So I Just sent my Calc professor an... interesting... email. What y'all think?


Writing lasts forever. Who knows who he shows the email to, or etc...

You're not the first to have a bad teacher, but let me ask you it ALL on the professor? Or is there some responsibility you need to take for not properly learning.

Can you make more of an effort to learn the material?

I'd be willing there's room for improvement on both sides. Maybe you have to make your Calculus book your best friend, so be it. Do what You have to do.

But don't use the professor as a cop out.

If you did send the email, I think it would be a good idea to follow up with the man in person. Shows how serious you are and that you really want to do well.
Plus, it will clear the air and make sure he doesn't slight you in grading, especially for finals, where you may never see your test results.
good luck, let us know what happens
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

It is well-written IMO. I like that you stated twice that you were not attempting to insult him or his intelligence. E-mails can be tough because people will take the wrong context. Best of luck to you on the exam and finishing the course. Calculus is a %$@$+!
eh.. that's like saying.. "no offense,..." and then following it with an offensive statement.
Originally Posted by AntBanks81

It is well-written IMO. I like that you stated twice that you were not attempting to insult him or his intelligence. E-mails can be tough because people will take the wrong context. Best of luck to you on the exam and finishing the course. Calculus is a %$@$+!
eh.. that's like saying.. "no offense,..." and then following it with an offensive statement.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

It is well-written IMO. I like that you stated twice that you were not attempting to insult him or his intelligence. E-mails can be tough because people will take the wrong context. Best of luck to you on the exam and finishing the course. Calculus is a %$@$+!
eh.. that's like saying.. "no offense,..." and then following it with an offensive statement.
exactly, if you weren't saying anything insulting in the email then you wouldn't have to clarify that you're not insulting him..especially twice
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

It is well-written IMO. I like that you stated twice that you were not attempting to insult him or his intelligence. E-mails can be tough because people will take the wrong context. Best of luck to you on the exam and finishing the course. Calculus is a %$@$+!
eh.. that's like saying.. "no offense,..." and then following it with an offensive statement.
exactly, if you weren't saying anything insulting in the email then you wouldn't have to clarify that you're not insulting him..especially twice
He doesn't sound so bad. That's how calculus goes. What have you been doing to supplement his 'deficiencies?'
He doesn't sound so bad. That's how calculus goes. What have you been doing to supplement his 'deficiencies?'
I hope, for your sake OP, that you haven't sent the email yet. This "constructive criticism" thing doesn't work if you don't suggest any changes. There's a difference between being offensive and being collaborative. If you still haven't sent the email, I suggest you be less person-oriented (stray away from attacking his capabilities and teaching methods so much) and more problem-oriented (focus more on issues and suggestions).
But I agree with the rest, if you can talk to him face-to-face, that would be best.
I hope, for your sake OP, that you haven't sent the email yet. This "constructive criticism" thing doesn't work if you don't suggest any changes. There's a difference between being offensive and being collaborative. If you still haven't sent the email, I suggest you be less person-oriented (stray away from attacking his capabilities and teaching methods so much) and more problem-oriented (focus more on issues and suggestions).
But I agree with the rest, if you can talk to him face-to-face, that would be best.
E-mailing him to criticize him was probably not the best decision. If you had a sit down and brought up the same exact points not only would it hold more merit, but also like someone else said its never good to criticize your professor in writing cause when grading time comes he'll read that over and you know the rest.

A sit down and an e-mail to the head of the math department at your school; or the dean if the professor gets really out of pocket would have been the best thing to do IMO.

For the record when I took calculus it was mainly the professor just doing a bunch of problems as well and I got an F but it was completely my fault. 
 at thinking I could even sniff passing cal sleeping in class the majority of the time 
E-mailing him to criticize him was probably not the best decision. If you had a sit down and brought up the same exact points not only would it hold more merit, but also like someone else said its never good to criticize your professor in writing cause when grading time comes he'll read that over and you know the rest.

A sit down and an e-mail to the head of the math department at your school; or the dean if the professor gets really out of pocket would have been the best thing to do IMO.

For the record when I took calculus it was mainly the professor just doing a bunch of problems as well and I got an F but it was completely my fault. 
 at thinking I could even sniff passing cal sleeping in class the majority of the time 
Have you gone to office hours to get help? If not, that e-mail is going straight to the trash, which oddly a place that is probably going to reflect your grade.
Have you gone to office hours to get help? If not, that e-mail is going straight to the trash, which oddly a place that is probably going to reflect your grade.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So did you send it?

Why not have one of us send it as a "Parent of one of the students."

Someone drafts it, and I will send it to him if you give me the address.

You don't need your blood on it, you have to see him every day.
You serious?
I am dead serious. I am sure that would have put OP in a better situation that he currently is in. What is the worse that could happen in MY situation? The teacher is aware of his deficiencies? Writing an anonymous email to the teacher doesn't hurt any specific student like the current situation did.
Originally Posted by BK201

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So did you send it?

Why not have one of us send it as a "Parent of one of the students."

Someone drafts it, and I will send it to him if you give me the address.

You don't need your blood on it, you have to see him every day.
You serious?
I am dead serious. I am sure that would have put OP in a better situation that he currently is in. What is the worse that could happen in MY situation? The teacher is aware of his deficiencies? Writing an anonymous email to the teacher doesn't hurt any specific student like the current situation did.
its much easier to just see your prof. during his/her office hours. you get an immediate response, and if you don't like it then turn around and head straight for the dept. head secretary to book an appt. i have done that a few times, and each time the issue(s) were resolved.
its much easier to just see your prof. during his/her office hours. you get an immediate response, and if you don't like it then turn around and head straight for the dept. head secretary to book an appt. i have done that a few times, and each time the issue(s) were resolved.
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