Should Student Athletes be Compensated??


Jan 28, 2008
I'm watchin a special on ESPN and how college sports generate millions and millions a year. NCAA football alone makes about 500 million a year. Coaches are
paid millions, profits are being made off players, jerseys...ect. A few atheles were talking about how they are in credit card debt because they don't have
enough money to get by.

Should they give bigger scolarships? Free room and board......something? It isn't like they can work while playing sports and going to class.

What do you think?
Of course they should be paid. As much revenue as they bring in, most def. Always thought it was unfair that they didn't...
i did my senior project on this. Leaving highschool i was thinking that we should get paid. After 4 years of being a player on full scholarship i dont thinkwe should get paid for playing. Being in cc debt outta college is a personal problem. I got bs jobs in college that i didnt show up to and still got paid, freemeals. All you really need is extra money to blow at the clubs. You get into parties free. You already get free room and board. I left college with a freedegree basically. Of course I had to practice 6 hours a day, and missed out on internships, and being on the road half the year made class hard as hell.. butit's the path i chose.
I think they should get paid. like a weekly check or monthly even. For food, personals or whatever. Some of these students can't get money from home...
I mean your busting your %+@ making them rich and your not getting a dime. Your name and jersey number is being sold around the country and your not seeing onered cent.
^ I agree with you, djphame1
No, they shouldn't. They get so much free %$#%, it's ridiculous.
They choose to play. Now when it's professional and it's their job then yeah.
They don't have to do it. It's extracurricular.
Their FREE EDUCATION/DEGREE is their compensation. Getting payed to play in college
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

I always thought student athletes should get something

Well from what I've seen, they pass classes a whole easier.

But you were probably talking about a monetary "something" and I agree.
Originally Posted by djphame1

i did my senior project on this. Leaving highschool i was thinking that we should get paid. After 4 years of being a player on full scholarship i dont think we should get paid for playing. Being in cc debt outta college is a personal problem. I got bs jobs in college that i didnt show up to and still got paid, free meals. All you really need is extra money to blow at the clubs. You get into parties free. You already get free room and board. I left college with a free degree basically. Of course I had to practice 6 hours a day, and missed out on internships, and being on the road half the year made class hard as hell.. but it's the path i chose.
That pretty much sums up my thoughts.
Originally Posted by Face82

I think they should get paid. like a weekly check or monthly even. For food, personals or whatever. Some of these students can't get money from home...
I mean your busting your %+@ making them rich and your not getting a dime. Your name and jersey number is being sold around the country and your not seeing one red cent.
Free food most if not all the time, personals such as what? Most of the time if they ask they get it. These guys are looked out for. Theydon't need to be paid.
And then with the latter, not all of the athletes have their jerseys made and what about them? So how would they compensate for that and make itequal for all?
Originally Posted by vcshoxj6

Their FREE EDUCATION/DEGREE is their compensation. Getting payed to play in college

100% no. Free tuition, room/board, and a stipend for books in addition to free athletic gear, transportation, tutoring, etc is all they should get. They areSTUDENT athletes. And while I fully concede the days of the true scholar athlete are long gone in most circumstances, it is the true ideal that everyone shouldbe striving for. The bottom line is the solid majority of these kids are getting into schools they would NEVER get into solely on academics (more so for the"major" sports than the smaller, less credited sports which usually involve significantly more intelligent athletes). Yet, concurrently, most ofthese kids will never make it pro or see any real money from their athletic skill. Yet still, they were able to have that degree, make connections, and be ableto get a job in a relevant field or at least from some booster if worst comes to worst. So really, they are being compensated in that form, it's justdelayed compensation. Otherwise, most of them would just be going nowhere in life.
having a BS job, being on the "clock," and not being there FTW!!!


not saying it's right or wrong, but the amount of time you gotta put into athletics is's a job in itself and you are bringing revenueto the school...I have no issue with it, and I hope some of the NCAA rules are changed to benefit the student-athlete.
Originally Posted by curt2121

100% no. Free tuition, room/board, and a stipend for books in addition to free athletic gear, transportation, tutoring, etc is all they should get. They are STUDENT athletes. And while I fully concede the days of the true scholar athlete are long gone in most circumstances, it is the true ideal that everyone should be striving for. The bottom line is the solid majority of these kids are getting into schools they would NEVER get into solely on academics (more so for the "major" sports than the smaller, less credited sports which usually involve significantly more intelligent athletes). Yet, concurrently, most of these kids will never make it pro or see any real money from their athletic skill. Yet still, they were able to have that degree, make connections, and be able to get a job in a relevant field or at least from some booster if worst comes to worst. So really, they are being compensated in that form, it's just delayed compensation. Otherwise, most of them would just be going nowhere in life.
At first I would've said yes, but when you put it like that I'd change my answer and say I agree with you.
Originally Posted by curt2121

