She wants to meet for coffee

You guys seriously think she's attractive enough to have sex with? I don't know if you guys are just self conscious about the kind of girls you canget or what but she's a 5, maybe a 6 on her best day.

Like I said, if you have to put in effort for her to drop 'em it's a waste of your time in my opinion.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by T i c a l

You guys seriously think she's attractive enough to have sex with? I don't know if you guys are just self conscious about the kind of girls you can get or what but she's a 5, maybe a 6 on her best day.

Like I said, if you have to put in effort for her to drop 'em it's a waste of your time in my opinion.

- Tical.
Like I said before this man speaks truth.OP abort mission
she's cute, but then again this is NT....just talk...invite her back once she sees youre not a creep.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Coffee's not coffee! Coffee is sex!
word to GTA hot coffee mod
On the real, don't really know what to talk about with her at a coffee place since we don't know each other well and just met at the gym....
the coffee is a feeler...basically she doesn't want to commit to a full coffee is good enough to see if you're a) not crazy b)compatible enough for a real date

suggest you also have a few date-like things to do afterwards just in case the coffee date goes well..
maybe you should research the area where you're going to go and see what good restaurants are nearby...get 2 or 3 on you mental list, on standby.
Just talk man. Be confident.

Just make sure you don't pay for her coffee though. She asked YOU out.

j/k. but homegirl on the right is better
just talk. I've done a couple of "coffee talks". Great time wasters even if you dont hit the buns.but then i like to talk sooo....
Originally Posted by infamousod

I think this is a case where make-up makes the girl look worse than what she really is.

and take breath mints for after the coffee...and contraceptives.
This is a necessity. Girl don't want to be talking to someone with coffee breath.
she good. ofcourse i would smash a hole in the wall if it had pigtails....but thats besides the case. Be yourself but also make an effort to atleast try tomake it seem like its all about her. ask stuff about her and listen more than talking about yourself. Always seem interested and always look her in the eyeswhen you talk. wont hurt to bring up the election and side with her choice either lol
Originally Posted by NobleKane

she good. ofcourse i would smash a hole in the wall if it had pigtails....but thats besides the case. Be yourself but also make an effort to atleast try to make it seem like its all about her. ask stuff about her and listen more than talking about yourself. Always seem interested and always look her in the eyes when you talk. wont hurt to bring up the election and side with her choice either lol

LOL we from Canada. But still, yeah more people been talkin about Obama and Palin than local politics. Thanks for all the feedback, I ain't really gonnasweat it too much, tell you the truth I had plans made up with my boys for later on Friday night anyways so unless I'm smashing I don't really wanna goout and eat with her or anything like that (unless she eating me). She seems like a nice chick though, since we met on campus, and my college is boring anddead, I dunno if she the ho type so smashing that night is prolly out of the picture, but then never know
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Originally Posted by NobleKane

she good. ofcourse i would smash a hole in the wall if it had pigtails....but thats besides the case. Be yourself but also make an effort to atleast try to make it seem like its all about her. ask stuff about her and listen more than talking about yourself. Always seem interested and always look her in the eyes when you talk. wont hurt to bring up the election and side with her choice either lol

LOL we from Canada. But still, yeah more people been talkin about Obama and Palin than local politics. Thanks for all the feedback, I ain't really gonna sweat it too much, tell you the truth I had plans made up with my boys for later on Friday night anyways so unless I'm smashing I don't really wanna go out and eat with her or anything like that (unless she eating me). She seems like a nice chick though, since we met on campus, and my college is boring and dead, I dunno if she the ho type so smashing that night is prolly out of the picture, but then never know
That just dont sound right
Coffee means she is more interested in you. Show her what you got as far as game. She trying to see if you can treat her as a normal girl while havingbreakfast. Just be yourself, and if she likes you. It's a wrap and I already thought so from the get go cause she want to have coffee with u. You just needto show personality and interest to smash or move it further to a "relationship". Relationship can mean sex buddies or something serious, be carefulwhen you tread through these waters.
Tell her to take her friend


[Snoop] It aint no fun, if the homies cant have none [/Snoop]
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