Zik - I've come to the conclusion that you just a angry individual.
Fine :lol:

I'll chalk this up to how I post and how others choose to read it. Not the first time I've been calm and even affable in arguments/discussions/conversations and ppl choose to put on their empathy caps and tell me I'm mad or my jimmies are rustled or w/e else cuz I throw in a few curse words or post a certain way

I seen you get intense in lighthearted threads about prostitutes that live in a house together and twerk.
Case in point, all that in the Draya thread was fake outrage just with the continued joke of exiling broads like Koolio and the variant Kim K.

You never really saw that. If I were like you I'd say most your posts responding to me were just as angry if not more the way you fought so hard.
Call me an ignorant troll if you must.
I already said you are what you are and I call a spade a spade. You thought I was half assing it.

You mistakenly thought I wanted to call you a racist for your previous posts in race threads. It's really only matter of time if you keep posting like this the next time the race threads heat up on NT and you participate that you'll expose yourself and you know it'll be a whole other set of guys going in on you then, not me.
I'm not about to start taking you all that serious.
That's the difference between me and you.

Tipping is one thing. We could've left it at I don't tip, you tip. Other ppl choose to call one side names and then it goes on, they try to make up all types of reasoning for why the side that doesn't tip doesn't tip. I shoot those reasons down and then you come through accusing ppl of trying to be on a higher ground and if they really cared blah blah.

It's not about us caring. Your side was the one that brought up sympathy and making up for those servers low wages. All I did was make a suggestion for what they should do about that. It's not my job to help them or care. I pay for my food. You dudes who do tip should be out there boycotting for better wages for them if you care about them that much but nah you think tipping suffices. W/e do you.

My thing is ppl are posting about how this whole not tipping thing is opening a back door for the racists to get their say and move freely cuz not tipping is looked down upon. I take racism seriously. You don't but because I take it seriously doesn't mean you're gonna get away with just saying I'm angry and side stepping the whole thing.

That's the coward's way out. Like I said before, you shouldn't have commented AT ALL on it if you wasn't about it. Go back to calling ppl cheap and making jokes.

Let some of the anger go though, it's good for your blood pressure.
Don't worry about my blood pressure b :lol: You went from not taking this seriously to being too concerned.

Focus more on being able to properly tell when someone is angry and when they are not. Maybe you feel this anger from me towards you cuz you're confusing it with me not talking to you with any respect.
You ain't nothing but Deuce King light in General. Don't nobody **** with you.
His gimmick is better. He doesn't half *** it.

I get what you saying though.
You don't tip because...racism.

I mistakenly assumed you were trying to call me a racist but then you advise me not to get caught up in the wrong thread and expose my racism. You argue like my girl, b.

You assume that mean telling you to lighten up means I can't handle your tone like I ain't a grown *** man that can handle the internet.
I tell my ******* to lighten up all the time when they want to argue in circles. You not above that, papi.

It's cool how you was mad quick to get rustled up when the hostess from the strip club assumed the young brotha wouldn't tip but you said nothing when homie pointed out that women don't tip.
Internet warriors are inconsistent like that though when it comes to their "outrage".

I have to take the L today cause I know better than to argue with a female.
I'm not saying you a female though. More like your aggression all the damn time is just a cover for being ***** made.

I tried to take the higher road but you out here trying to play spades.
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You ain't nothing but Deuce King light in General.
:rofl: I'm insulted.
I get what you saying though.
You don't tip because...racism.
This is what I'm talking about.

You want to confuse two things together despite me telling you other wise.

This is trolling. To the highest degree. I specifically lay out the difference between talking about tipping and talking about racism being present when it's about ppl who don't tip but you're so ignorant you can't see it. If anybody else sees it the same as you I feel sorry for them.

That's trolling. Same song and dance from you just like in races threads.

First you're taking the "high road" then you're not, then you're not taking me or this seriously but you are, and on and on. You on some clown ****. If you really a grown man act like one.
It's cool how you was mad quick to get rustled up when the hostess from the strip club assumed the young brotha wouldn't tip but you said nothing when homie pointed out that women don't tip.
What post is this?

You really trying to shame me for not taking up another cause? Like I'm one sided? Direct me to the post I'll comment on it too.

I guess to ppl like you if I don't find every offensive post and talk about it I'm not being fair to the racists that I don't give a pass.
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Tipping and money ain't that serious. If ya'll wanna leave a tip do it, if not don't. There's been times when I left no tip and times I've left a considerably high one for no particular reason. If I just made 2 racks in one day a few bucks won't kill me :lol:
Don't make this a race thing, b.

If you don't want to tip, don't go out to eat.
 Nicely played
Dining doesn't require a tip
I don't see the folks at mcdonalds asking for tips
And how is not tipping like begging???
I swear man some folks just like the wool over their eyes
If ANYONE required a tip
It would be the chefs in the kitchen
I am not tipping for average/mediocre service
They gotta go over and beyond in order to get a tip for me

Wasn't aware you walk into McDonalds get ushered to a table, served water and bread while you wait after they take your order in the comfort of your seat, then bring your order and refill your drinks....

