Sean Taylor dead at the age of 24.

I can do nothing but

I'm not a ******** fan or a fan of the U, but any time any person gets cut down in the prime of their life like this is such a sick tragety.
I hope they find the piece of %@$* that did this and give him the chair.

My heart hurts for his family and his child.
you know, many of us have had an emotional attachments to our favorite sports teams for a long time and even though its just sports they still hold a place inour hearts. and when you support a team and the players on a daily basis for so many years they become a like extended family. you'll support and defendthem no matter what. so when a person who is a big part of your emotional state is gone, it feels like you've lost a part of your family. i never knew seantaylor but i knew every week id pour my emotions out watching him and the skins. thats why this hurts to me.

may God rest his soul.
damnit man!!! i'm having a tough time........................ understanding. WHY?

RIP Sean.........
Originally Posted by MaxElite

you know, many of us have had an emotional attachments to our favorite sports teams for a long time and even though its just sports they still hold a place in our hearts. and when you support a team and the players on a daily basis for so many years they become a like extended family. you'll support and defend them no matter what. so when a person who is a big part of your emotional state is gone, it feels like you've lost a part of your family. i never knew sean taylor but i knew every week id pour my emotions out watching him and the skins. thats why this hurts to me.

may God rest his soul.


i grew up watching the ********... and now i live in the same area as them.. i've met plenty of players at the mall either working there or just bumpingin to them.. what really sucks the most is that i had the chance to go to sean taylors and meet him/talk to him/get his autography... but i never did
Anyone else keep seeing "Taylor Dead at 24" and think thats a little cold choice of words?
I know what happened happened and theres no sugarcoating it but I dunno. Itseems like they could pick a better title.
Do you guys feel weird everytime you come across the words "Sean Taylor dead"? It's so unreal.

Yes. I keep seeing these highlights of him and it feels like he should be recovered from his knee injury and back on the field this week against the Bills.

Portis said that Sean's fiancee told him that it killed Sean to not be at the game last week, and that he went and rode 30 miles on his bike after the lossand then watched a lot of game film, and couldn't wait to get back out on the field and help his team out.

I've certainly missed him on the football field these past couple of weeks as we've gone 0-3 without him (counting the Eagles game). I was so lookingforward to the rematch with the Cowboys in Week 17, because this time we were gonna have Sean healthy. I was planning on going to that game since it was theonly one my schedule allowed, and now it's just not going to be the same without ST there.

At the same time, it's pretty selfish to even think about the impact his loss has on the football field.

I went to sleep last night completely ELATED. I was just thanking God that Sean was gonna make it out ok. Like Gregg Williams said, "If he's able toplay football again, great. If he's not able to play football again, great. I just want him to be alright." So he was probably never going to stepfoot on the field again, so what? I was just so overjoyed that Sean was finally responsive. And now, he's just gone.

It's at least somewhat comforting for me to know that Sean is ballhawking in heaven now. We love you Sean. We'll always miss you, and we'll neverforget you.
I'm really at a loss for words, when I went to bed last night I knew it wasn't looking good for Sean but I didn't really think it would end up likethis. I went to bed with the tv on and the second I woke up I was facing the television and the first image I saw was the picture of Sean with"1983-2007" under it. Seeing that felt like someone was repeatedly punching me in the face. Following a person for the past 7 years and seeing somany of their highs & lows from being a college freshman to a veteran NFL player it feels like I actually knew him personally. I remember at the end of the2003 season during the college football award show I thought Sean was as much of a lock for the Thorpe award as anyone could be. Then when they announced thewinner, it wasn't ST. I can't even describe how pissed and sad I was about that, to this day there is no way Sean should not have won that award. How Inow wish that was the worst I could ever feel for him. I never expected it to get even worse like this. I wish I could say more but the more I type the worse Ifeel about all this. Now with Sean he's there with Jerome Brown where all you can do is wonder, "What if...". Great talents who never got tofulfill the greatness they were headed for.

RIP Sean Taylor: One of my favorite Hurricanes ever.


man was amazing at the U and in washington, its a shame 80% of the stuff youre hearing about him on espn is all about the gun charge, probation, spitting inpittmans face, all the bad stuff.... rip to sean and prayers are w/ his friends and fam
Originally Posted by chickfileezy

Do you guys feel weird everytime you come across the words "Sean Taylor dead"? It's so unreal.

I still cant believe.... i haven't watch ESPN, Comcast SportNet or the news since 1pm today because i just can't believe it! I am still waiting forsomeone to say he is back from his knee injury and is gonna play this week.
Why does this has to happen?? I couldn't really care if his football careeris over but why did he have to died? Damn Sean Taylor... im gonna be on YouTube all the time looking at all the highlight video of you! Thanks for being theGREATEST ******** EVER! Only 4 years on this team and you will be in our heart forever!
[h1]Birth of daughter gave new meaning to Taylor's life[/h1]

By Jeffri Chadiha

Updated: November 27, 2007

There are many details to be sorted out in the shooting death of Washington ******** safety Sean Taylor, but this much we do know: This was a man whose life appeared to be changing for the better.

