SMH @ This Girl's Rant

I blame her white parents, though...this is what you get when you raise a child without discipline. They think they can say whatever they want and they see no problem with what they are saying. Shes better off dead
Originally Posted by th0ugh

I blame her white parents, though...this is what you get when you raise a child without discipline. They think they can say whatever they want and they see no problem with what they are saying. Shes better off dead
You are doing what the girl did, making a stupid generalisation, though.
Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by th0ugh

I blame her white parents, though...this is what you get when you raise a child without discipline. They think they can say whatever they want and they see no problem with what they are saying. Shes better off dead
You are doing what the girl did, making a stupid generalisation, though.
How is my statement a generalization, girl? Put 2 and 2 together..someone who was raised appropriately will not even consider making such a video..have a seat
Originally Posted by th0ugh

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by th0ugh

I blame her white parents, though...this is what you get when you raise a child without discipline. They think they can say whatever they want and they see no problem with what they are saying. Shes better off dead
You are doing what the girl did, making a stupid generalisation, though.
How is my statement a generalization, girl? Put 2 and 2 together..someone who was raised appropriately will not even consider making such a video..have a seat

ill say this, i could care less what race you are talkin on the phone in the library when i'm trying to study is annoying. i've had people of all races look at me like i'm some sort of a hole because i polietly told them im trying to study and to have their phone conversation somewhere else
Originally Posted by th0ugh

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by th0ugh

I blame her white parents, though...this is what you get when you raise a child without discipline. They think they can say whatever they want and they see no problem with what they are saying. Shes better off dead
You are doing what the girl did, making a stupid generalisation, though.
How is my statement a generalization, girl? Put 2 and 2 together..someone who was raised appropriately will not even consider making such a video..have a seat

you go... have a seat son.
Originally Posted by Beacon ave south

Im asian and this doesnt offend me at all, just another dumb valley chick. Shes kinda right though, asians be damn loud on their phones, not giving a damn where they're at.
tsunami comment was mad uncalled for, however. 
These are the type of people I wish would just fall off the side of the earth..
Originally Posted by Dynamic X

People really are overreacting to this.
Really, WHO GIVES A $%@$?

Shouldn't we have bigger things to worry about here? UCLA is a difficult school, no? Why aren't they studying? If not studying, then focus on Japan. That's an Asian-related issue far more important than this ridiculous video which makes an ignorant yet miniscule complaint and generalization about Asians and the incredulous response by Asians who are now just trying to make fun of someone. Oh yeah, they're really upset right now. I guess that's why there is humor. Is this really something Asians haven't heard before? People stereotyping the way Chinese or Korean people talk? Am I missing something new? Ignorant Americans? Wasn't there just a thread within the last page about the tsunami and Pearl Harbor?

Congratulations to everyone for feeling so disgruntled. Don't even know why people attempt to act all 'surprised' and 'angered' anymore when ignorant people show up on the internet, doing their little web-cam gigs for Youtube and shaking their **** at the same time. It's 2011 and there's 6-7 billion people on the planet, for crying out loud. You're bound to find at least a million idiots in your lifetime. Get over it.

I don't support what she says but at the same time I'm used to hearing absolutely stupid things. Go waste your time on something else.
I don't know boss, why are YOU overreacting to this?
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Me not agreeing with everyone else isn't trolling.

Also, Seriously?

where did you see me post "asians are too soft"?

You have insecurities and I'm going to sleep.
Right here,
Originally Posted by moneymike88

...asians are too racially sensitive
You know what you were doing. But I'm not feeding your attention deficit anymore. You've successfully derailed this thread into being about you. Are you satisfied? Did this thread fill the void where you would otherwise have irl attention?
Racially sensitive doesn't mean soft...get a dictionary and lrn2vocabulary

edit - You thought racially sensitive meant soft
despite the ignorance, she has a point....people who talk loudly in libraries need to learn that it's rude
I'm asian btw.
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by th0ugh

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

You are doing what the girl did, making a stupid generalisation, though.
How is my statement a generalization, girl? Put 2 and 2 together..someone who was raised appropriately will not even consider making such a video..have a seat


are her parents not white?

can her parents not be blamed for how they raised her?


oh, ok.
What the hell was the point of posting the person doing impersonations? Why would it matter if Dominicans got sensitive over that or not, it has nothing to do with THIS thread. One was an impersonation, another was a rant about Asians as a whole.

I'm saying.

Dude posted a comedic video and compared the intent to the asian library video.

That's like posting a russell peters video and asking why asians don't get mad off of that.

The videos were made in different context...
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by moneymike88

edit - that pm doesnt show anger...i didnt even use exclamation marks yo
edited again
Noskey wrote:
Stop trolling, lame.

read # 3

spin the wheel homie

per the ROC
4. "Trolling", or makingposts with the sole intention of creating problems on the board is against NTguidelines.
Now tell me how you weren't trolling when you posted that video and said Asians are too soft. You just knew that that would get under our skin since we're stereotyped as soft, right? Just wanted to start problems and get attention, yeah? Yeah, I thought so. Spin the wheel kid

Don't feed the troll.  I know monkeymike88 will think as he pleases but the general consensus here is that he taken L's in all of these recent threads.  Now if he really wasn't a troll he wouldn't respond to me with a snide obtuse post filled with "you" statements like 90% of his posts.  But if he isn't,  he obviously knew what he was doing saying "asians are too racially sensitive" on NT,  so I'll reserve judgement as I want to see where he is taking his "argument".
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