Comparing "dining" to McDonalds, NaughtyHare stay wildin trying to justify his cheap ways.
Dining doesn't require a tip
I don't see the folks at mcdonalds asking for tips
And how is not tipping like begging???
I swear man some folks just like the wool over their eyes
If ANYONE required a tip
It would be the chefs in the kitchen
I am not tipping for average/mediocre service
They gotta go over and beyond in order to get a tip for me

Wasn't aware you walk into McDonalds get ushered to a table, served water and bread while you wait after they take your order in the comfort of your seat, then bring your order and refill your drinks....

Comparing "dining" to McDonalds, NaughtyHare stay wildin trying to justify his cheap ways.
Nurses and doctors and firemen don't get tips
And they do more than refill my soda and bring my plate 50 feet from kitchen to table
What makes them so different
Tipping is a scam
And will NEVER do it for service that isn't exceptional
It gets raised over some years. Not a one time jump....
Don't matter in SF minimum wage is like $13
In Oakland $12 and some change
So the Bay Area is already ahead of that change
These folks is flourishing and getting free handouts
Tax free I might add
So they not paying their fair share
I'm not gonna contribute to this illegal behavior
CA Is raising its minimum wage to $15/hr
Bet u folks still gonna be on that tipping steez :smh:

You do realize that minimum wage usually doesn't apply to servers right?...

Even when I get horrible service I tip I've left like $1 on a $50 tab before I find that's more effective way to get my point across that the service was ****.... otherwise it's usually 10 - 20% depending on how long I have to wait for a refill or get my plates cleared
This reminded me of the time when i took a date to this fancy steakhouse recently (about a lil over a month ago) and we were just talking and enjoying ourselves and the meal. So when i paid the bill i didnt realize that they inserted the amount of tip i should be tipping the waitress on the bill itsself only cause i was just enjoying the convo with shawty. Manager came back like..

"excuse me sir, was the service okay today?"
"uhhhh yeah?"
"oh well you didnt properly tip so i was curious as to whats going on (this is where he shows me the tip part on the reciept)"

ALL OF THIS INFRONT OF SHAWTY! No lie i was somewhat heated.

I stood up and pulled dude to the side and told him to bring his manager or supervisor or whatever and the supervisor comes. I just tell him "Yo wtf is your boy doing embarrassing me in front of my date, kind of petty **** is that?!" So i kid you not the supervisor goes to the manager says something to him and the manager just dips. Supervisor comes back like,

" Sir im truly sorry, he's new. We can accept the tip you originally gave us"
" na its cool, ill properly tip"

Now whenever i go back in the future supervisor gona hook it up, got his number and everything :smokin and shawty got really attracted with how i handled the situation too so win/win for me
Dining doesn't require a tip
I don't see the folks at mcdonalds asking for tips
And how is not tipping like begging???
I swear man some folks just like the wool over their eyes
If ANYONE required a tip
It would be the chefs in the kitchen
I am not tipping for average/mediocre service
They gotta go over and beyond in order to get a tip for me

Wasn't aware you walk into McDonalds get ushered to a table, served water and bread while you wait after they take your order in the comfort of your seat, then bring your order and refill your drinks....

Comparing "dining" to McDonalds, NaughtyHare stay wildin trying to justify his cheap ways.
Nurses and doctors and firemen don't get tips
And they do more than refill my soda and bring my plate 50 feet from kitchen to table
What makes them so different
Tipping is a scam
And will NEVER do it for service that isn't exceptional

Exactly, if there's anybody I want to make sure has an incentive to "do a good job" next time they see me, it's nurses, doctors, firemen, crossing guards, pilots, and traffic cops. If I have to wait a few extra minutes for you to return from point b to point a, my table, with my drink because you're in passive aggressive protest about the compensation of a job you voluntarily selected, then that's cool. My life will go on.

You should've flipped it on him and asked him if he appreciates his employees. Because you aren't properly indicating that in the pay you give them ****boy. Congratulations, you played yourself.
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This reminded me of the time when i took a date to this fancy steakhouse recently (about a lil over a month ago) and we were just talking and enjoying ourselves and the meal. So when i paid the bill i didnt realize that they inserted the amount of tip i should be tipping the waitress on the bill itsself only cause i was just enjoying the convo with shawty. Manager came back like..

"excuse me sir, was the service okay today?"
"uhhhh yeah?"
"oh well you didnt properly tip so i was curious as to whats going on (this is where he shows me the tip part on the reciept)"

ALL OF THIS INFRONT OF SHAWTY! No lie i was somewhat heated.

I stood up and pulled dude to the side and told him to bring his manager or supervisor or whatever and the supervisor comes. I just tell him "Yo wtf is your boy doing embarrassing me in front of my date, kind of petty **** is that?!" So i kid you not the supervisor goes to the manager says something to him and the manager just dips. Supervisor comes back like,

" Sir im truly sorry, he's new. We can accept the tip you originally gave us"
" na its cool, ill properly tip"

Now whenever i go back in the future supervisor gona hook it up, got his number and everything
and shawty got really attracted with how i handled the situation too so win/win for me
This is terrible restaurant service.

What kind of employee doesn't pull you to the side to discuss privately (especially if you're the one who paid)?

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