So whats it like to be a white male from a middle class family or richer?

Originally Posted by Rocky437

We have a beautiful 5 floor house on an elevated exclusive street overlooking the park and the pond close to downtown Toronto (I live in Canada). My backyard is the grass yard itself - not very big, then theres the ravine. it leads down to the pond where I play ice hockey in the winter, i like it in the evenings when the sky is gorgeous with stars, and canoe in the summer, when I bring a dime girl out for a picnic on the water. I have a view of Toronto's skyline from my balcony (my room has a balcony) and backyard. My sister's room is two floors and she has her own washroom. we have a vacation home up north where i spend time in the summer. Im studying business in university in downtown Toronto. My parents have their own business closeby to our house. Since Im the oldest kid Im taking over their business. I just turned 20 years old. Im tall and handsome and play ball - very casually, every summer evening though with my boys in the hood. I made the university varsity team without ever playing organized ball in my life. I didnt pursue basketball, choosing to focus on academics instead. I can do simple dunk variations without even trying. I have athletic genes - my dad was ranked #1 tennis player in Poland at one time.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.

this statements laughable at best
Originally Posted by PoloLax

no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.

this statements laughable at best
Originally Posted by PoloLax

no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.


Yea, you right, my man Mr. Utendahl has a rough life.  Two daughters going to Ivy league schools, Super Model Fiancee, homes across the world, millions of dollars, his own wall-street firm. He sure has a harder life than the white working class slob who mops floors at Denny's.
Originally Posted by PoloLax

no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.


Yea, you right, my man Mr. Utendahl has a rough life.  Two daughters going to Ivy league schools, Super Model Fiancee, homes across the world, millions of dollars, his own wall-street firm. He sure has a harder life than the white working class slob who mops floors at Denny's.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by PoloLax

no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.

this statements laughable at best


dudes always make this statement to rationalize why their failing.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by PoloLax

no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.

this statements laughable at best


dudes always make this statement to rationalize why their failing.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by PoloLax

no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.

this statements laughable at best


dudes always make this statement to rationalize why their failing.
I thought i was the only one that thought this statement was silly. 
I was about to post about it but didnt feel like getting into the whole "youre white, you cant/dont understand the privileges afforded to you. You never will...." Fact of the matter is, i certainly DO understand it, and im seriously grateful for it. Its great to be white, word to Louis CK. 

"Im not saying that whites are better, im saying that BEING white, is clearly better. Who could even argue?"
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Originally Posted by PoloLax

no matter if your working class white that can barely pay the mortgage on the house you worked everyday of your life to afford when you barely had a pot to piss in, you still have it better then minorities, no matter there circumstance.

this statements laughable at best


dudes always make this statement to rationalize why their failing.
I thought i was the only one that thought this statement was silly. 
I was about to post about it but didnt feel like getting into the whole "youre white, you cant/dont understand the privileges afforded to you. You never will...." Fact of the matter is, i certainly DO understand it, and im seriously grateful for it. Its great to be white, word to Louis CK. 

"Im not saying that whites are better, im saying that BEING white, is clearly better. Who could even argue?"
Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by trak1sh

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

this statements laughable at best


dudes always make this statement to rationalize why their failing.
I thought i was the only one that thought this statement was silly. 
I was about to post about it but didnt feel like getting into the whole "youre white, you cant/dont understand the privileges afforded to you. You never will...." Fact of the matter is, i certainly DO understand it, and im seriously grateful for it. Its great to be white, word to Louis CK. 

"Im not saying that whites are better, im saying that BEING white, is clearly better. Who could even argue?"
it was sarcasm guys. but many in here are stating that white people have it better than minorties even if they are working class or struggling.

Originally Posted by oo206oo

Originally Posted by trak1sh

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

this statements laughable at best


dudes always make this statement to rationalize why their failing.
I thought i was the only one that thought this statement was silly. 
I was about to post about it but didnt feel like getting into the whole "youre white, you cant/dont understand the privileges afforded to you. You never will...." Fact of the matter is, i certainly DO understand it, and im seriously grateful for it. Its great to be white, word to Louis CK. 

"Im not saying that whites are better, im saying that BEING white, is clearly better. Who could even argue?"
it was sarcasm guys. but many in here are stating that white people have it better than minorties even if they are working class or struggling.

