Serious girlfriend got attacked last night.

Keep your head up OP and be there for her.

I hate when my gf comes home late for this exact reason.

This can happen to anyone. Whether its your gf,mom,sis,etc.
Keep your head up OP and be there for her.

I hate when my gf comes home late for this exact reason.

This can happen to anyone. Whether its your gf,mom,sis,etc.
Stockton, it was your delivery that pissed folks off. That is all. Nobody wants to hear jerk-dom at a time like this. Not really asking you to sugar coat the message but just don't be a JERK about it.
Stockton, it was your delivery that pissed folks off. That is all. Nobody wants to hear jerk-dom at a time like this. Not really asking you to sugar coat the message but just don't be a JERK about it.
Originally Posted by aaf703

smh at some of these responses. 
anyways sorry to hear that man, I can't imagine what you guys are going through.

wish y'all the best, just be there for her. 
Originally Posted by aaf703

smh at some of these responses. 
anyways sorry to hear that man, I can't imagine what you guys are going through.

wish y'all the best, just be there for her. 
you need to get her stuff that will help her feel protected when you are not around:

like pepper spray, the condom that will rip the guys penis if inserted, gun training

make sure she gets tested for hiv/aids, stds...also make sure you wait the 6 month window before thinking about smashing....

i am sorry to hear about what happened to your girlfriend hopefully they catch the criminals.
you need to get her stuff that will help her feel protected when you are not around:

like pepper spray, the condom that will rip the guys penis if inserted, gun training

make sure she gets tested for hiv/aids, stds...also make sure you wait the 6 month window before thinking about smashing....

i am sorry to hear about what happened to your girlfriend hopefully they catch the criminals.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.
^ from what I understand, it isn't a long distance relationship, dude just flew to Houston to watch the Final 4 for the weekend..
^ from what I understand, it isn't a long distance relationship, dude just flew to Houston to watch the Final 4 for the weekend..
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.
What makes you a fool is your insensitive attitude towards the OP's situation. If you're really a psychology student, you should ALSO know how to present sensitive information such as this. It's all good telling the truth, but it's also how you present the truth. Psychologists don't bluntly and insensitively dish out "hard" truths... you even exaggerated saying there's nothing he can do. I understand you're trying to give him some real talk, but you know it can be done more tastefully than this...
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.
What makes you a fool is your insensitive attitude towards the OP's situation. If you're really a psychology student, you should ALSO know how to present sensitive information such as this. It's all good telling the truth, but it's also how you present the truth. Psychologists don't bluntly and insensitively dish out "hard" truths... you even exaggerated saying there's nothing he can do. I understand you're trying to give him some real talk, but you know it can be done more tastefully than this...
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.

Like DC said bro it's your delivery of the information to the OP that was awful.  You don't have to just regurgitate cliches like everyone else like you are saying, but you don't have to be callous when suggesting your supposed "truths" either.

Furthermore, if you really were such a student of psychology, then you'd know that nothing in terms of outcomes of psychological stress is 100% for sure. Hell, nothing in terms of any psychological disease model is 100% correlative to some cause or infliction. Of course there's going to be a cause and effect on traumatic situations such as this, but to say that OP's girl is going to shun him/turn lesbian/other garbage in such definite terms suggests to me that you don't know %%+% about psychology.  Different outcomes for different people based on the situation.  Could what you said happen? Sure. But is it a foregone conclusion like you make it sound? Hell naw.
Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.

Like DC said bro it's your delivery of the information to the OP that was awful.  You don't have to just regurgitate cliches like everyone else like you are saying, but you don't have to be callous when suggesting your supposed "truths" either.

Furthermore, if you really were such a student of psychology, then you'd know that nothing in terms of outcomes of psychological stress is 100% for sure. Hell, nothing in terms of any psychological disease model is 100% correlative to some cause or infliction. Of course there's going to be a cause and effect on traumatic situations such as this, but to say that OP's girl is going to shun him/turn lesbian/other garbage in such definite terms suggests to me that you don't know %%+% about psychology.  Different outcomes for different people based on the situation.  Could what you said happen? Sure. But is it a foregone conclusion like you make it sound? Hell naw.
Originally Posted by Smokey1212

Originally Posted by Stockholm Patriot

Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Some of you cracking jokes and making smart remarks (you know who you are) make me absolutely sick, ^^^Nice quoting yourself again, you actually have kids too? Sad, very sad
You're like 12 telling me what's sad, OK.. I'm telling OP what you dudes wont.

While you're telling him "cheer up", "that's messed up" and "it's aight op things will get better" truth is NO IT WILL NOT...not for a long time.
If he loves her and is strong enough to endure the rejection, emotionally and sexually, the accusations, her blaming him for being so far away, him stopping what ever he's has going on in 3 hours away
to be closer to her and still dealing with the average day to day male to female drama then sure, things might get better.

So if I make you sick you're actually a sad person, and what's wrong with society, burring your head in the ground like an ostrich feeding this poor guy cold, mechanical positive reinforcement
and go jump into a "female appreciation thread" beasting and talkinf about "I'll catch a charge for hit that breezy right there"


check out those links OP, if you're mature and this is a serious thread, those links will get you in the right direction bro.

Like DC said bro it's your delivery of the information to the OP that was awful.  You don't have to just regurgitate cliches like everyone else like you are saying, but you don't have to be callous when suggesting your supposed "truths" either.

Furthermore, if you really were such a student of psychology, then you'd know that nothing in terms of outcomes of psychological stress is 100% for sure. Hell, nothing in terms of any psychological disease model is 100% correlative to some cause or infliction. Of course there's going to be a cause and effect on traumatic situations such as this, but to say that OP's girl is going to shun him/turn lesbian/other garbage in such definite terms suggests to me that you don't know !!%# about psychology.  Different outcomes for different people based on the situation.  Could what you said happen? Sure. But is it a foregone conclusion like you make it sound? Hell naw.

First thing you learn in psychology is that there is no absolute answer, and that different models, or a combination of these models, can be used to explain behavior.
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