..... servers try to avoid our tables because they assume we're not going to tip 

This is too true G.
The consensus is, Black people don't tip

Went to Treasures gentlemen's club on Superbowl weekend, met my white coworkers there.

We (my friend and I) were asked by the hostess would you like to find your own seat or have us seat you? We chose to be seated.
She stated, you know you have to tip to be seated right?
We said no problem.

I asked my white friend if she asked him the same when he wanted to be seated. He said, Nope.
Look how their entitlement breeds racism and discrimination :x :smh:

If the assumption is really black ppl don't tip then black ppl should start assuming they don't have to tip because they're gonna get bad service because they're black.
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Don't make this a race thing, b.

If you don't want to tip, don't go out to eat.
This has nothing to do with my stance on tipping. Plus I already get it with you; you think ppl who don't tip are cheap, I think ppl who feel they always have to tip are suckas.

Anybody who tips should find that offensive. Hostess straight up felt she needed to inform the black person he'd have to tip if he was seated because she assumes black ppl don't tip.

The **** is wrong with you? Talking about don't make this a race thing. Did I do that? or are you saying he's lying about what happened? or do you really want to pretend she said that just to inform him?

You may want to keep this to jokes and jabs about being cheap but I actually find racism offensive. Don't pretend I'm steering this in a direction when the facts are laid out for everyone to see.
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I work for tips, at a concert venue bar

It's funny how every time a certain genre of music is being played, the crowd doesn't tip. And with some types of music, you already expect the crowd to come in tipping :lol:.

I'm not going to say which genre doesn't tip, because jimmies will be rustled to the max :nerd:...also, with that same no tipping concerts, everyone in the crowd just happens to order food, literally 95% of the crowd will order food, no one ever orders food..
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I work for tips, at a concert venue bar

It's funny how every time a certain genre of music is being played, the crowd doesn't tip. And with some types of music, you already expect the crowd to come in tipping :lol:.

I'm not going to say which genre doesn't tip, because jimmies will be rustled to the max :nerd:...also, with that same no tipping concerts, everyone in the crowd just happens to order food, no one ever orders food..

Aint nobody stupid, you might as well say it...
seesaw argument about race is brewing as usual...
But quick question as a side not, I never tip when I order to pick up at a restaurant. However I see some people tip when they do the same, what are your
sentiments when it comes to ordering pickup and leaving a tip?
I mean I'm basically cutting the middleman ( delivery guy) out the picture, leaves me puzzled to use my gas to pick it up, pay for my food, and leave a tip on top of that.
I work for tips, at a concert venue bar

It's funny how every time a certain genre of music is being played, the crowd doesn't tip. And with some types of music, you already expect the crowd to come in tipping :lol:.

I'm not going to say which genre doesn't tip, because jimmies will be rustled to the max :nerd:...also, with that same no tipping concerts, everyone in the crowd just happens to order food, no one ever orders food..

Aint nobody stupid, you might as well say it...
:lol: :smh:

These ppl are posting these stories themselves.
I work for tips, at a concert venue bar

It's funny how every time a certain genre of music is being played, the crowd doesn't tip. And with some types of music, you already expect the crowd to come in tipping :lol:.

I'm not going to say which genre doesn't tip, because jimmies will be rustled to the max :nerd:...also, with that same no tipping concerts, everyone in the crowd just happens to order food, no one ever orders food..

Aint nobody stupid, you might as well say it...

We know it's rap :lol:
I work for tips, at a concert venue bar

It's funny how every time a certain genre of music is being played, the crowd doesn't tip. And with some types of music, you already expect the crowd to come in tipping :lol:.

I'm not going to say which genre doesn't tip, because jimmies will be rustled to the max :nerd:...also, with that same no tipping concerts, everyone in the crowd just happens to order food, no one ever orders food..

Aint nobody stupid, you might as well say it...