If you fall into that category share your stories, beliefs, and upbringing.

I think I qualify...  I have no idea what NT's definition of "rich" is, but I'll just be straight to the point: my father is worth borderline 8 figures, owns various properties, a small accounting firm, etc.  If that isn't what you were looking for, well, disregard the rest.  NOTE: Keep in mind while reading my answers that I grew up predominantly with my mother, who was middle class at best, and I didn't grasp my dad's situation fully until I was like 21 because he has always lived waaaaay below his means (dude drives an '00 Subaru with 200k miles, wears shirts from Wal-Mart to work, and lives in what was once his parent's old one-story house).  As a kid I knew he was doing ok, but I didn't know the extent of it.
Did you go to college?

I'm enrolled in three community college courses at the moment.  I hardly consider myself a "college student" as I only go twice a week and I know damn well that I'm underachieving academically.  School has always come extremely easy to me, I've skated to B averages with almost zero effort my entire life.

How was your role model growing up?

Definitely wasn't my father, and still isn't.  He's been very successful in his business, but we had/have a pretty crappy relationship.  My mom and dad were divorced when i was like 1 year old, and I always got along better with my mom, who was just an average person as far as money goes.  She wasn't my role model either, though.  My role models were always people who were a success doing something in an untraditional way... like people who went their own direction and made it.  Musicians, athletes, people that created something new, stuff like that. 

What is your circle of friends like?

I never had a ton of friends, but they were mostly people I either played basketball or skateboarded with.  I usually had a few really good friends rather than a lot of acquaintances.  My dad took in 12 year old Jamaican kid when I was like 17, he's my closest friend now, like a brother to me.

What jobs did your parents have? 
Dad is a CPA (was also a motel owner for a long time), mom has mostly been a motel manager and sales person at various stores. 

What type of women have you dated?

Not many.  I lack game, and they don't give a flying F that my family has cash at age 22 (not that I go around telling people about it, because I don't, and not that girls should care... I just know how things work sometimes).

How did your siblings turn out?

I don't have any real siblings, but the Jamaican kid is 18 now and he's turned out alright.  I man, he's a tad lazy and just enjoys the ride... he grew up dirt poor, so living with my dad and I has been nothing but a giant vacation for him... he gets to drive a brand new Dodge Ram and gets all the money he needs for food, gas, and crap.  I guess he's been rather spoiled, which is strange, because I was anything but spoiled, but it hasn't effected him that badly.  He's just a little bit lazy, but he'll be ok.

Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents? 
Somewhat.  I share political views with my dad and some moral values with my mom, but we differ in a lot of ways too.

Do you have a criminal record?
I have had a speeding ticket... that's about it.  I've never been a trouble maker. 

Anyway, basically I've grown up as kind of an introverted, regular dude.  No one would suspect that I'm in this situation, I wear basketball shorts and t-shirts most of the time, no fancy clothes or anything.  I drive a decent car, but I bought that myself (couldn't have done it if I had many expenses and my life savings weren't already intact, but I did pay for it), I've always worked a lot.  I guess I'm pretty normal.  If you're wondering, I haven't always been very happy.  I've had issues growing up just like everybody else.  I feel pressure a lot because my grandfather went from nothing to something, and my dad built on that, and I haven't really done anything, and everyone expects a lot out of me.  That kinda sucks sometimes I guess.  I'm definitelty grateful, though, I know I got lucky.
If you fall into that category share your stories, beliefs, and upbringing.

I think I qualify...  I have no idea what NT's definition of "rich" is, but I'll just be straight to the point: my father is worth borderline 8 figures, owns various properties, a small accounting firm, etc.  If that isn't what you were looking for, well, disregard the rest.  NOTE: Keep in mind while reading my answers that I grew up predominantly with my mother, who was middle class at best, and I didn't grasp my dad's situation fully until I was like 21 because he has always lived waaaaay below his means (dude drives an '00 Subaru with 200k miles, wears shirts from Wal-Mart to work, and lives in what was once his parent's old one-story house).  As a kid I knew he was doing ok, but I didn't know the extent of it.
Did you go to college?

