Serious girlfriend got attacked last night.

My chicks been taking night classes and/or getting out of work 10pm or later. for xmas i bought her one of those pepper spray pens (can carry it in clubs and bars, security wont take it). I force her to keep it in her purse at all times. She looked at me crazy, and wasn't exactly happy about the gift(i got her other $+@$, but thats besides the point) but people are obviously crazy. I suggest all bf's grab one for their chick :

But to the OP all you can do is be there for her really. I hope she has the courage to get these dudes locked up.
My chicks been taking night classes and/or getting out of work 10pm or later. for xmas i bought her one of those pepper spray pens (can carry it in clubs and bars, security wont take it). I force her to keep it in her purse at all times. She looked at me crazy, and wasn't exactly happy about the gift(i got her other $+@$, but thats besides the point) but people are obviously crazy. I suggest all bf's grab one for their chick :

But to the OP all you can do is be there for her really. I hope she has the courage to get these dudes locked up.
Originally Posted by Sweettooth 17

Sorry to hear OP just be there for her as much as possible. Its a shame cats don't know when to distinguish serious matters from lulz but oh well. Karma is a b*&^% though so its only a matter of time for him.

I believe karma comes back to pay people what they owe, but I really hope someone either on the right or the wrong side of the law finds him first. Stuff like this gets me near unreasonably angry.
Originally Posted by Sweettooth 17

Sorry to hear OP just be there for her as much as possible. Its a shame cats don't know when to distinguish serious matters from lulz but oh well. Karma is a b*&^% though so its only a matter of time for him.

I believe karma comes back to pay people what they owe, but I really hope someone either on the right or the wrong side of the law finds him first. Stuff like this gets me near unreasonably angry.
OPs girl got raped and dudes are in here trying to get Lulz
Originally Posted by aaf703

smh at some of these responses. 
anyways sorry to hear that man, I can't imagine what you guys are going through.

wish y'all the best, just be there for her. 
Originally Posted by aaf703

smh at some of these responses. 
anyways sorry to hear that man, I can't imagine what you guys are going through.

wish y'all the best, just be there for her. 
OP, the sad part is I wasn't tryna be funny...I was being dead serious, I have family members, close friends and associates who were all assaulted
at different points in their life. The out come has always been not so good, especially if there's a boyfriend/husband that wasn't there to stop it. In one case
the boyfriend left because he felt like he failed and didn't deserve her. A husband that felt like she could've done more to stop it and blamed her (she's promiscuous heavy now).
From EXPERIENCE and observation sexual assualt ruins a female's reception to a man's social cues when trying to communicate and in some cases court her.

I know it's not what you we're looking to hear, but AS AN ACTUAL PSYCHOLOGY student, from my understanding it's always best to present
REAL LIFE options to the patient to reinforce the healing process upon a concrete foundation rather than abstract fail mechanical responses of "I'm sorry, things will get better"

And it's evident I wasn't far off considering you're already asking should be be seek therapy...because in the back of your mind that's your mate and you already feel the distance, its cool
though bro maybe it's best I don't post in this thread anymore because it's upsetting NT'ers to hear the truth about the situation.


So far, she adds, the Kobe Bryant case has exploited every myth about women except the "virgin" myth: "That women are mentally ill, and vindictive, and lie for sport. That false allegations are common, and women like men to force themselves on them because they're not allowed to be sexually aggressive. Even the idea that the injuries are a result of Kobe's size is a kind a race myth."

Those sorts of suggestions - and their implication that certain women are more likely to be lying, or that they "had it coming to them" - are exactly what rape-shield laws were designed to prevent.

Most states' laws were enacted in the 1970s, as a recognition that a rape victim's sexual history is too often used against her in court - and that it prejudices juries yet provides little evidentiary value.

Many people view the laws as a way of keeping the victim's name from being dragged through the mud, or a way to encourage more reporting about a crime on which the vast majority of victims remain silent. But the laws' most important function is not protecting the victim but preventing prejudice from getting in the way of an accurate verdict, says Michelle Anderson, a professor specializing in rape law at Villanova University's School of Law. "They're a protection of the truth-seeking process."
OP, the sad part is I wasn't tryna be funny...I was being dead serious, I have family members, close friends and associates who were all assaulted
at different points in their life. The out come has always been not so good, especially if there's a boyfriend/husband that wasn't there to stop it. In one case
the boyfriend left because he felt like he failed and didn't deserve her. A husband that felt like she could've done more to stop it and blamed her (she's promiscuous heavy now).
From EXPERIENCE and observation sexual assualt ruins a female's reception to a man's social cues when trying to communicate and in some cases court her.

