So I Got Into An Argument At The Gym... VOl. D rose

I'll take the two PG's who could very well end up top 10 all-time at their positions over a guy who supposedly half-+!!%! it. Athleticism is great, butwhat good is it if you don't go 100% at all times so your team has a better chance to win? Effort and production are a whole separate thing (see BaronDavis).
Originally Posted by jumpmantwenty3

I'll take the two PG's who could very well end up top 10 all-time at their positions over a guy who supposedly half-+!!%! it. Athleticism is great, but what good is it if you don't go 100% at all times so your team has a better chance to win? Effort and production are a whole separate thing (see Baron Davis).
thats why none of yall would be for good players does not equal a good team..other than that refer to seymore cakes response..andthat laid back sh** i was talking about with rose..thats his mentality..its not really half assing...he needs a diff mentallity ...point blank period
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by jumpmantwenty3

I'll take the two PG's who could very well end up top 10 all-time at their positions over a guy who supposedly half-+!!%! it. Athleticism is great, but what good is it if you don't go 100% at all times so your team has a better chance to win? Effort and production are a whole separate thing (see Baron Davis).
thats why none of yall would be for good players does not equal a good team..other than that refer to seymore cakes response..and that laid back sh** i was talking about with rose..thats his mentality..its not really half assing...he needs a diff mentallity ...point blank period
All Im saying is that unless Chris Paul suffers some kinda freak injury (knock on wood), hell be the best PG in the league for the next 7-10years... And thats not a knock to DRose or any other PG that can potentially be a star.

Chris Pauls game is just wayyy beyond his years.
People saying they can't see Rose being better than CP3 are narrow minded. Why can't he be? I mean, who called it, seeing CP3 panning out to be thisgood? From jump street, people were questioning why the Jazz took Deron over CP3. For awhile they were justified. Then CP3 came into his own and now, both areelite PG's. Rose as is, in his first full year is showing a lot more than what CP3 and D-Will did in their first years. You gotta keep him and hope he pansout, as, he has the potential to be better than both.
D. Rose has the ability to revolutionize the PG position.

But like I said in that other post, we're really witnessing something special with all these über talented PG's.
rose is another iverson. immense talent, but will ultimately take him nowhere as far as team success. he is nowhere near paul or williams. honestly i'dprobably trade him for jamal crawford or rondo.
You either haven't seen him much or don't really understand basketball, bro. He is nothing like Iverson.

He may not be as good of a distributor as CP or DWill (yet), but he has damn good court vision. He doesn't try to do too much like an Iverson or B. Diddy.If anything, it's like the boy Illinois said, he can be too timid and lethargic at times, but I think he'll grow out of it.
Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Originally Posted by jefffort5

Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

Basketball skills > Speed and athleticism. CP3 > Deron >>>>> Rose. Paul is a top 5 player in the NBA right now IMO. In terms of starting a franchise RIGHT NOW I can only think of 2 other players you could take before him, LeBron and Dwight (Kobe too but he's getting up there in age). I seriously doubt Rose will ever be as great as Paul is, but he will be a very good player. I think some people are failing to realize how much of a monster Paul is...

i honestly dont think ppl dnt realize how nonchalant rose is playing right now..but i think only ppl from chicago would kno diss..just being honest...for example..he won the skills challenge..and he was going extra slow..i mean real slow

And playing nonchalant would be a good quality to have...? I'm confused.
guess u missed my other posts.but ill clear it saying the way he plays(nonchalant)..and the way he performs now...just give hime a couple yrs when he gets a killer instinct...he has a tremendous upside..

Obviously he has upside, anybody can see that. But playing nonchalant is not a good thing
No that's crazy. Rose is the next Iverson. He gets spacing to free up other people like nobody else. He can finish around the rim like no one his size.
Originally Posted by mjs24chicago

No that's crazy. Rose is the next Iverson. He gets spacing to free up other people like nobody else. He can finish around the rim like no one his size.
Son called Rose the next Iverson? If I was D. Rose I would take that as an insult
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

While Pooh may have better individual players, thats just it they play for themselves not their role or strengths, this is partly due to coaching. Chris has an all star in David west and a defensive presence in Tyson (where the +#%@ was this while you were here you douche) and legit shooters and everybody knows their role which makes for a more cohesive unit and allows him to succeed.