100% no. Free tuition, room/board, and a stipend for books in addition to free athletic gear, transportation, tutoring, etc is all they should get. They are STUDENT athletes. And while I fully concede the days of the true scholar athlete are long gone in most circumstances, it is the true ideal that everyone should be striving for. The bottom line is the solid majority of these kids are getting into schools they would NEVER get into solely on academics (more so for the "major" sports than the smaller, less credited sports which usually involve significantly more intelligent athletes). Yet, concurrently, most of these kids will never make it pro or see any real money from their athletic skill. Yet still, they were able to have that degree, make connections, and be able to get a job in a relevant field or at least from some booster if worst comes to worst. So really, they are being compensated in that form, it's just delayed compensation. Otherwise, most of them would just be going nowhere in life.
Co-sign with this...
However, I still feel the NCAA still needs to fix a lot of rules that may not be fair to the student-athlete...
No way should they get paid. Like Elocin023 said, its extracurricular. They are choosing to play instead of choosing to work. And I know plenty of studentathletes who work during the offseason and summer. Getting into credit card debt IS a personal problem. If traveling makes it hard on classes, spend your freetime studying NOT partying. Yea people wanna whine that they don't have a life like that, well then maybe you shouldn't play since it eats up so muchtime. Student athletes get enough pardons, excuses, and perks as is. They don't need anything else.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

having a BS job, being on the "clock," and not being there FTW!!!


not saying it's right or wrong, but the amount of time you gotta put into athletics is's a job in itself and you are bringing revenue to the school...I have no issue with it, and I hope some of the NCAA rules are changed to benefit the student-athlete.
Just what I was going to come in and follow up. It really is hard to maintain a part time job, it's almost impossible. When they're not inclass, they're usually hitting the weights or shooting and practice is usually in the late afternoon so basically the only jobs a player could get are atnight and then when the season comes a long no player is going to want to work late at night. They do get 1 pretty sweet benefit though, and that's foodstipends during the holidays (Christmas break, Thanksgiving, summer, etc.)
are they goin to school to play or to learn? if they can't figure that out while they're there, then when they're eligibility is up they can dealwith all the "handouts" life has to offer. don't tell me they "deserve" it cause there are people out there working 2 jobs, taking 15+units, AND doing internships.
Originally Posted by here 4 tha kickz

are they goin to school to play or to learn? if they can't figure that out while they're there, then when they're eligibility is up they can deal with all the "handouts" life has to offer. don't tell me they "deserve" it cause there are people out there working 2 jobs, taking 15+ units, AND doing internships.
Those people are doing their work when they don't have class. Athletes spend their breaks working out and practicing.
On the one hand, I agree with what everyone has said about the ideal of student athletes, the fact that they can get into schools they otherwise would not haveand the fact that they will eventually either go pro or not go pro and get hookup with a job from a booster. On the other hand, I look at how the currentsystem is actually harmful to the schools as a whole.

The players who play basketball and football in top programs make a lot of money for their school and getting more blue chip players means more success for aprogram and more money. This means that schools will do what ever they are allowed to so to attract talent. Since they cannot pay the players who are makingmillions in profits for their school, they school competes for new talent by building lavish training facilities and venues. Schools spend tens of millions onstate of the art venues, training facilities and other perks because in the absence of being able to bid for talent directly they have to do it in an indirectand very expensive manner, so expensive that huge sums of money are spent to indirectly bid for and compensate players and that is money that could be spent onacademics.

Since most college sports programs do not make a profit, a full ride scholarship is more than enough compensation for most athletes. For those few that are inthe big money sports, basketball land football, the case can be made for the players getting a small share of the revenues that they create, just like howcoaches get money in exchange for winning and generating revenues. I understand why people don;t want to see the student athlete ideal completely obliteratedso no they should not be paid millions but a player, especially a star player, for a top flight football or basketball program should be given generousstipend. This way schools could bid for talent directly and not spend nearly as much money as they currently spend on indirect bidding for talent.

The issue for fairness can be debated forever but reality of the unintended consequences of barring players from being paid are beyond discuss. They are realand they are very costly and they take money away from academic endeavors, which is supposed to be the main goal of institutions of higher learning. Even ifyou absolutely dislike paying student athletes for philosophical reason, you should at least give some thought to the costs being imposed on universities thatarise from the current system's flaws.
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