They gonna try and get fluid out his spine today also
To check to see if there’s anything there
You mentioned he wasnt resting sleeping too. Aka sleep deprivation, that causes psychosis too. Same thing happened to kanye.
Yeah but he can’t sleep
BECAUSE of the “people” he’s seeing
Not seeing “people” cause he’s tired
Just once and it was while trying to stand up
In front of the toilet
He peed everywhere
Have they checked for something called Normal Pressure hydrocephalus?
Urinary incontinence, gait disturbance, and altered mental status are the triad hallmark for it.

MRI should diagnose it, a lumbar puncture would relieve the pressure in the brain and normalize symptoms
Yeah. Basically boils down to how well the doctors and nurses documented everything.

If there's even something SOMEWHAT questionable about the documentation the hospital is most likely gonna settle outside of court. They don't want that smoke.
r u a nurse, doctor, or lawyer by chance?
They did an mri
gonna do another today as well
They mentioned something about a lumbar
Not sure if they did or gonna do one
Doctor and nurses and saying a bunch of tests were done
And some gonna do again
Others not needed
But a full blood work was done I remember that
And everything was normal
They did mention checking the oxygen in his blood
To make sure
No telling what’s wrong with him. If I had to guess myself I would think it was a med interaction.
I had an elderly patient once that took Parkinson’s meds and was also a psych patient. He began acting similar to what you described. Hallucinating, feeling like people were under his bed, claiming he was being raped at night and he lived alone. The psych Dr. was adjusting his meds but it didn’t help so we got him an appt. with his Parkinson’s dr. He adjusted his meds and kept him in a geropsych unit for a week and it cleared up.
No telling what’s wrong with him. If I had to guess myself I would think it was a med interaction.
I had an elderly patient once that took Parkinson’s meds and was also a psych patient. He began acting similar to what you described. Hallucinating, feeling like people were under his bed, claiming he was being raped at night and he lived alone. The psych Dr. was adjusting his meds but it didn’t help so we got him an appt. with his Parkinson’s dr. He adjusted his meds and kept him in a geropsych unit for a week and it cleared up.
Yeah but if that was the case
His primary doctor who he’s seen
As well as the other doctors while he’s been an inpatient 3 times in the past month
Would have caught that by now
PLUS any new meds that were added
Were only during his first hospitalization
He finished those after a few days
So he’s not taking anything new
Who were those girls you said he was supposed to send money to? his sidepieces?
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Who were thkse girls you said he was supposed to send money to? his sidepieces?
Most likely and far more common.

Friend's dad bounced on his wife after 30 years to live with some young chick in the PI.
Visiting him right now before our trip to la
They saying he been having A typical seizures
And more labs
Determined His blood gas is normal

bruh :rofl::rofl:
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