He ain't the first person to say that. I've heard the same from a few waiters/waitress I know.
We know it's rap
we all know this 

it would've been said a long time ago but people are not trying to get banned
I work for tips, at a concert venue bar

It's funny how every time a certain genre of music is being played, the crowd doesn't tip. And with some types of music, you already expect the crowd to come in tipping :lol:.

I'm not going to say which genre doesn't tip, because jimmies will be rustled to the max :nerd:...also, with that same no tipping concerts, everyone in the crowd just happens to order food, literally 95% of the crowd will order food, no one ever orders food..

You wrong for hinting at it in pretty obvious manner but acting like you're holding back on it.
We all know what you trying to say, b.

I've heard similar things from people in the service industry, though.

Interested to hear Ziks thoughts on this.

If a person is a waitress and they make the observation that certain groups of people don't tip (generally speaking), would this person be deemed a racist?
Is it possible that the person is being truthful?
It's a stereotype sure, but every group of people has stereotypes that they can either reinforce or that they could break.

Interested to hear Ziks thoughts on this.

If a person is a waitress and they make the observation that certain groups of people don't tip (generally speaking), would this person be deemed a racist?
Is it possible that the person is being truthful?
I would say that person is either happening to notice one certain group of ppl more than other groups or where that person works it happens to be the truth.

Lets not deny there are racist scumbags in the service industry.
It's a stereotype sure, but every group of people has stereotypes that they can either reinforce or that they could break.

What's racist is letting that service influence your views on those ppl, letting it change how you approach your job when serving those groups and how you treat those ppl, and out right saying that this certain group doesn't tip.

I aint gonna front like that there are stereotypes about certain groups when it comes to tipping though. That's neither here nor there when it comes to the previous story where there was blatant racism in that hostesses actions when dealing with a certain group of ppl - in this case, person.

I think a lot of yall problems when it comes to discrimination is you're only on the lookout for overt in your face racism.
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That's the thing though.
At no point did I say anyone it's cool for anyone to change their level of service because they get a group of black people. I still wouldn't say it's racist of them to do so but it definitely is unprofessional and if they do that they deserve every "lol" they get on the tip line.

Let's not act like I'm out here justifying any type of racism.
I have heard the stereotypes and it's always sensitive bringing it up cause racism card gets thrown out kinda crazy around these parts.
I've never been in the service industry so I wouldn't know this to be true or not.

I also wouldn't say that people only notice one group to confirm their racist thoughts all while choosing to not notice when a different group of people do it.
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I think you need to reread a-friend's post about his experience with that hostess and then my comment about it again.

Cuz you telling me I'm making it about race when dude's experience was clear as day is just ridiculous.

You're not justifying the racism you're just trying to ignore it outright to get back to saying you're cheap if you don't tip. You would have been better off not posting about it in the first place.

And I think ppl are too quick to dismiss this "race card" as someone just using it to use it instead of actually looking at what's been said and seriously considering if there is some racism present in what was said or done keeping context in mind with how things were said or done but I been seen your views on race in past threads so I am not at all surprised.
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Dudes experience was that the hostess asked him a question.
Inappropriate question? Of course, but based on his post it didn't seem to go further than that.
To call it racism and discrimination is to be a bit sensational. Discrimination would be to make him wait an extra hour before seating him. That ignorant hostess did nothing more than display her ignorance. She really ain't do too much more than that.

I'm not ignoring racism in this country. I'm not ignoring racism in the work place. I'm not ignoring there are ignorant and racist people all over this country. What I'm doing is not allowing cats to come in here like their lack of tipping is due to some sort of social or racial high ground that you taking. You could try to use some bigger argument all you want but if you really felt that strongly about these establishments being slick and passing the cost of wages to the consumer why are you even giving that place your business anyways?
These restaurants are so ****** up that you not trying to play this tipping game but not so ****** up to the point where you'll sit down and give them your business.
If you going to be a social warrior go all out with it...don't half *** the ****.

As for seeing my race views in other
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I think you should go back and re-read what he said again.

