Then they gonna have to suffer.

Bringing in undocumented and illegals in to this is opening up a whole other can of worms dealing with immigration reform.

Funny enough the IRS will still take these ppl's money if they can.

Bringing them in? The can of worms you speak of was already open before you offered your two cents on the matter.

They make up the majority of the industry. They were part of the convo from the very beginning, it's just that you failed to consider that when criticizing the restaurant workers industry for not trying to unionize.

It is not going to happen on a large scale in that industry.
Look at you caping for someone who talks down on other people’s jobs
anyone making an honest living should never been looked down upon. if that's what he did, I don't support it. i'm not caping for him, i'm saying that I don't think he fits in the category of broke. and Kinfolk Kinfolk I don't think I was responding to you, I was making a comment about something pages behind. I have to catch up and actually read through it all cause I see this thread flew. i'm making that assumption because when I was planning my trip there, he seemed to know a lot of good places and spoke as if he actually visited them all. I don't think he's a "brokeass". is he lying? I dunno but it doesn't seem like he is to me.
Bringing them in?

They make up the majority of the industry. They were part of the convo from the very beginning, it's just that you failed to consider that when criticizing the restaurant workers industry for not trying to unionize.
No I had them in mind but this topic was about tipping and every argument regarding restaurants dealt with the waitstaff.

I don't frequent enough places where the waiters are undocumented as well.

When we talked about not tipping them it was always revolving around service and not heavy focus on the quality of food since its pretty much a given most won't if the food is bad.

Nobody was talking about going back in the kitchen and tipping. No need to play dumb.

And if we really have to go there that's just more proof of the corruption and the leverage held by owners. If you really wanted to unionize get all them illegals out the box and do it right.

If you want to flip this and say the majority of them are undocumented then they're gonna have to work for w/e they get paid and then get a 2nd and 3rd job.
anyone making an honest living should never been looked down upon. if that's what he did, I don't support it. i'm not caping for him, i'm saying that I don't think he fits in the category of broke. and Kinfolk Kinfolk I don't think I was responding to you, I was making a comment about something pages behind. I have to catch up and actually read through it all cause I see this thread flew. i'm making that assumption because when I was planning my trip there, he seemed to know a lot of good places and spoke as if he actually visited them all. I don't think he's a "brokeass". is he lying? I dunno but it doesn't seem like he is to me.

There have been many threads where people directly ask him what he does. Granted if he doesn't want to tell anyone, he certainly doesn't have to.

People have straight up asked him if he is a Doctor and he plays this game where he says just enough so that you're certain he didn't attend med school, but he still wants us to respect the idea that he should be able to speak on medical issues as some sort of authority. By most definitions that's fraudulent.

But for someone that instigates, flames, talks s*** as much as he does--- you'd think he wouldn't dance around the subject so much and just give a straight answer. But again, he likes that ambiguity and feels like it gives him ground to pop off as if he knows what he's talking about, which he usually doesn't.
It would be too mind boggling for nawghty to be broke yet speak so much about all these restaurants like he does in the food thread.

You telling me he's poor and just spends time studying yelp reviews and reading food critic blogs? :lol:

Between work, gaming, posting on NT, nobody got time for all that. His family would have to be made up too.
No I had them in mind but this topic was about tipping and every argument regarding restaurants dealt with the waitstaff.

I don't frequent enough places where the waiters are undocumented as well.

When we talked about not tipping them it was always revolving around service and not heavy focus on the quality of food since its pretty much a given most won't if the food is bad.

Nobody was talking about going back in the kitchen and tipping. No need to play dumb.

And if we really have to go there that's just more proof of the corruption and the leverage held by owners. If you really wanted to unionize get all them illegals out the box and do it right.

If you want to flip this and say the majority of them are undocumented then they're gonna have to work for w/e they get paid and then get a 2nd and 3rd job.

The convo turned to Unions and you were fully engaged on that subject so no need to play dumb like you weren't.

But yikes.

I'm gonna leave all of that alone. That was pretty reckless.
This is a terrible opinion.

It is not my obligation to make up for the fact a server does not get paid an appropriate wage.

Now I've actually done the job so I know this stance is bull ****. You let your employer get away with paying you close to nothing and want customers to make up for it.

You don't get to dictate where ppl decide to eat. "Poor taste" isn't just subjective but also irrelevant. Tipping is a flawed system with racist roots. There is absolutely no reason to honor it.

Instead of demanding customers tip you should get a better job or demand your employer pay you a living wage.

If you've done the job, you would understand that if the employer paid living wages, the cost of food and drinks would go through the roof. That would lead to less patrons. That would lead to restaurants shutting down. Then they have no job at all.

Don't be such an elitist. Everyone can't get the better job or own their own business. They have to start somewhere. Career servers and bartenders have found something that works, so they stay there.