I know it's not what you we're looking to hear, but AS AN ACTUAL PSYCHOLOGY student, from my understanding it's always best to present
REAL LIFE options to the patient to reinforce the healing process upon a concrete foundation rather than abstract fail mechanical responses of "I'm sorry, things will get better"

And it's evident I wasn't far off considering you're already asking should be be seek therapy...because in the back of your mind that's your mate and you already feel the distance, its cool
though bro maybe it's best I don't post in this thread anymore because it's upsetting NT'ers to hear the truth about the situation.


So far, she adds, the Kobe Bryant case has exploited every myth about women except the "virgin" myth: "That women are mentally ill, and vindictive, and lie for sport. That false allegations are common, and women like men to force themselves on them because they're not allowed to be sexually aggressive. Even the idea that the injuries are a result of Kobe's size is a kind a race myth."

Those sorts of suggestions - and their implication that certain women are more likely to be lying, or that they "had it coming to them" - are exactly what rape-shield laws were designed to prevent.

Most states' laws were enacted in the 1970s, as a recognition that a rape victim's sexual history is too often used against her in court - and that it prejudices juries yet provides little evidentiary value.

Many people view the laws as a way of keeping the victim's name from being dragged through the mud, or a way to encourage more reporting about a crime on which the vast majority of victims remain silent. But the laws' most important function is not protecting the victim but preventing prejudice from getting in the way of an accurate verdict, says Michelle Anderson, a professor specializing in rape law at Villanova University's School of Law. "They're a protection of the truth-seeking process."
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

long distant relationships < anything

there's nothing you can do, she's damaged good now...know to many females that have been assaulted  and can't bounce back.
she's probably be lesbian or extremely promiscuous, i know you don't want to hear it but the odds arent good in your favor.'re her protector and you failed, so you'll be replaced soon if you're still 3 hours away, outta sight outta mind.
Its amazing to know that someone of your age, with kids have such a immature, unintelligent mentality. I feel sorry for your children to be raised by someone like you..
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

long distant relationships < anything

there's nothing you can do, she's damaged good now...know to many females that have been assaulted  and can't bounce back.
she's probably be lesbian or extremely promiscuous, i know you don't want to hear it but the odds arent good in your favor.'re her protector and you failed, so you'll be replaced soon if you're still 3 hours away, outta sight outta mind.
Its amazing to know that someone of your age, with kids have such a immature, unintelligent mentality. I feel sorry for your children to be raised by someone like you..
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

OP, the sad part is I wasn't tryna be funny...I was being dead serious, I have family members, close friends and associates who were all assaulted
at different points in their life. The out come has always been not so good, especially if there's a boyfriend/husband that wasn't there to stop it. In one case
the boyfriend left because he felt like he failed and didn't deserve her. A husband that felt like she could've done more to stop it and blamed her (she's promiscuous heavy now).
From EXPERIENCE and observation sexual assualt ruins a female's reception to a man's social cues when trying to communicate and in some cases court her.

I know it's not what you we're looking to hear, but AS AN ACTUAL PSYCHOLOGY student, from my understanding it's always best to present
REAL LIFE options to the patient to reinforce the healing process upon a concrete foundation rather than abstract fail mechanical responses of "I'm sorry, things will get better"

And it's evident I wasn't far off considering you're already asking should be be seek therapy...because in the back of your mind that's your mate and you already feel the distance, its cool
though bro maybe it's best I don't post in this thread anymore because it's upsetting NT'ers to hear the truth about the situation.


So far, she adds, the Kobe Bryant case has exploited every myth about women except the "virgin" myth: "That women are mentally ill, and vindictive, and lie for sport. That false allegations are common, and women like men to force themselves on them because they're not allowed to be sexually aggressive. Even the idea that the injuries are a result of Kobe's size is a kind a race myth."

Those sorts of suggestions - and their implication that certain women are more likely to be lying, or that they "had it coming to them" - are exactly what rape-shield laws were designed to prevent.

