SMH @ This Girl's Rant

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

cute response, but im not finna waste a post responding.

like i said, you caught up on the word white...i dont see how its prejudice at all to blame a WHITE girl's WHITE parents...

i mean, im sure josh could have blamed her ASIAN, BLACK, INDIAN or HISPANIC parents, but, somehow, i don't think those imaginary characters are at fault......for once.

for the record, im not white and could care less about white people being "discriminated" against
im just pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming her white parents for how she was raised, when (if you watched the video you would know this) she was making the same generalizing statements in her video about how asian parents dont raise their kids to be able to take care of themselves, etc

how is it hypocracy when Josh didn't contradict himself? Was Josh in this post crying racism from what the girl said about asians?

someone called PREJUDICE in josh's post cause he used the word WHITE....YOU tried to say he was being hypocritical in saying such, when he never even criticized the girl for her asian parent comments...

she is white. her parents are white. live with it.

(its annoying when EVERY post you got 5-10 NTers trynna contradict you and argue with you over ******ed points....then, when they get called out on it, the reasoning behind them desperately grasping for recognition ALWAYS comes out're pointing out hypocracy with a dude that isnt even being a hypocrite...)
"I blame her white parents, though...this is what you get when you raise a child without discipline. They think they can say whatever they want and they see no problem with what they are saying. Shes better off dead"
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]his statement is basically exactly what she was saying in the video.  she was saying how asian parents dont raise their children to have good manners, or to take care of themselves.  the whole reason this is an issue is because she singled out a specific race.  now this guy is doing the exact same thing.  that's why his statement is hypocritical.  if someone doesnt see an issue with that he said, then they shouldnt see an issue with what the girl said in the video either.  if you still dont see my point, i give up.  
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

People really are overreacting to this.
Really, WHO GIVES A $%@$?

Shouldn't we have bigger things to worry about here? UCLA is a difficult school, no? Why aren't they studying? If not studying, then focus on Japan. That's an Asian-related issue far more important than this ridiculous video which makes an ignorant yet miniscule complaint and generalization about Asians and the incredulous response by Asians who are now just trying to make fun of someone. Oh yeah, they're really upset right now. I guess that's why there is humor. Is this really something Asians haven't heard before? People stereotyping the way Chinese or Korean people talk? Am I missing something new? Ignorant Americans? Wasn't there just a thread within the last page about the tsunami and Pearl Harbor?

Congratulations to everyone for feeling so disgruntled. Don't even know why people attempt to act all 'surprised' and 'angered' anymore when ignorant people show up on the internet, doing their little web-cam gigs for Youtube and shaking their **** at the same time. It's 2011 and there's 6-7 billion people on the planet, for crying out loud. You're bound to find at least a million idiots in your lifetime. Get over it.

I don't support what she says but at the same time I'm used to hearing absolutely stupid things. Go waste your time on something else.
I don't know boss, why are YOU overreacting to this?
Did you even read what I said?

Everyone's overreacting over a naive blonde chick who said some stupid $*%$. I'm overreacting to the people in the thread wasting their time trying to act all upset.

There's your answer, employee.
Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by bleach

for the record, im not white and could care less about white people being "discriminated" against
im just pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming her white parents for how she was raised, when (if you watched the video you would know this) she was making the same generalizing statements in her video about how asian parents dont raise their kids to be able to take care of themselves, etc

how is it hypocracy when Josh didn't contradict himself? Was Josh in this post crying racism from what the girl said about asians?

someone called PREJUDICE in josh's post cause he used the word WHITE....YOU tried to say he was being hypocritical in saying such, when he never even criticized the girl for her asian parent comments...

she is white. her parents are white. live with it.