It's really quite simple, you want to eat out but not tip, pick your meal up and go home. However, if you want suggestions on the menu, multiple refills and extras at your demand, be prepared to spend a little more. That scumbag **** is nothing more than being cheap. Don't be a scumbag!
It would be too mind boggling for nawghty to be broke yet speak so much about all these restaurants like he does in the food thread.

You telling me he's poor and just spends time studying yelp reviews and reading food critic blogs? :lol:

Between work, gaming, posting on NT, nobody got time for all that. His family would have to be made up too.

Dude, that would be hilarious. Like his whole thing was to go on nt and act like he knew about food.

There have been many threads where people directly ask him what he does. Granted if he doesn't want to tell anyone, he certainly doesn't have to.

People have straight up asked him if he is a Doctor and he plays this game where he says just enough so that you're certain he didn't attend med school, but he still wants us to respect the idea that he should be able to speak on medical issues as some sort of authority. By most definitions that's fraudulent.

But for someone that instigates, flames, talks s*** as much as he does--- you'd think he wouldn't dance around the subject so much and just give a straight answer. But again, he likes that ambiguity and feels like it gives him ground to pop off as if he knows what he's talking about, which he usually doesn't.
i dont gotta tell u **** about where i work and what i do
im pretty transparent on here
if u mad cause i aint tell u what i do
too ******* bad
a few people who do know
i never insinuated i was a doctor
u seem to be butthurt
is this what its about
u mad cause u dont know what i do???
i work at a hospital
that aint good enough for u
im not a doctor
or a janitor
or work in the cafeteria
im not a secretary or nurse
but i make GREAT money
live comfortably
have a house and fam i take care of
that i love
worrying about what the next man does is lame as hell
and for u to have even typed that paragraph
cause u dont know what i do
is even more hilarious
ur a lame
He knows more fire places to eat than me and I cooked forever and owned a food truck. :lol:

There was a point in my life shortly after college where I frequented a lot of places that I couldn't really afford. But I went, I paid for myself, I ate and drank well. Oh I also tipped, but that is neither here nor there.

Eating well and knowing a bunch of good spots doesn't necessarily mean you aren't broke. But y'all can continue prop him and his BS up all you want to.
i dont gotta tell u **** about where i work and what i do
im pretty transparent on here
if u mad cause i aint tell u what i do
too ****ing bad
a few people who do know
i never insinuated i was a doctor
u seem to be butthurt
is this what its about
u mad cause u dont know what i do???
i work at a hospital
that aint good enough for u
im not a doctor
or a janitor
or work in the cafeteria
im not a secretary or nurse
but i make GREAT money
live comfortably
have a house and fam i take care of
that i love
worrying about what the next man does is lame as hell
and for u to have even typed that paragraph
cause u dont know what i do
is even more hilarious
ur a lame

I thought you weren't gonna read or reply?

LOL! Liar!

At least you're consistent.
The convo turned to Unions and you were fully engaged on that subject so no need to play dumb like you weren't.
Yeah cuz exactly who and what 8m talking about them starting a union.

It definitely aint about that.

:lol: @ using the word reckless when advocating tipping.
:lol: thread is funny, y’all gotta stop worrying about the next mans tipping habit. He isn’t gonna change the world and neither will you. I still work in restaurants on the weekend and dgaf if someone doesn’t tip me. It all evens out.
Yeah cuz exactly who and what 8m talking about them starting a union.

It definitely aint about that.

:lol: @ using the word reckless when advocating tipping.


Reckless was in reference to you talking about undocumented people the way you were.

Do you want to address that or just continue to deflect?
:lol: thread is funny, y’all gotta stop worrying about the next mans tipping habit. He isn’t gonna change the world and neither will you. I still work in restaurants on the weekend and dgaf if someone doesn’t tip me. It all evens out.

Man what?

He started this thread and loves talking about it.
If you've done the job, you would understand that if the employer paid living wages, the cost of food and drinks would go through the roof.
Everybody seems to miss when I say I'm okay with that.

If the restaurant cant flourish under those conditions then shut down.

You're not needed.
Don't be such an elitist. Everyone can't get the better job or own their own business. They have to start somewhere.
It's not elitism if we're talking about ppl who start somewhere and eventually move on. Cuz it is not a career.
Career servers and bartenders have found something that works, so they stay there.
Like I said before thats on the reliance of tips which really shouldn't be the case.

Its insane to call that a career.

Reckless was in reference to you talking about undocumented people the way you were.
Yeah and I find it hilarious you would use the word reckless towards me given this context and you're advocating for tipping.

Don't get why you're lost.
Everybody seems to miss when I say I'm okay with that.

If the restaurant cant flourish under those conditions then shut down.

You're not needed.

It's not elitism if we're talking about ppl who start somewhere and eventually move on. Cuz it is not a career.

Like I said before thats on the reliance of tips which really shouldn't be the case.

Its insane to call that a career.
Serving at a nice place can be a career. Not hard to make six figures serving.

I know the customer pays it but hey the server wins.
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