SMH @ This Girl's Rant

whats her fb though?
Originally Posted by acidicality

The problem I have with the video isn't about her making fun of the cell phone @#$%. It's her saying @#$% like "Here in America","Being the American girl that I am", etc which shows that she doesn't consider people of Asian backgrounds to be American. If you look at the traditional American definition Asian immigrants who move here with nothing and provide their kids with opportunities to attend schools like UCLA are FAR more American than people like her
Co-sign. That definitely shows that she thinks only White people are "American" and Asians aren't the same. And when she brought up the tsunami and mocked the accent, she took it to another level, and that's the reason for all this backlash over it.

If she ended it before she went to that, honestly, I think there wouldn't be a huge fuss over this and it'd fade into oblivion.

A lot of immigrants think like this
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

and i agree with what 90onthefreewaysaid,  there were people cosiging that top gear stuff thinking it was funny that have their arms up in the air crying foul over this.  both are wrong but i find it comedic that people would get a laugh at the top gear racist stuff and pass it off as "oh they make fun of everyone"  but have a double standard over what this girl said that was stupid as well.
Does she make fun of everyone like the Top Gear hosts?

Originally Posted by rtz13

Originally Posted by moneymike88

Originally Posted by SMASH ADAMS


yeah because this video is totally in the same context as the chick's from ucla.�
word...because she isnt making fun of another race/culture in this video, right?

truth is, it still isnt that serious...the chick voiced and opinion and dudes started whining instantly...the ching chong was a bit too far but, relax
HankMoody wrote:
There was a thread. IIRC, she's a comic. She has other videos, I think.�

yea...she imitates a jew, an italian dude from the yonkers and a black chick yelling at her man...i think i get why she never made fun of Asians
Did some Asian kid punk you for your spot in line for some Jordan's or what Broseph Smith?

My general presence is silver back ape like (inb4 black jokes)

So, no.
Originally Posted by BTK

I dont know what everyone is stonefacing for. It's the truth. A large part of mainland Chinese folks don't have any manners. It's not that they're doing it on purpose, they just don't know any better.

I'll just say, it's not cool seeing see them allow their kids pee in flowerbeds at theme parks, smoking in non-smoking areas, laying out on the pavement with their shoes off in a public setting etc.

check out this article
learn something new everyday..........
People are taking this wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to seriously. What she said was a little rude and pretty dumb, but god damn, it wasnt that horrible. If Katt Williams did a skit on Asians in the library, everything would be all good.
Originally Posted by Made In Korea23

I am not going to lie and admit that yes I do see asian people talking on their phones at the library but I mean its definitely not limited to just a certain race. We are young adults in college and we see people with bad manners from every nationality and race. The part that pissed me off the most about this video was when she started saying "ching chong" etc. This kind of deal happened to me in person while i went to go eat with my family near Santa Monica and it is something I just cannot tolerate. The traffic in the parking lot for this plaza was really bad and we happened to be blocking their car from coming out but we were stuck in traffic and really couldn't move. The girl and her boyfriend proceeded to honk and then flip me off while i was in the passenger seat with my sister driving and parents in the back. She then stretched her eyes and made a slanted eye and said "fbombing" asians out loud. Usually I am not the type to flip out and have road rage or anything over a middle finger but what she said just completely threw me off and made me get out the car. I wasn't going to do anything physical but I just made sure she knew that she was living in a city with a large population of Asians and that its one thing to get mad about blocking the car but bringing race into it is just flat out unnecessary. The boyfriend kept apologizing and saying that "all i said was ****s man" which got me even more angered a the fact that he thinks its okay because all he said was ****s. Eventually both ended up apologizing and what not but damn, its amazing how racism will always exist no matter how many years go by. This girl who posted the video is probably done for and she probably won't be able to attend any of her finals this coming week because of the amount of hate that is going around not only the UCLA campus but even here at UCSD.
As irrelevant as it may seem, what you did was noble. I'm sure that they assumed you weren't going to do anything because of your race, but proving otherwise will help dispel lots of things we asians are stereotyped as.

As for the chick, well her life as she knows it, is over...
Originally Posted by th0ugh

Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by LarryDavidSwag

i didnt watch the video
Your name is bleach, though. You're obviously biased...on top of that you joined in 2010..You dont get to have an opinion. go to sleep

Says the dude who joined not even a month ago? Child please sit down and be quiet

Back to the topic....Allie C could get it in an instant 

People always quick to say Asians are way too sensitive 
, but when someone displays acts of ignorance against another ethnic group it's "
Originally Posted by Luong1209

People always quick to say Asians are way too sensitive 
, but when someone displays acts of ignorance against another ethnic group it's "
refer to my previous posts in here

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