Most states' laws were enacted in the 1970s, as a recognition that a rape victim's sexual history is too often used against her in court - and that it prejudices juries yet provides little evidentiary value.

Many people view the laws as a way of keeping the victim's name from being dragged through the mud, or a way to encourage more reporting about a crime on which the vast majority of victims remain silent. But the laws' most important function is not protecting the victim but preventing prejudice from getting in the way of an accurate verdict, says Michelle Anderson, a professor specializing in rape law at Villanova University's School of Law. "They're a protection of the truth-seeking process."
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

OP, the sad part is I wasn't tryna be funny...I was being dead serious, I have family members, close friends and associates who were all assaulted
at different points in their life. The out come has always been not so good, especially if there's a boyfriend/husband that wasn't there to stop it. In one case
the boyfriend left because he felt like he failed and didn't deserve her. A husband that felt like she could've done more to stop it and blamed her (she's promiscuous heavy now).
From EXPERIENCE and observation sexual assualt ruins a female's reception to a man's social cues when trying to communicate and in some cases court her.

I know it's not what you we're looking to hear, but AS AN ACTUAL PSYCHOLOGY student, from my understanding it's always best to present
REAL LIFE options to the patient to reinforce the healing process upon a concrete foundation rather than abstract fail mechanical responses of "I'm sorry, things will get better"

And it's evident I wasn't far off considering you're already asking should be be seek therapy...because in the back of your mind that's your mate and you already feel the distance, its cool
though bro maybe it's best I don't post in this thread anymore because it's upsetting NT'ers to hear the truth about the situation.


So far, she adds, the Kobe Bryant case has exploited every myth about women except the "virgin" myth: "That women are mentally ill, and vindictive, and lie for sport. That false allegations are common, and women like men to force themselves on them because they're not allowed to be sexually aggressive. Even the idea that the injuries are a result of Kobe's size is a kind a race myth."

Those sorts of suggestions - and their implication that certain women are more likely to be lying, or that they "had it coming to them" - are exactly what rape-shield laws were designed to prevent.

Most states' laws were enacted in the 1970s, as a recognition that a rape victim's sexual history is too often used against her in court - and that it prejudices juries yet provides little evidentiary value.

Many people view the laws as a way of keeping the victim's name from being dragged through the mud, or a way to encourage more reporting about a crime on which the vast majority of victims remain silent. But the laws' most important function is not protecting the victim but preventing prejudice from getting in the way of an accurate verdict, says Michelle Anderson, a professor specializing in rape law at Villanova University's School of Law. "They're a protection of the truth-seeking process."
Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Stockholm Patriot wrote:
Its amazing to know that someone of your age, with kids have such a immature, unintelligent mentality. I feel sorry for your children to be raised by someone like you..

most of what he said is pretty true, just not the kindest thing that could've been said in a thread such as this one
the damaged goods line was especially insensitive and saying that there's nothing he can do to help is also incorrect 

to op, i hope your girl proves to have a clean bill of health after this ordeal

don't be surprised or offended if she doesn't want much contact from you for a while, it'll prolly take some time for her to feel comfortable around men in close quarters

sad situation 
Originally Posted by joeykadesh

Stockholm Patriot wrote:
Its amazing to know that someone of your age, with kids have such a immature, unintelligent mentality. I feel sorry for your children to be raised by someone like you..

most of what he said is pretty true, just not the kindest thing that could've been said in a thread such as this one
the damaged goods line was especially insensitive and saying that there's nothing he can do to help is also incorrect 

to op, i hope your girl proves to have a clean bill of health after this ordeal

don't be surprised or offended if she doesn't want much contact from you for a while, it'll prolly take some time for her to feel comfortable around men in close quarters

sad situation 
sry OP...

man its triflin and pathetic that scum like this are out on the streets

I worry this may happen to my girl, shes only like 5'2... dunno what Id do but after reading this post im def investing in that stun gun weve talked about her getting...

pathetic that this is sumthin u hafta wry about in todays society
sry OP...

man its triflin and pathetic that scum like this are out on the streets

I worry this may happen to my girl, shes only like 5'2... dunno what Id do but after reading this post im def investing in that stun gun weve talked about her getting...

pathetic that this is sumthin u hafta wry about in todays society
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