If not I don't care to engage you being coy and back on this devil's advocate path when it comes to racism. Like I've already said I've seen this song and dance by you with the questionable **** you've said in past race threads when the topic of conversation is about black ppl.

I'm not taking it anywhere. You are what you are. I'm not blind.

This has nothing to do with high ground. Two different ppl now have brought up stories not about if you should tip or not but about how certain ppl are viewed and treated in regards to tipping. All I did was call a spade a spade and not act like that **** aint racially motivated. You want to do that. Go ahead and I aint going with you no matter what you say. There's no high ground in not being racist and not acting like racism isn't present. That's just everyday reality.
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This is too true G.
The consensus is, Black people don't tip

Went to Treasures gentlemen's club on Superbowl weekend, met my white coworkers there.

We (my friend and I) were asked by the hostess would you like to find your own seat or have us seat you? We chose to be seated.
She stated, you know you have to tip to be seated right? We said no problem.

I asked my white friend if she asked him the same when he wanted to be seated. He said, Nope.
how did you respond when she said "you know you have to tip to be seated right?"

I said sure no problem.
I don't give life to insults by acknowledging them.

Read the post like 5 times to look for it. Maybe my racism against black people is blinding me.
You sound more upset than the person who went through it.

But ima let you go ahead and get the last word. You itching to call me a racist.
Don't half *** it.
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This is too true G.
The consensus is, Black people don't tip

Went to Treasures gentlemen's club on Superbowl weekend, met my white coworkers there.

We (my friend and I) were asked by the hostess would you like to find your own seat or have us seat you? We chose to be seated.
She stated, you know you have to tip to be seated right? We said no problem.

I asked my white friend if she asked him the same when he wanted to be seated. He said, Nope.
how did you respond when she said "you know you have to tip to be seated right?"

I said sure no problem.
I don't give life to insults by acknowledging them.

Read the post like 5 times to look for it. Maybe my racism against black people is blinding me.
You sound more upset than the person who went through it.

But ima let you go ahead and get the last word. You itching to call me a racist.
Don't half *** it.
You're not racist Diego.

You're an ignorant troll.

If you honestly don't see it then I can't make you see it and this will be a disagreement you'll never understand. This is what I meant by only being able to detect overt racism. You'll just rationalize that being called racism as somebody wanting to use the race card.

But you're probably just lying. So read it 50 more times slowly and quickly, change it up each time, you know with inflection on different words. Say it out loud with a few different accents.

Maybe then :nerd: ? Maybe.
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He ain't the first person to say that. I've heard the same from a few waiters/waitress I know.

You wrong for hinting at it in pretty obvious manner but acting like you're holding back on it.
We all know what you trying to say, b.

I've heard similar things from people in the service industry, though.

Interested to hear Ziks thoughts on this.

If a person is a waitress and they make the observation that certain groups of people don't tip (generally speaking), would this person be deemed a racist?
Is it possible that the person is being truthful?
It's a stereotype sure, but every group of people has stereotypes that they can either reinforce or that they could break.


You guys have spoken with people who work at concert venues? My work isn't like working at a restaurant :rolleyes. Saying waiters see a group and already know whats going to happen is 100% racist :smh:
I was simply stating how where I work, usually 4/5 times a week, a different music genre is being played usually. With a certain kind tipping being nonexistent. It's not just half the time, it's 100% of the time. I've been at this job for 3 years now, doubt it's just been a coincidence for that long. It's the same when some love song artist comes, where girls come, no money will be made for the most part, because women tend to not tip either, some do though. I guess call me a sexist as well :lol:
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Lol, chicks be getting tight about tipping too.
I've had shorties pick up tabs sometimes and I gotta fight them to leave a tip.

Zik - I've come to the conclusion that you just a angry individual. I seen you get intense in lighthearted threads about prostitutes that live in a house together and twerk.
Call me an ignorant troll if you must. I'm not about to start taking you all that serious.
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