SMH @ This Girl's Rant

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by KenJi714

^^ i think you're mad i just hit home
but back to topic.I think it's unfair that they letting her slide. If she had posted a video targeting Blacks while using the N word after Hurricane Katrina or the earthquake in Haiti, I guarantee you the response would have been a thousand times stronger. Frankly I'm extremely disappointed in UCLA's inaction and granting Alexandra special privileges during her finals rather than punishing her.

Great execution, especially with George Takei

She's going to have a hard time getting into any graduate/professional schools or getting a professional job for a long time. And even if she does get a menial job, she's going to be subject to plenty of harassment from customers that recognize her (who are bound to pass the word along that she's working there). I think that's more than ample punishment, no need to expel her for (stupidly) exercising her free speech.

What I want to know is what's the pool on how long it'll take her to get into 'acting' in order to make a living, co-starring with Asian men.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

using the N word in a racist diatribe is on a different level than ching chong ling long ting tong or whatever it is she said.  The N word is a spiteful and hateful word that was used to demoralize and hold down African Americans.

for the record, i am Asian (and proud) and American (also proud)
The N word is used everyday by the same people that you explained was demoralized and held down aka Blacks. 

Maybe if more Asian Americans actually publicly fought back then you would think they are on the same level. Asian American History 101 is a good course to take.    
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

using the N word in a racist diatribe is on a different level than ching chong ling long ting tong or whatever it is she said.  The N word is a spiteful and hateful word that was used to demoralize and hold down African Americans.

for the record, i am Asian (and proud) and American (also proud)
The N word is used everyday by the same people that you explained was demoralized and held down aka Blacks. 

Maybe if more Asian Americans actually publicly fought back then you would think they are on the same level. Asian American History 101 is a good course to take.    

Blacks choosing to use the N word is a different topic alltogether.  I'm not black.  I dont have the same experiences as a black person does so its not really my place to speak on it.  I'm just saying that the use of the N word is not even CLOSE to using ching chong or anything like that.

What does Asians fighting back have to do with anything?  And same level?  I dont even understand the point youre trying to make.

Also, easy on those snide little comments about taking some stupid entry level college course son.  Don't try to drop knowlege when you aint got none.    
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

using the N word in a racist diatribe is on a different level than ching chong ling long ting tong or whatever it is she said.  The N word is a spiteful and hateful word that was used to demoralize and hold down African Americans.

for the record, i am Asian (and proud) and American (also proud)
The N word is used everyday by the same people that you explained was demoralized and held down aka Blacks. 

Maybe if more Asian Americans actually publicly fought back then you would think they are on the same level. Asian American History 101 is a good course to take.    
We don't use the word in the same context though. We took a word that was used to insult and flipped/made it our own.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Blacks choosing to use the N word is a different topic alltogether.  I'm not black.  I dont have the same experiences as a black person does so its not really my place to speak on it.  I'm just saying that the use of the N word is not even CLOSE to using ching chong or anything like that.

What does Asians fighting back have to do with anything?  And same level?  I dont even understand the point youre trying to make.

Also, easy on those snide little comments about taking some stupid entry level college course son.  Don't try to drop knowlege when you aint got none.    
Since you are not even Black, why bring up the N word like you really know how it affects a Black person? Don't try to compare the two terms and suggest one is on a different level.

And who cares if you are Asian American or not. What, does that make you an expert at the "ching chong" term? 
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

We don't use the word in the same context though. We took a word that was used to insult and flipped/made it our own.
A non-Black person would be afraid to use the N-word in public in front of a black person in a positive context. People get fired dropping the N word, yet "ching chong" users get the slide because it sounds like a joke. Why is that? Cause Asian Americans themselves are letting that %%$ slide. And can someone seriously provide the origins of the "ching chong" term?

Sorry for being off topic. Not that serious at the end of the day.    
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Not justifying what she said was right, but I think when she says things like "In America..." or "accept hordes of Asians into OUR school..." she is talking about asians from asia, not necessarily asian americans. Its usually the non americanized ones that dont know americas customs or manners and some do speak loud and do other things they probably do in their homeland that they probably shouldnt do here. Its all a culture clash.
It's all xenophobic and filled with notions of hate, whether it be compelled by fear, lack of knowledge or whatever. Doesn't make it right.
I don't get why this video is so controversial. Most of what she said was true. She didnt say anything too too offensive. All she did was make a video of her explaining the stereotypes she has toward asians. Not that big of a deal.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

The problem I have with the video isn't about her making fun of the cell phone @#$%. It's her saying @#$% like "Here in America","Being the American girl that I am", etc which shows that she doesn't consider people of Asian backgrounds to be American.
well put
First off...UCLA...

