Should Student Athletes be Compensated??

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

it's funny to me and I know this is off topic, but you got YOUNG entertainers like miley cyrus making millions because of her talent, yet you can't have a youngsta with major talent ahead of his game in the sports world making millions. To me, the reason is college folks like to exploit that special god given talent that they try so HARD to recruit to make money for them. They just attach the STUDENT label to them and it makes them amatuer so they shouldn't get paid????? Like I said this is going to be off topic again, but I know my cousin and plenty of people in the 3rd world are working at 12 and 13. I'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm seeing these kids work JUST to feed their family and get over to the next day. I don't see why it's wrong for an American kid to feed his family and help them get ahead in COLLEGE. 18 is legal and they should be getting paid rather than get exploited by these money hungry cats that can give a damn about the sport.

that's an entirely different issue. if you want to take it up with the NFL and now the NBA on how they use college sports as a free minor leauge go ahead. but consider that they do a lot to publicize college sports and go out of their way not to have conflicting schedules. that's why NFL games always state what college they went to.

amateurism is also a seperate topic seperate from this.

also keep in mind that the NFL generates revenue that's split among 30 teams. each athletic conference has to take care of its own 10-12 schools with hundreds of athletes each from a smaller pie than the NFL makes.
This is not an entirely different issue though. You trying to make it but it is not. They are both related. If everything was all hunky dory, whyis it that when a college football player goes into the draft, he can't go back to college? If, he's an amateur player, and he doesn't make it tothe pros, should he be able to go back to school and get his degree???? This college system is already designed to make players focus on their ATHLETICS skillsfrom the get go, why not pay them for it while they are using them to make money???? That's what I don't get. These are 18-22 year olds that should begetting paid by a system, that is milking them for their god given abilities, and on top of that they are controlling their futures by NOT letting them comeback to school if they DON'T get drafted. Now tell me where's the love????? I could have sworn there is love when they are recruiting them.
i thought most student athletes have allowances built-in with their scholarships. I don't think these dudes should get paid. They're not professionals.
If the commitment to the sport is too much for you, leave. im no athlete, and dont really care for sports nor athletes so my view on this is already biased.
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by Face82

I see a lot of people sayin the free education is good enough. But think about the ones who aren't goin for school...but to play. That's all they know? Look at some of the smaller schools too. A scolarship doesn't even compare to the millions they make off your %#% . That's why they quick to give you that lil scolarship and not the average student outa highschool.They lookin for the money makers. My thing is they makin all that dough for them..let them get a piece of the pie. They bustin @@@ 24/7 and every body aint gauranteed to go pro.
Yes, for some that have no chance of going pro, their sport is still all they know. That is why they need to be sat down and told the truth: either find your career now or go to college and find a career while there...have a backup plan.

Those millions that the NCAA makes go back into the NCAA. The universities might put that money into paying for coaches to keep them competitive and keep people watching college football/basketball but thats fine....because a great big deal of that money goes to funding for non-revenue sports too, giving other people a chance to go to college for free. So I have no real problem if they sell star players jerseys and pimp them to hell as long as the money is going back into the university system.

Athletes know the deal, they know what they're signing up for and no one is making them bust themselves 24/7.

You've inspried me to do some formal research, I'll see exactly how those millions get put back into the system.
Brother when you find the true facts of how much money goes back into the University system holla at me. I don't think you gonna find it. Those money hungry administrators on the committee are taking it all.

You even said it yourself, you be happy if these players get pimped to hell as long as it goes back to the university. Then why are the students paying for higher tuition????? Because the money ain't going back to the system, they are going to administrators and deans, cause education is a business.

its not that simple. its not like the administrators are taking home monstrous salaries, in fact there's been issues with conflict of interest since most high profile coaches earn more than their ADs. plus you took my words out of context. I meant back into the system to help kids get through college. tuition rates are rising because everything is rising. but with the money coming from NCAA revenue sports you get to put tens of thousands of kids through college for free, most of whom would've never been able to do that.

people say education is a business like its a bad thing. its an obvious thing. even non-profits have to stay viable. trust me the NCAA is like the IRS, if you get caught stepping out of line it will cost you and your university dearly.

and some of you are really generalizing when you say the colleges don't care about athletes. I wouldn't be so naive to say some no AD looks at a player as dollar signs, I mean Mike Beasly and OJ Mayo are examples of that, and I'm not saying that the system is perfect but it is certainly not broken. and if it was, paying athletes that miniscule amount wouldn't fix it, it would make it worse. you guys simplify it so much that you don't see the ripple effect.
Where's the ten of thousands of kids that I see going to these major colleges with great sports reputation??? You done lost your mind. You forgetting about the middle class kids too that have to go to CC's. If it wasn't about saving money for those kids that are at the middle way point that can't qualify for financial aid, why r they going to CC's and working a job just to get into college.??? Man, these major colleges got money, but once they got it in their hands they ain't gonna let it out. And I mean THEY, by big administrators. The American system is as or more corrupted as a 3rd world when it comes to "education" or anything that can make a buck". And how do you know the system would be worse???? We haven't seen it done. Plain and simple for me, these kids are getting straight EXPLOITED.

I've never seen my leg getting chopped off but I'm pretty sure that'll make my life worse. It's not very difficult to see how paying athleteswould negatively effect everything.

Exploited? once again, nobody put a gun to their head and told them to play. there's a reason why the only people you ever hear saying student-athletesshould be paid are people who have never played college or professional sports. you never see athletes complaining, you never see professional athletes who arefree from harm from the NCAA speaking out, you never see research published calling for it. all you see are people from the outside with a minimalunderstanding of the situation making statements without thinking about the ramifications.
Originally Posted by osubass1

it's been 8 years since i graduated, and i still pay over $500/month on my student loan.

the money i pay in that loan each month could easily get me an M3, but instead, i have to pay back the $40,000 i borrowed to get through school.

i don't think i would be complaining if i got all of that for free.

You owe 40,000 and your only paying 500 a month?
Originally Posted by infamousod

Originally Posted by raptors29

Yeah we should because of the hours we put in. We don't have time to have a part time job.
Most programs don't allow their players to have part-time jobs even if you had the time. That's a choice you made, nobody forced you into it. If you want a free education the school is obviously willing to help you. If you are having trouble making ends meet take out a loan like every other college student.
Why would I take out a loan?
Nope. They get it easy in school. I think that's compensation enough. Let's be real. We all know athletes in general, not just in college, get breaksacademically. First and foremost, they're students, not athletes. They're in school to make something of their selves for the future, not to make moneyfor the moment. A lot of high schools out there also charge for games also, but we're not expecting to see students make money from it.

I'm not completely opposed to it like others in this thread. I can be talked in either direction. But for the most part, this is my general take on it.
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