Yeah and I find it hilarious you would use the word reckless towards me given this context and you're advocating for tipping.

Don't get why you're lost.

I just told you that when I said reckless it was in reference to how you were talking about undocumented workers. That was RECKLESS.

Don't take it out of context and apply it to tipping. I think people should tip if they sit down to eat. I didn't say it was reckless not to.

Address how you were talking about undocumented immigrants though.
nah made a joke in jest
and now he holding on to it

Na fam it wasn’t a’s a joke to established fathers like yourself but not me

I’m a broke college student tryin to make ends meet but you wanna downplay it because I work for a place you don’t like

I’m not takin it to the heart but don’t act like you didn’t know what you said :lol:
i started the thread YEARS ago
i aint the one who constantly bumps the thread
i just reply whenever i wanna add to the discussion
but nice to know u keeping tabs on what i do

You're loud and always instigating. Most of us are aware of how you move on here.

"Keeping tabs". LOL...
I just told you that when I said reckless it was in reference to how you were talking about undocumented workers. That was RECKLESS.

Don't take it out of context and apply it to tipping. I think people should tip if they sit down to eat. I didn't say it was reckless not to.

Address how you were talking about undocumented immigrants though.
You must be dense.

I know exactly why you used the word and in reference to what.

Again I'm saying I find it laughable you would use it in this discussion at all.

I'm not applying why you used it to tipping. I'm laughing at the fact you used it under this topic.

Address what exactly? Do you have a question? How I was talking about undocumented workers? You got a problem then speak up. Unless you got a senseless stance on this then you can miss me with your hurt feelings.
Na fam it wasn’t a’s a joke to established fathers like yourself but not me

I’m a broke college student tryin to make ends meet but you wanna downplay it because I work for a place you don’t like

I’m not takin it to the heart but don’t act like you didn’t know what you said :lol:
i cant control how YOU take something
or perceive something EYE said
so if thats what u think or believe
go ahead
but YOU cant sit here
and tell ME
what EYE really meant
cause YOU aint ME
so take it however u want KING
unless ur not black
then take it however u want bruh
i cant control how YOU take something
or perceive something EYE said
so if thats what u think or believe
go ahead
but YOU cant sit here
and tell ME
what EYE really meant
cause YOU aint ME
so take it however u want KING
unless ur not black
then take it however u want bruh

You know what take this rep since you know I’m black :rofl:

Im done it’s time to roll something
I go on NT like once a year and this the first thing I read when I logged on.. nice to see the Bay active :lol:

edit: damn this post is old lol
And if we really have to go there that's just more proof of the corruption and the leverage held by owners. If you really wanted to unionize get all them illegals out the box and do it right.

If you want to flip this and say the majority of them are undocumented then they're gonna have to work for w/e they get paid and then get a 2nd and 3rd job.

You sound like Tr*mp.

I'm not going to take the time to explain to you how ugly that sounds.

If that's the way you talk, that's on you.

Go ahead and have the last word. I'm done going back n forth with you.
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A lot of Americans are way too soft for kitchen work. You gonna stand in a 140 degree kitchen for 10 hours cooking for 12 an hour?

washing dishes until your skin is peeling off?

there is plenty easier jobs out there that pay better. Illegal immigrants work there because they don’t ask and just pay.
You sound like Tr*mp.

I'm not going to take the time to explain to you how ugly that sounds.

If that's the way you talk, that's on you.
I dont understand. Are you stupid?

You can't form a union with illegal immigrants.

You got no leg to stand on when it comes to worker's rights if the majority of your group is undocumented. Not in America at least.

You gotta get all them illegals out the box before your movement gets raided by ICE cuz that's all they'll be, a target, to get deported.

If you read that in Donald Trump's voice oh well that's on you. I can see you cant have a discussion like this without jumping to extremes. Maybe you too emotional for this.
Na fam it wasn’t a’s a joke to established fathers like yourself but not me

I’m a broke college student tryin to make ends meet but you wanna downplay it because I work for a place you don’t like

I’m not takin it to the heart but don’t act like you didn’t know what you said :lol:

Serious question how much do you make Hourly wage and what’s the lowest a New York server gonna make legally ? Is it 15 a hour or different ?
u call that instigating????
i thought u was gonna have like
something more than playful fun
ive def done worse than that

Meth called it instigating.
I dont understand. Are you stupid?

You can't form a union with illegal immigrants.

You got no leg to stand on when it comes to worker's rights if the majority of your group is undocumented. Not in America at least.

You gotta get all them illegals out the box before your movement gets raided by ICE cuz that's all they'll be, a target, to get deported.

If you read that in Donald Trump's voice oh well that's on you. I can see you cant have a discussion like this without jumping to extremes. Maybe you too emotional for this.

Are you stupid?

I told you that they probably can't form a union and your brilliant self just basically kept saying that they aren't trying hard enough and some incoherent BS about McDonalds workers having accomplished more even though I'm not sure they they have a union either.

whats ur point
go off what YOU think
dont come and tell me what meth said

I told you it was instigating.

You asked me to point it out and that's exactly what I did.

Whether you agree with it or not is your issue.

I'm good here though. I've seen you drag people down to your level. I'll pass.
I told you it was instigating.

You asked me to point it out and that's exactly what I did.

Whether you agree with it or not is your issue.

I'm good here though. I've seen you drag people down to your level. I'll pass.
nah u basically said meth said it
so that was ur justification
in saying it
and what do u mean YOUR level
u think black folks are beneath u or something???
People tip for 2 reasons.

1. Social conditioning
2. TO protect their products

Nobody is tipping out of the goodness of their heart and when people make it out to be a MORALITY issue, it gets to become a disingenuous conversation.

Just be real about why you tip.

Inversely, people who are so vocal and proud about NOT tipping are typically just contrarians who want to look "cool" by bucking the system

Are you stupid?
Compared to you, no.

I told you that they probably can't form a union and your brilliant self just basically kept saying that they aren't trying hard enough
Not only that they don't really want to so dont expect customers to make up for that.

I see you out here enabling the enablers.
some incoherent BS about McDonalds workers having accomplished more even though I'm not sure they they have a union either.
Accomplishing more does not mean they formed a union.

Those workers managed to get their minimum wage raised in the tristate.

Serious question how much do you make Hourly wage and what’s the lowest a New York server gonna make legally ? Is it 15 a hour or different ?

Base pay is less than min wage and some places don’t even pay servers at all...if we work a lot of hours and claim tons of money for the week then you not even gonna see a paycheck because of the taxes withheld...we rely on tips

I’ll bartend at a private party once in a while which also helps

We have to tip out the bartender 1%, food runners 2% and bussers 2.2% of our sales for that day

If everyone is like nawghtyhare nawghtyhare and doesn’t tip then servers literally have no cash to tip out thus making it pointless to even work at a restaurant

Not my rules, I’m not making this a career anyway, but that’s how the industry works

The great thing about NYC is that for every non tipper you get there will be someone right behind them making up for it
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