(its annoying when EVERY post you got 5-10 NTers trynna contradict you and argue with you over ******ed points....then, when they get called out on it, the reasoning behind them desperately grasping for recognition ALWAYS comes out're pointing out hypocracy with a dude that isnt even being a hypocrite...)
"I blame her white parents, though...this is what you get when you raise a child without discipline. They think they can say whatever they want and they see no problem with what they are saying. Shes better off dead"
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]his statement is basically exactly what she was saying in the video.  she was saying how asian parents dont raise their children to have good manners, or to take care of themselves.  the whole reason this is an issue is because she singled out a specific race.  now this guy is doing the exact same thing.  that's why his statement is hypocritical.  if someone doesnt see an issue with that he said, then they shouldnt see an issue with what the girl said in the video either.  if you still dont see my point, i give up.  

its because he said the word white. you are confused. "this is what you get when you raise a child with no discipline"


HE DIDNT SAY "this is what happens when white people raise a white child like white people do, with no discipline"

he said "i blame her white parents"

her parents are white

THEN he said

"this is what happens when...."

again, no contradiction, no hypocracy, no prejudice, no racism...


people noticed you. we saw your screen name. its okay. you're not a nobody on here now.
Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

Originally Posted by bleach

for the record, im not white and could care less about white people being "discriminated" against
im just pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming her white parents for how she was raised, when (if you watched the video you would know this) she was making the same generalizing statements in her video about how asian parents dont raise their kids to be able to take care of themselves, etc

how is it hypocracy when Josh didn't contradict himself? Was Josh in this post crying racism from what the girl said about asians?

someone called PREJUDICE in josh's post cause he used the word WHITE....YOU tried to say he was being hypocritical in saying such, when he never even criticized the girl for her asian parent comments...

she is white. her parents are white. live with it.

(its annoying when EVERY post you got 5-10 NTers trynna contradict you and argue with you over ******ed points....then, when they get called out on it, the reasoning behind them desperately grasping for recognition ALWAYS comes out're pointing out hypocracy with a dude that isnt even being a hypocrite...)
"I blame her white parents, though...this is what you get when you raise a child without discipline. They think they can say whatever they want and they see no problem with what they are saying. Shes better off dead"
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]his statement is basically exactly what she was saying in the video.  she was saying how asian parents dont raise their children to have good manners, or to take care of themselves.  the whole reason this is an issue is because she singled out a specific race.  now this guy is doing the exact same thing.  that's why his statement is hypocritical.  if someone doesnt see an issue with that he said, then they shouldnt see an issue with what the girl said in the video either.  if you still dont see my point, i give up.  
When i said that, i wasnt talking about just white ppl...i was talking about IN GENERAL..

Larry, don't entertain this kid
Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Man up guys. Man up. you Asians are quick to stand up for what Top Gear said about Mexicans, but when someone speaks out against you guys, it's BLASPHEMY.
man up guys, man up.

but...but she made fun of us!
someone else here brought up this point as well. It should be a point to say "PEOPLE who are disrespectful in Librarys UNAPPRECIATION".

Guess what? At UCLA ,out of 26,000 undergrads, Asians are the majority at that school.. At other schools, its probably whites or a solid 40/40 split between hispanics and whites. And guess who are the ones talking loudly in libraries there? Whites and Hispanics..

This girl seems to be closed in with stereotypes to just her area. Generalizing like that is terrible.
She should have kept her opinion to herself instead of making a video and posting it on YouTube. I don't think anything is racist about it. That word is thrown around too much in today's society. She based her opinion on what she saw. Are Asians the only ones who talk loudly on the phone in the library? No, of course not. Additionally, people are overreacting in the sense that she should be expelled/suspended from the university. If anything, just have her take sensitivity training as an expulsion/suspension would just fuel any resentment that she has toward Asians if she has any to begin with.
Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS

Originally Posted by moneymike88

why wasnt the reaction for this the same...asians are too racially sensitive

yeah because this video is totally in the same context as the chick's from ucla.�
word...because she isnt making fun of another race/culture in this video, right?

truth is, it still isnt that serious...the chick voiced and opinion and dudes started whining instantly...the ching chong was a bit too far but, relax
HankMoody wrote:
Mrsouthernhospitality wrote:
was there even a thread on here though?
and considering whats going on with the earthquake situation it wasnt necessary�
There was a thread. IIRC, she's a comic. She has other videos, I think.�

yea...she imitates a jew, an italian dude from the yonkers and a black chick yelling at her man...i think i get why she never made fun of Asians

Did some Asian kid punk you for your spot in line for some Jordan's or what Broseph Smith?
Technically Indian people are Asians too...(I'm half Indian if it matters)
and I'm not speaking for every Asian ethnicity here, but alot of Indian people talk loud as @#$% on the phone in public 
 My Viet friends go off on their phones too when they talk to their parents 