I'm enrolled in three community college courses at the moment.  I hardly consider myself a "college student" as I only go twice a week and I know damn well that I'm underachieving academically.  School has always come extremely easy to me, I've skated to B averages with almost zero effort my entire life.

How was your role model growing up?

Definitely wasn't my father, and still isn't.  He's been very successful in his business, but we had/have a pretty crappy relationship.  My mom and dad were divorced when i was like 1 year old, and I always got along better with my mom, who was just an average person as far as money goes.  She wasn't my role model either, though.  My role models were always people who were a success doing something in an untraditional way... like people who went their own direction and made it.  Musicians, athletes, people that created something new, stuff like that. 

What is your circle of friends like?

I never had a ton of friends, but they were mostly people I either played basketball or skateboarded with.  I usually had a few really good friends rather than a lot of acquaintances.  My dad took in 12 year old Jamaican kid when I was like 17, he's my closest friend now, like a brother to me.

What jobs did your parents have? 
Dad is a CPA (was also a motel owner for a long time), mom has mostly been a motel manager and sales person at various stores. 

What type of women have you dated?

Not many.  I lack game, and they don't give a flying F that my family has cash at age 22 (not that I go around telling people about it, because I don't, and not that girls should care... I just know how things work sometimes).

How did your siblings turn out?

I don't have any real siblings, but the Jamaican kid is 18 now and he's turned out alright.  I man, he's a tad lazy and just enjoys the ride... he grew up dirt poor, so living with my dad and I has been nothing but a giant vacation for him... he gets to drive a brand new Dodge Ram and gets all the money he needs for food, gas, and crap.  I guess he's been rather spoiled, which is strange, because I was anything but spoiled, but it hasn't effected him that badly.  He's just a little bit lazy, but he'll be ok.

Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents? 
Somewhat.  I share political views with my dad and some moral values with my mom, but we differ in a lot of ways too.

Do you have a criminal record?
I have had a speeding ticket... that's about it.  I've never been a trouble maker. 

Anyway, basically I've grown up as kind of an introverted, regular dude.  No one would suspect that I'm in this situation, I wear basketball shorts and t-shirts most of the time, no fancy clothes or anything.  I drive a decent car, but I bought that myself (couldn't have done it if I had many expenses and my life savings weren't already intact, but I did pay for it), I've always worked a lot.  I guess I'm pretty normal.  If you're wondering, I haven't always been very happy.  I've had issues growing up just like everybody else.  I feel pressure a lot because my grandfather went from nothing to something, and my dad built on that, and I haven't really done anything, and everyone expects a lot out of me.  That kinda sucks sometimes I guess.  I'm definitelty grateful, though, I know I got lucky.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Pretty sweet, but I bet it'd be almost exactly as sweet to be Asian or black in my exact situation, based on the lives of my friends who are those races and who I know have similar means as my family. Middle class in the suburbs is a damn good gig.

nah, they'd be able to get minority scholarships and financial aid even if they were upper middle class

I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

dont try to tell anyone in here that

dirty struggled in life because hes asian
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Pretty sweet, but I bet it'd be almost exactly as sweet to be Asian or black in my exact situation, based on the lives of my friends who are those races and who I know have similar means as my family. Middle class in the suburbs is a damn good gig.

nah, they'd be able to get minority scholarships and financial aid even if they were upper middle class

I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

dont try to tell anyone in here that

dirty struggled in life because hes asian
59 Piffy wrote:

I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

dont try to tell anyone in here that

dirty struggled in life because hes asian

A lot of you fellow white folks seem to be missing out. You never went to the secret office when you became an adult (18)? You know. The one that has your life already all planned out. I mean you just walk in there and walk out with everything you need. Career, money, love, multiple vacation homes , swimming lessons, all the dogs and cats your heart desires,  personal servants who also double as concubines, your choice of sports car (I'm sorry the Veyron's are currently on backorder), all seasons of Friends and Seinfeld on DVD or Blu Ray!!!,  and 3 wishes from the pasty white genie. 
I'm astonished that so many of you don't know of this. 

PM me and I shall reveal this to you. It is my duty as a fellow white person. Please use discretion when revealing this to non white people. They might get pissed!

