My parents are both amazing humans. My fathers made a lot of mistakes, but he's never hurt anyone. And my mom has saint status. I've been called old school, or what have you. But its a part of my culture, and thats who we are. And i will carry it on.

Q: Do you have a criminal record?

A: Yes. I had anger issues when i was younger. And i went to a really bad Chicago public high school. I don't take too kindly to people who like to mouth off.
Also, i got cought up in money laundering when i was 19. Dont ask, long story. I've been an angel since then.

Thats pretty much me. My fondest memories have always been with my Mom. She watched the bulls with me on tv, and saved all the spare money she could to buy me the new jordans once a year.

Thats what i remind her of when she goes off the deep end about how many shoes i have lol
Holy @+*@ 
I have a really close friend who's Serbian and you guys life almost sounds identical...especially the father/mother relationship part. I had to double check some parts of your story just to make sure it wasn't him
Originally Posted by aphexacid

I'm Serbian, and was born there. But to all of you, since my skin is white, you'll call me white. So since you're interested, here you go:

Q: Did you go to college?

A: We had no money for college. And i had no time for it. I had to work.

Q: Who was your role model growing up?

A: My Mother. She raised me, my sister, and a half brother by herself working as a cleaning lady.

Q: What is your circle of friends like?

A: European mostly. My Fiance is middle eastern, so add in her family as well, cousins etc. One of which is pretty much the ONLY Jordan fanatic that i know in real life. Thats why i'm on NikeTalk.
You guys are the only ones i get to talk shop with.

Q: What jobs did your parents have?

A: Like i said, my mom and dad came here from Serbia about 31 years ago. Neither spoke english at all. They lived with a family friend until my father and mother found jobs. 6 months into living in the good ole USA, my dad left my mother. He decided to open his own custodial company. then later a trucking company. He became very successful.
Meanwhile, my mother took me, my sister, and a half brother from my fathers previous marriage, to a studio apt in Chicago. I was about months old.
My father took my half brother away about 6 months after they divorced. So it was me, my sis and my Mom. My Mom did her absolute best. She worked hard everyday, learned english and put in 110% at her job. She would go without on many occasions so that my sister and i could have our "wants".

As time went on, things got a bit easier. My mom was making more money, my sister was married, and it was just me and my mom. I got a job as soon as was able to. And we lived decently until i got into my 20's.

Throughout all this, never a dime from my father. I grew up hating him, and what he did. And having to see him on occasion with his new family, living the good life.

When i was about 23 years old, he got a divorce yet again. And HE came looking for me. I wanted nothing to do with him. My fiance (girlfriend at the time) forced me to be civil. She talked me into hearing him out. So i did. And i let him have it. I told him everything i ever felt, and wanted to tell him.

Long story short, i have a relationship with him today. He sold off his trucking company to fund a wild idea, that could have crashed and burned, but made him a pretty penny. And today, i'm apart of his investment firm. And i get to take care of my momma now.

Q: What type of women have you dated?

A: Ive been with all kinds. american (white) girls, mexican, puerto rican, filipino, middle eastern, all kinds of Europeans. My favorite is the middle eastern. I liked it enough to put a ring on it.

Q: How did your siblings turn out?

A: They turned out great. But almost completely removed themselves from my family. One thing i will never do is leave my mothers side, and now my fathers as well. I'll always be here for them.

Q: Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents?

A: Yes. Im Serbian Orthodox. And as far as morals, a big yes. My parents are both amazing humans. My fathers made a lot of mistakes, but he's never hurt anyone. And my mom has saint status. I've been called old school, or what have you. But its a part of my culture, and thats who we are. And i will carry it on.

Q: Do you have a criminal record?

A: Yes. I had anger issues when i was younger. And i went to a really bad Chicago public high school. I don't take too kindly to people who like to mouth off.
Also, i got cought up in money laundering when i was 19. Dont ask, long story. I've been an angel since then.

Thats pretty much me. My fondest memories have always been with my Mom. She watched the bulls with me on tv, and saved all the spare money she could to buy me the new jordans once a year.

Thats what i remind her of when she goes off the deep end about how many shoes i have lol
Holy @+*@ 
I have a really close friend who's Serbian and you guys life almost sounds identical...especially the father/mother relationship part. I had to double check some parts of your story just to make sure it wasn't him
im white and fall under middle class. probably closer to low or mid, def. not upper middle class.
father does construction. mom does part-time work fork a public school. both came here from Italy in the mid 70s. neither of them finished High School.
they rented an apartment for 20+ years til we finally bought a house a few years ago.
im graduating college. no i dont have the money for college.its ALL on student loans, under MY name.
sister and brother already graduated college. other sister is in college
No one in my family (6 of us) has a criminal record.

people think middle class, white middle class have nothing to worry problems? my family has those.,just liek everyone else. its hard making ends meet, esp. the past couple of years.but we all have to chip in to get bills,school,etc. paid.
as for race, I get looked at like Im the scum of the earth when I take public transportation or heading to school (majority white population in a rundown area of NY). People think I HAVE IT MADE, why? cause Im white? yea riiiight. I wish i had it made. everything my family and I have,we worked HARD for it....My parents worked 2+ jobs since day 1 they came to this siblings and I have all had jobs from atleast 13 years old, even if it was making $4-5 an hour. Went to school 8-230pm and worked after that til night and weekends. while being active in sports and maintaining high grades (we all graduated elementary school and HS with High Honors, and college with atleast a 3.0)....nothing is easy. nothing is free. regardless of race,color,religion, or class, you have to WORK for things.
im white and fall under middle class. probably closer to low or mid, def. not upper middle class.
father does construction. mom does part-time work fork a public school. both came here from Italy in the mid 70s. neither of them finished High School.
they rented an apartment for 20+ years til we finally bought a house a few years ago.
im graduating college. no i dont have the money for college.its ALL on student loans, under MY name.
sister and brother already graduated college. other sister is in college
No one in my family (6 of us) has a criminal record.

people think middle class, white middle class have nothing to worry problems? my family has those.,just liek everyone else. its hard making ends meet, esp. the past couple of years.but we all have to chip in to get bills,school,etc. paid.
as for race, I get looked at like Im the scum of the earth when I take public transportation or heading to school (majority white population in a rundown area of NY). People think I HAVE IT MADE, why? cause Im white? yea riiiight. I wish i had it made. everything my family and I have,we worked HARD for it....My parents worked 2+ jobs since day 1 they came to this siblings and I have all had jobs from atleast 13 years old, even if it was making $4-5 an hour. Went to school 8-230pm and worked after that til night and weekends. while being active in sports and maintaining high grades (we all graduated elementary school and HS with High Honors, and college with atleast a 3.0)....nothing is easy. nothing is free. regardless of race,color,religion, or class, you have to WORK for things.
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