My friends and I are always making racial jokes towards each other based on @#$% like that

The problem I have with the video isn't about her making fun of the cell phone @#$%. It's her saying @#$% like "Here in America","Being the American girl that I am", etc which shows that she doesn't consider people of Asian backgrounds to be American. If you look at the traditional American definition Asian immigrants who move here with nothing and provide their kids with opportunities to attend schools like UCLA are FAR more American than people like her
Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by NORCALHUSSLA

Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Man up guys. Man up. you Asians are quick to stand up for what Top Gear said about Mexicans, but when someone speaks out against you guys, it's BLASPHEMY.
man up guys, man up.
 u still butt hurt over that


never was
. look at this thread and tell me who's "butthurt"?

That OP video shows just how spoiled and self-centered most college age students are.
The problem I have with the video isn't about her making fun of the cell phone @#$%. It's her saying @#$% like "Here in America","Being the American girl that I am", etc which shows that she doesn't consider people of Asian backgrounds to be American. If you look at the traditional American definition Asian immigrants who move here with nothing and provide their kids with opportunities to attend schools like UCLA are FAR more American than people like her

Co-sign. That definitely shows that she thinks only White people are "American" and Asians aren't the same. And when she brought up the tsunami and mocked the accent, she took it to another level, and that's the reason for all this backlash over it.

If she ended it before she went to that, honestly, I think there wouldn't be a huge fuss over this and it'd fade into oblivion.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

Originally Posted by doin90onthefreeway

Originally Posted by NORCALHUSSLA

 u still butt hurt over that


never was
. look at this thread and tell me who's "butthurt"?


im not butthurt myself but its a legit reason to be butthurt. that ching chong stuff is never cool
her tone and her bringing up the tsunami
I dont know what everyone is stonefacing for. It's the truth. A large part of mainland Chinese folks don't have any manners. It's not that they're doing it on purpose, they just don't know any better.

I'll just say, it's not cool seeing see them allow their kids pee in flowerbeds at theme parks, smoking in non-smoking areas, laying out on the pavement with their shoes off in a public setting etc.

check out this article
With the exception of the first couple of page, I skimmed through this thread.

Frankly, I'm saddened, though not-surprised, by the majority of the comments in here.

How is that some of y'all don't see why or what's wrong with everything she said?

Perhaps, I should take these "it's not that serious" responses as a reflection of the general attitude towards racial marginalization and prejudice in this country.



Whether what this person said was racist or not is not what I'm asking. The real question is what benefit could she possibly think she would gain by posting that trash? Did she think that a bunch of people would view the video and think she's smart or insightful? With the tragedy in Japan, combined with her remarks, at best she looks like an insensitive idiot and at worst she looks a racist buffoon that probably frequents stormfront. The moral of this story is think twice before posting anything on the Internet.
Originally Posted by UnkleTomCruze

With the exception of the first couple of page, I skimmed through this thread.

Frankly, I'm saddened, though not-surprised, by the majority of the comments in here.

How is that some of y'all don't see why or what's wrong with everything she said?

Perhaps, I should take these "it's not that serious" responses as a reflection of the general attitude towards racial marginalization and prejudice in this country.




Originally Posted by aepps20

The moral of this story is think twice before posting anything on the Internet. everyone on the internet thinks they're the moral police
this girl isn't an elected official or the ceo of walmart, people will still be doing fine even if she hated them with every fiber of her body.
Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

@ the fb page...Tryin' to her her expelled for voicing her opinion?

i wonder what their reason for trying to get her expelled is?

people in this world are to sensitive,    i have no problem with people taking exception to what she said, as they should because what she said wasn't the smartest thing to say.  if i was Asian i would be offended with what she said as well,  but just because she said some ignorant stuff it doesn't warrant her being expelled from school,  that's just rediculous and gives a perception that anytime someone says something you don't like or take offense too let's try and get her kicked out or expelled from where's she's at.   

and i agree with what 90onthefreewaysaid,  there were people cosiging that top gear stuff thinking it was funny that have their arms up in the air crying foul over this.  both are wrong but i find it comedic that people would get a laugh at the top gear racist stuff and pass it off as "oh they make fun of everyone"  but have a double standard over what this girl said that was stupid as well.
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