Disclaimer: Non whites shall not apply. Good luck in life. TY!
59 Piffy wrote:

I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

dont try to tell anyone in here that

dirty struggled in life because hes asian

A lot of you fellow white folks seem to be missing out. You never went to the secret office when you became an adult (18)? You know. The one that has your life already all planned out. I mean you just walk in there and walk out with everything you need. Career, money, love, multiple vacation homes , swimming lessons, all the dogs and cats your heart desires,  personal servants who also double as concubines, your choice of sports car (I'm sorry the Veyron's are currently on backorder), all seasons of Friends and Seinfeld on DVD or Blu Ray!!!,  and 3 wishes from the pasty white genie. 
I'm astonished that so many of you don't know of this. 

PM me and I shall reveal this to you. It is my duty as a fellow white person. Please use discretion when revealing this to non white people. They might get pissed!

Disclaimer: Non whites shall not apply. Good luck in life. TY!
Okay, I'll bite:

Did you go to college?
Yes, four-year state university, 3.4 GPA overall (much better than I ever did in high school)

How was your role model growing up?
Didn't really have one growing up. I was involved with local community centers so whoever I had a close relationship with in a Teen program was probably closest I had to a role model. I admired my mom for the sacrifices she made and her hard work though (more on that later).

What is your circle of friends like?
Almost all my close friends are from high school. Made no friends in college. All are college educated. For most of my life they came from relatively similar backgrounds (like, pretty much the same neighborhood), but I've gained a couple great friends in the last couple years who come from very different backgrounds (abusive or abandoning fathers, less-than-ideal home life, etc.).

What jobs did your parents have?
Mom worked for a legal publishing company until about 1989 then quit and started her own company (doing the same thing). She started alone with one computer and doing all sales alone...22 years later she has 20 employees and does $2 million in sales annually and is considered one of the best in the country at what she does. My dad worked in banks for years, finally ending at the Federal Reserve. He quit and cashed out his 401k to help my mom get her business going. They've been working together ever since. For a stretch we actually were poor (probably the first decade of having the business), but they were smart with their money. They did get divorced, but it's amicable, just a little weird. Still work together and hang out.

What type of women have you dated?
Never really dated. Not great with women. Always a work in progress.

How did your siblings turn out?
Two older brothers from a previous marriage (we have same father). One's a bus driver, the other is a photographer. My younger brother is a senior in college and is about to graduate.

Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents?
Tricky because they always kind of let me make decisions on my own in regards to what I believe. I agree with them on some things, but not others.

Do you have a criminal record?
Okay, I'll bite:

Did you go to college?
Yes, four-year state university, 3.4 GPA overall (much better than I ever did in high school)

How was your role model growing up?
Didn't really have one growing up. I was involved with local community centers so whoever I had a close relationship with in a Teen program was probably closest I had to a role model. I admired my mom for the sacrifices she made and her hard work though (more on that later).

What is your circle of friends like?
Almost all my close friends are from high school. Made no friends in college. All are college educated. For most of my life they came from relatively similar backgrounds (like, pretty much the same neighborhood), but I've gained a couple great friends in the last couple years who come from very different backgrounds (abusive or abandoning fathers, less-than-ideal home life, etc.).

What jobs did your parents have?
Mom worked for a legal publishing company until about 1989 then quit and started her own company (doing the same thing). She started alone with one computer and doing all sales alone...22 years later she has 20 employees and does $2 million in sales annually and is considered one of the best in the country at what she does. My dad worked in banks for years, finally ending at the Federal Reserve. He quit and cashed out his 401k to help my mom get her business going. They've been working together ever since. For a stretch we actually were poor (probably the first decade of having the business), but they were smart with their money. They did get divorced, but it's amicable, just a little weird. Still work together and hang out.

What type of women have you dated?
Never really dated. Not great with women. Always a work in progress.

How did your siblings turn out?
Two older brothers from a previous marriage (we have same father). One's a bus driver, the other is a photographer. My younger brother is a senior in college and is about to graduate.

Do you share the same morals and beliefs as your parents?
Tricky because they always kind of let me make decisions on my own in regards to what I believe. I agree with them on some things, but not others.