That's the only thought that kept going through my mind after hearing Taylor had died early Tuesday morning, a day after being shot by an intruder in his South Florida home. This wasn't the same immature kid who spent his first two seasons baffling ******** management with poor decision making. This was a young father, a hard-hitting defender fresh off a Pro Bowl season, a maturing 24-year-old who finally understood what it took to be a professional.

Now there certainly are plenty of people who will say that Taylor's death is about more than just football, and there is no question about that. But what can't be dismissed is that most of what we know about Sean Taylor relates to football. Taylor rarely talked to reporters and most of our insight into his life came from his on-field performance and off-field issues. It's apparent that the playing part was never much of a problem for him. The off-field stuff was another issue, especially during Taylor's first two seasons.

But the feeling from the ******** was that Taylor had put the problems that plagued him early in his career behind him -- including the seven fines he'd received for late hits and other infractions, and the $25,000 fine he incurred for skipping a mandatory rookie symposium after the ******** selected him fifth overall in the 2004 draft. He was no longer the same man who had been accused of brandishing a gun during a fight in 2005. In that case, Taylor accepted a plea agreement of two misdemeanors and received 18 months' probation.

Yet somehow, through all those issues, he had started the valuable process of growing up. The most obvious sign was the relationship he had with his 1-year-old daughter, Jackie.

"It's hard to expect a man to grow up overnight, but ever since he had his child, it was like a new Sean, and everybody around here knew it," ******** running back Clinton Portis told reporters. "He was always smiling, always happy, always talking about his child."

Teammates always claimed that Taylor had more common sense than he displayed early in his career. It's much easier to believe that when observing his behavior since Jackie was born in May 2006.

Not only had Taylor avoided trouble, but he had become even better on the field. A few weeks ago, ******** defensive coordinator Gregg Williams gushed about how Taylor had become the best safety in the league, a defender whose intimidating combination of size (6-foot-2, 212 pounds) and speed allowed him to excel in coverage and against the run. The more you listened to people talk about Taylor, the more you sensed he had turned an important corner in his life and his career.

But now we must reflect.

Taylor apparently had lost so much blood from an arterial wound in his leg that he wound up in a coma shortly after reaching Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. There had been some signs of hope -- ******** vice president of football operations Vinny Cerrato told the media Monday that doctors were encouraged by Taylor's ability to squeeze a physician's hand on request and show facial expressions. But Taylor's injuries were too severe. Now his family and friends and the ******** are left wondering how to make sense of this tragedy.

Taylor's teammates clearly struggled to find the words to convey those feelings. On Monday, Portis talked about how it was impossible for a teammate and friend to turn back time and step in front of the bullet that pierced Taylor's leg. Safety Pierson Prioleau said Taylor was more than just a member of the ********; he was a father, a brother and a dear friend to many in that locker room. ******** coach Joe Gibbs said there's no easy way to deal with a tragedy like this. It's just too far outside the scope of what most people face.

In may take some time to sort out exactly what happened the day Taylor was shot. Even when we do find out, it may not make much sense. After all, Taylor had seen the value in growing up long before somebody broke into his home and shot him. He saw it in his daughter, in his growth as a player.

Hopefully, people will remember that about his character as they mourn him today.
Wow, it's such a terrible thing to wake up to watch the news about his condition and find out that he passed away. I could barely open my eyes when iwatched the news this morning because i was so tired. I was really glad the skins picked him up over kellen winslow. Based on his stats and reputation forbeing a hard hitter from his career, I was a bit suprised he didn't go number 1 overall in the draft.

I hope that his family can overcome this and rather than mourn, celebrate the life he lived and how many people he affected within his career. It's alwaysa shame to see a great athlete lost especially leaving behind his 18 month daughter who will never have that male role model around in her life.

As a fan of the ********, I hope that we can all get through this. Sunday will be a very emotional day for us. A day for God and a day that we turn to footballfor, to watch athletes like Sean step out on that field.

Remember Sean Taylor....A *******....An athlete.... A son....A father

R.I.P. Sean Taylor

I never really followed the ******** or Sean Taylor, but when I was in class and I heard that he died, I was just shocked. I read about him being shot lastnight before I went to bed but I was so sure that he would make it and get better. I didn't think one bit that he wouldn't. Then it happened. It makesyou think. It's crazy. I don't know what to say. R.I.P. Sean Taylor
Originally Posted by MaxElite

you know, many of us have had an emotional attachments to our favorite sports teams for a long time and even though its just sports they still hold a place in our hearts. and when you support a team and the players on a daily basis for so many years they become a like extended family. you'll support and defend them no matter what. so when a person who is a big part of your emotional state is gone, it feels like you've lost a part of your family. i never knew sean taylor but i knew every week id pour my emotions out watching him and the skins. thats why this hurts to me.

may God rest his soul.
Very well said. Im not a ******** fan but I was a huge Taylor fan. I still cant believe this has happened. Its so hard to grasp and to take in asa fan of Taylor. He will be missed. RIP
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