This is what it comes down to when having a conversation like this. You fail to realize or take into consideration that Pooh would be a sophmore in college right now. He is far more advanced at this age/baskietball yrs playing than they were. Chris had two yrs to develop in college and Deron had 3 so you would expect them to be more defined as players than he is.

However if you judge them at the same levels interms of age/amount of time playing (ala at 19/20 Chris v Deron v Derrick) He's the no brainer as to who's better. In two yrs we'll see what his work ethic is like and how he develops(he's already improved his jumpshot tremendously which is a good sign) but as of right now, I might be reserved in keeping Pooh and if it came back to bite me in the *!# that would just be a chance I'd have to take.

With out Chris Paul Tyson would just be another rebounder. I don't know if you watch many of the games but he really does benefit from having CP. I mean weare missing two starters and he is still doing what he is doing and it is simpily amazing. Yes we don't know how D.Rose will pan out but at this point if Iwas the bull GM I would take that trade in a heart beat. The players on your team are far more talented than what N.O has with the exception of David West. Youguys have Hinrich, Gordon, Ty, Salmos(SP?), Noah, Miller, and Deng. Not counting west our only other talented person is JuJu and Bop. The only reason we arewinning is as you said is because these players know their roles but you can not honestly believe that CP3 would not at the minimum bump them up to a top 4team in the East.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

rose is another iverson. immense talent, but will ultimately take him nowhere as far as team success. he is nowhere near paul or williams. honestly i'd probably trade him for jamal crawford or rondo.
This guy said he'd trade him for crawford
You can not be serious...
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

rose is another iverson. immense talent, but will ultimately take him nowhere as far as team success. he is nowhere near paul or williams. honestly i'd probably trade him for jamal crawford or rondo.
i've been around cp3 since i was in middle i'm very biased when it comes to him of course.....

but if you switched cp3 w/ d rose....the bulls would be top 3 in the east and the hornets wouldn't even be in playoff contention this year...i reallybelieve that
Originally Posted by AC4Three

Hard to say. Chris Paul and Derron Williams are definitely better at this point, but you never know what will happen...
Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Originally Posted by mjs24chicago

No that's crazy. Rose is the next Iverson. He gets spacing to free up other people like nobody else. He can finish around the rim like no one his size.
Son called Rose the next Iverson? If I was D. Rose I would take that as an insult

no you wouldn't you wish someone called you the next iverson
PLEASE PLEASE..dont make ignorant comments like derrick rose doesnt have basketball skills..or he is just athletic. the kid has a damn near money15-18footer(his mechanics suck ok so), he knows when to pass and when to shoot, he makes great passes all the time..his only flaws are his 1.aggressiveness..hewould be averaging 20-22 a game if he took games over from the start instead of wanting to be liked aka get others involved. I think dwill and cp3 were muchmore aggressive and outspoken. 2. his defensive postioning..he TRIES to play defense and he is damn well athletic enough however he has problems positioninghimself somethin hell learn. GOODBYE
Originally Posted by haiti5

PLEASE PLEASE..dont make ignorant comments like derrick rose doesnt have basketball skills..or he is just athletic. the kid has a damn near money15-18 footer(his mechanics suck ok so), he knows when to pass and when to shoot, he makes great passes all the time..his only flaws are his 1.aggressiveness..he would be averaging 20-22 a game if he took games over from the start instead of wanting to be liked aka get others involved. I think dwill and cp3 were much more aggressive and outspoken. 2. his defensive postioning..he TRIES to play defense and he is damn well athletic enough however he has problems positioning himself somethin hell learn. GOODBYE
No one is making ignorant posts. I am not questioning his skill I just don't believe that he can impact a team as much as the other twoplayers being mentioned but we won't truly know this for at least another 2 years. I don't think no one is questioning his individuals skills peopleare just comparing to see will he impact his team as much as the previous two.
drose has much game and a tremendous upside, but remember he's only a rookie learning how to play to most difficult position at the highest level. Givethe kid a break, he still needs time to learn and grow.
Originally Posted by yungchris504

Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

While Pooh may have better individual players, thats just it they play for themselves not their role or strengths, this is partly due to coaching. Chris has an all star in David west and a defensive presence in Tyson (where the +#%@ was this while you were here you douche) and legit shooters and everybody knows their role which makes for a more cohesive unit and allows him to succeed.

This is what it comes down to when having a conversation like this. You fail to realize or take into consideration that Pooh would be a sophmore in college right now. He is far more advanced at this age/baskietball yrs playing than they were. Chris had two yrs to develop in college and Deron had 3 so you would expect them to be more defined as players than he is.

However if you judge them at the same levels interms of age/amount of time playing (ala at 19/20 Chris v Deron v Derrick) He's the no brainer as to who's better. In two yrs we'll see what his work ethic is like and how he develops(he's already improved his jumpshot tremendously which is a good sign) but as of right now, I might be reserved in keeping Pooh and if it came back to bite me in the *!# that would just be a chance I'd have to take.

With out Chris Paul Tyson would just be another rebounder. I don't know if you watch many of the games but he really does benefit from having CP. I mean we are missing two starters and he is still doing what he is doing and it is simpily amazing. Yes we don't know how D.Rose will pan out but at this point if I was the bull GM I would take that trade in a heart beat. The players on your team are far more talented than what N.O has with the exception of David West. You guys have Hinrich, Gordon, Ty, Salmos(SP?), Noah, Miller, and Deng. Not counting west our only other talented person is JuJu and Bop. The only reason we are winning is as you said is because these players know their roles but you can not honestly believe that CP3 would not at the minimum bump them up to a top 4 team in the East.

1) I'm not sure if you actually read what I typed or just saw I named some players and then just began typing but anyway, I've seen plenty of Tyson hewas a bull for 4yrs and I still believe he's some piss on the offensive end so his production on that end is definitely attributed to Chris and I neverdenied that. I said his defensive presence as a shot blocker and on the boards is something Pooh doesn't have and desperately needs. Knowing you have a 7foot shot blocker protecting the goal allows you to be more aggressive with on ball defense as well as the passing lanes because you have somewhat of a safetynet. It aids your ability to play defense.

2) You're talking about talent I'm talking about cohesiveness which is something that is as important if not more important. I don't care if youhave 5 players with all star ability, if they aren't willing to submit to the team and channel their ability to help the team progress then ultimately theywon't be %%@#. I'm not sure if you watch many bulls games but everybody on that court minus Pooh, Brad Miller, and Tyrus as of late are solelyconcerned with getting theirs. Everybody has their own agenda. Kirk trying to prove that he should still be the starting point guard, Ben is playing for acontract, Deng is just satisfied that he got his contract so he's just there, Tim Thomas plays whenever the hell he wants too, Salmons is trying to proveto everyone that he's an elite guard.

There is no team atmosphere, no cohesiveness everybody is for self, and nobody has a defined role. Not taking anything away from Chris or Deron but this issomething that you can't say about the Hornets or the Jazz.
Im not going to read through all of it.. But, If I were the Bulls I would not trade Derrick Rose for those pg's either.. Not saying he's better thenthem individually at this point, but who is to say he won't improve.. This is only his rookie year and I believe he will be one of the top point guardseasy.. Mike conley right behind
... Followed by Ramon Sessions ..
Honestly though.. Derrick Rose is already improving his jumper, just needs to work more on his defense.. I mean he's a rookie lol.. Dude is basically thefuture of the league..
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