Do you have a criminal record?
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

59 Piffy wrote:

I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

dont try to tell anyone in here that

dirty struggled in life because hes asian

A lot of you fellow white folks seem to be missing out. You never went to the secret office when you became an adult (18)? You know. The one that has your life already all planned out. I mean you just walk in there and walk out with everything you need. Career, money, love, multiple vacation homes , swimming lessons, all the dogs and cats your heart desires,  personal servants who also double as concubines, your choice of sports car (I'm sorry the Veyron's are currently on backorder), all seasons of Friends and Seinfeld on DVD or Blu Ray!!!,  and 3 wishes from the pasty white genie. 
I'm astonished that so many of you don't know of this. 

PM me and I shall reveal this to you. It is my duty as a fellow white person. Please use discretion when revealing this to non white people. They might get pissed!

Disclaimer: Non whites shall not apply. Good luck in life. TY!

@ how you conveniently put in swimming lessons in there,
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

59 Piffy wrote:

I'm 25 and there isn't a damn thing I've gotten from simply being white ...

dont try to tell anyone in here that

dirty struggled in life because hes asian

A lot of you fellow white folks seem to be missing out. You never went to the secret office when you became an adult (18)? You know. The one that has your life already all planned out. I mean you just walk in there and walk out with everything you need. Career, money, love, multiple vacation homes , swimming lessons, all the dogs and cats your heart desires,  personal servants who also double as concubines, your choice of sports car (I'm sorry the Veyron's are currently on backorder), all seasons of Friends and Seinfeld on DVD or Blu Ray!!!,  and 3 wishes from the pasty white genie. 
I'm astonished that so many of you don't know of this. 

PM me and I shall reveal this to you. It is my duty as a fellow white person. Please use discretion when revealing this to non white people. They might get pissed!

Disclaimer: Non whites shall not apply. Good luck in life. TY!

@ how you conveniently put in swimming lessons in there,
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

59 Piffy wrote:

dont try to tell anyone in here that

dirty struggled in life because hes asian
A lot of you fellow white folks seem to be missing out. You never went to the secret office when you became an adult (18)? You know. The one that has your life already all planned out. I mean you just walk in there and walk out with everything you need. Career, money, love, multiple vacation homes , swimming lessons, all the dogs and cats your heart desires,  personal servants who also double as concubines, your choice of sports car (I'm sorry the Veyron's are currently on backorder), all seasons of Friends and Seinfeld on DVD or Blu Ray!!!,  and 3 wishes from the pasty white genie. 
I'm astonished that so many of you don't know of this. 

PM me and I shall reveal this to you. It is my duty as a fellow white person. Please use discretion when revealing this to non white people. They might get pissed!

Disclaimer: Non whites shall not apply. Good luck in life. TY!

@ how you conveniently put in swimming lessons in there,

What's so funny? It's requisite. 
It'd be a shame to be given multiple beach front homes and not be able to take advantage the extravagant white sand beaches. 

I really shouldn't be saying this but after you hit 50 you can walk on water; White water privileges. Idk. Privileges here, privileges there, privileges everywhere. 

Btw, having 3 penises is awesome. No down time between ejaculating. White penis privilege. It's great to be White!  It never ends!
Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

59 Piffy wrote:

dont try to tell anyone in here that

dirty struggled in life because hes asian
A lot of you fellow white folks seem to be missing out. You never went to the secret office when you became an adult (18)? You know. The one that has your life already all planned out. I mean you just walk in there and walk out with everything you need. Career, money, love, multiple vacation homes , swimming lessons, all the dogs and cats your heart desires,  personal servants who also double as concubines, your choice of sports car (I'm sorry the Veyron's are currently on backorder), all seasons of Friends and Seinfeld on DVD or Blu Ray!!!,  and 3 wishes from the pasty white genie. 
I'm astonished that so many of you don't know of this. 

PM me and I shall reveal this to you. It is my duty as a fellow white person. Please use discretion when revealing this to non white people. They might get pissed!

Disclaimer: Non whites shall not apply. Good luck in life. TY!

@ how you conveniently put in swimming lessons in there,

What's so funny? It's requisite. 
It'd be a shame to be given multiple beach front homes and not be able to take advantage the extravagant white sand beaches. 

I really shouldn't be saying this but after you hit 50 you can walk on water; White water privileges. Idk. Privileges here, privileges there, privileges everywhere. 

Btw, having 3 penises is awesome. No down time between ejaculating. White penis privilege. It's great to be White!  It never ends!
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