I keed, I keed.

This has blown, up, actually saw it on the Morning News as opposed to NT.

I've seen the video a couple of times, along with some of the remixes.  Based on that, I think she is talking about the Asian students that come from Asia, not Americans of Asian descent.  That's just me though, so that's why she doesn't consider them American because they are not, they are foreign students that come to America to study, and then go back to their homeland.

I'm not defending her though, people need to be careful about what they put out on the internet.  Free speech comes at a price in the form of backlash.
This girl is everywhere. It made the chinese newspapers here in LA. She probably regrets every word she said
Originally Posted by sheistbugz

I don't get why this video is so controversial. Most of what she said was true. She didnt say anything too too offensive. All she did was make a video of her explaining the stereotypes she has toward asians. Not that big of a deal.
-She insinuated Asians weren't Americans. That's a huge shot at the Asian-American population, and made worse given UCLA (and California for that matter) has a lot of them. Even if she was meaning the Asians that come over from overseas to study, that's a horrible generalization to make. 
-Mocking the accent...more comical than offensive to me, but it's still a horrible decision to do that.
-Making light of the tsunami situation. That's where she took it to another level and showed her inner racism. Just because you say "I know it's wrong" doesn't mean you can say it without it being horribly wrong.

"Ching chong" is offensive. By that, you're basically saying all Asian languages sound like a bunch of jibberish. It goes beyond that, but that's a part of it. Although honestly, I find it more amusing than offensive nowadays.
Originally Posted by nicedudewithnicedreams

Since you are not even Black, why bring up the N word like you really know how it affects a Black person?

But in the same sense, some don't understand how "ching chong" may be offensive - Hence the "it's not that serious, man up, etc etc".
Nah, it didn't sound like she discriminated between foreign Asians and Asian-Americans. Not at all.
I just found out that my friend and this girl Alexandra were neighbors in Sacramento and they went to high school together. My friend wasn't surprised at all when she saw the video. She also said that Alexandra's boyfriend was the ugliest.
 Damn man, when OP posted the video there were a few hundred views and now there's 2 mil and it's all over the news 
^What use would that be? That's just immature and giving her/anyone else to take Asians less seriously.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

We don't use the word in the same context though. We took a word that was used to insult and flipped/made it our own.
@Luong1209, based on the reasoning above ^ I felt like it was ok. I'm sorry.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

ooIRON MANoo wrote:
Dirtylicious wrote:
The problem I have with the video isn't about her making fun of the cell phone @#$%. It's her saying @#$% like "Here in America","Being the American girl that I am", etc which shows that she doesn't consider people of Asian backgrounds to be American.
well put
First off...UCLA...

I keed, I keed.

This has blown, up, actually saw it on the Morning News as opposed to NT.

I've seen the video a couple of times, along with some of the remixes.  Based on that, I think she is talking about the Asian students that come from Asia, not Americans of Asian descent. That's just me though, so that's why she doesn't consider them American because they are not, they are foreign students that come to America to study, and then go back to their homeland.

I'm not defending her though, people need to be careful about what they put out on the internet. Free speech comes at a price in the form of backlash.
Ithink there are only like 3 people that picked up on this...she is super insensitive but she makes a good point about people being hella loud in the library.
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

the $*!$ that becomes noteworthy in this day in age
This has become noteworth because it has brought to light a very serious topic that is still prevalent in America that most don't want to acknowledge.

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

the $*!$ that becomes noteworthy in this day in age
This has become noteworth because it has brought to light a very serious topic that is still prevalent in America that most don't want to acknowledge.

The medium is the sole reason why it became so noteworthy. Youtube has made it ridiculously easy for anything to become viral and spread, it's the internet on AIDs. If she just wrote this on her blog/twitter/fb nobody would've given a
. Not saying it isn't a big issue though, but it's definitely not the reason why it's become newsworthy.

This is why when I have kids, if they even think about putting some dumb *&#$ like this on youtube, best believe I will be smacking the holy ghost outta them.
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