Russ Wilson and Ciara?

Exactly. Cats want the new man to have absolutely nothing to do with the child. That's selfish.
It's ignorant and damages the kid far more than anything. That kid don't know nothing but Mr. Russell takes care of me and loves on me like my daddy does. He don't think there's a difference and honestly he shouldn't be able to notice a difference.

Just like mentioned before, it's a pride thing that's understood but is such a useless battle with little to nothing to gain
I mean we are talking about Future here.....whos putting him on any type of pedestal to be a mature logical reasonable man of any morals or values???
Y'all got to chill that void isn't real you can be there for your chill and not live with them.

Hell with how some of y'all talkin you can't work and they can't go to school since you have to be there for them 24/7.

Y'all got to make sense.
Think the void he meant was the child will turn to the father figure 'stepdad' that lives with him 24/7 than the real dad whose presence is there sparingly.

When Jr has a nightmare... he will turn to Russ for comfort.

When Jr goes for number 2... he will turn to Russ for help

When Jr wants to play catch.. he will turn to Russ to have fun

When Jr has a bad day at school.. Russ will be there for support

That 'void' of not knowing what your child is enduring at that very second is definitely real.
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Really doesn't matter at this point. She's the mother of two kids and someone's wife. Everyone's got a past.

Yep that should be it but it wouldn't be NT if it was :lol:

Y'all got to chill that void isn't real you can be there for your chill and not live with them.

Hell with how some of y'all talkin you can't work and they can't go to school since you have to be there for them 24/7.

Y'all got to make sense.

Bro if you don't reside in the same household as your child, there is a void. You will miss key moments. You will not be included in certain memories that your child has growing up in their home.
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Think the void he meant was the child will turn to the father figure 'stepdad' that lives with him 24/7 than the real dad whose presence is there sparingly.

When Jr has a nightmare... he will turn to Russ for comfort.

When Jr goes for number 2... he will turn to Russ for help

When Jr wants to play catch.. he will turn to Russ to have fun

When Jr has a bad day at school.. Russ will be there for support

That 'void' of not knowing what your child is enduring at that very second is definitely real.

But if the women is bitter and is preventing you from being in those scenarios then what u supposed to do. Let her dictate a void and who fills it? Situation is totally different if the father doesnt care to do those things, any dude who chooses to is stand up. But when the women causes and/or perpetuates that rift and the new man jumps in headfirst to the father role that is being denied the biological father, its kinda simpish, disrespectful and spineless. Imo.
I don't think ciara is thotty

I also feel Kim K is grossly painted as a *** that runs up on all D's...

So my opinion to some of you may not even matter. Lol
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I don't think ciara is thotty

I also feel Kim K is grossly painted as a *** that runs up on all D's...

So my opinion to some of you may not even matter. Lol

Nah Kim a bop, if you were a rapper or athele in the 2000s you hit
But if the women is bitter and is preventing you from being in those scenarios then what u supposed to do. Let her dictate a void and who fills it? Situation is totally different if the father doesnt care to do those things, any dude who chooses to is stand up. But when the women causes and/or perpetuates that rift and the new man jumps in headfirst to the father role that is being denied the biological father, its kinda simpish, disrespectful and spineless. Imo.

This is the topic I was tryna to avoid but since you mentioned it.........

A lot of these women go to court (like Ciara) to try to remove the father from the picture entirely!

So these weekend fathers are created and the women replaces him with another man, and that man, as good as he may be strengthens the women's scorn by replacing the true father.


I can't go.
She smutted herself on camera and released it to the world bruh you really still believe thst taped was leaked?
Don't you have kids as well? And you think there's no difference between living with your child and not living with your child?

More people should fight to be the custodial parent not just joint custody. Trust kids know when they are home and when they are just visiting the other parents home for the weekend/holiday. It isn't the same :smh:

Not saying there's no way you can't be a great parent if you don't live with your child but there are elements they are missing if you don't.
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But if the women is bitter and is preventing you from being in those scenarios then what u supposed to do. Let her dictate a void and who fills it? Situation is totally different if the father doesnt care to do those things, any dude who chooses to is stand up. But when the women causes and/or perpetuates that rift and the new man jumps in headfirst to the father role that is being denied the biological father, its kinda simpish, disrespectful and spineless. Imo. this situation a woman purposely tries to keep the father from being the best father he can (ie putting him on child support knowing he don't make a lot of bread even though he already financially supports the child or being difficult with visitation/withholding visitation from the father) but she gets married and the husband steps up and essentially does what the father would be doing but the mother is blocking him from doing, the husband is a simp and is being disrespectful and spineless?

Is this assuming that the husband is fully aware of what the wife is doing? it is possible that a woman can paint a story in a way that a man wouldn't doubt or double check

Or is this based on the husband seeing what is going on but doesn't speak up?
She smutted herself on camera and released it to the world bruh you really still believe thst taped was leaked?
She had sex with her then man and the tape got out/was released, that makes her a ****?
Lemme ask this, does a parent have a say so in who the other parent dates when they are no longer together?
Lemme ask this, does a parent have a say so in who the other parent dates when they are no longer together?

Unless it's a case where the person that they're dating poses some sort of threat to the kid that's shared, why would they?
Even within that realm, outside of an "obvious" threat a parent might think the other person is dating somebody who is not a good example (stripper, smoker, drinker, etc). How much say so should the other parent have?

IMO, if both parents respect each other fully none of that "I'm hatin' on every dude/chick you with because I want you back/want you to suffer" ish a parent should be able to express their feelings regarding the other person and the other parent should keep that in mind
Are cats really debating Kim K status as a bop now? Lol. She put the tape out. She made it knowing she was gonna release it. Wasn't a hack job or someone dogging her she and her mama pimped that tape to get a show. I'm not mad she did but everything about how she hoppped from bed to bed moving up the hip hop ladder to the tape she was a bop don't know why this is confusing to anyone.

On the other topic, no matter how much i may try and be in my kids life having joint custody means i won't be there 100 percent of the time. As a father i would be selfish to hate on any person with good and pure intentions trying to help my ex out with my kids.

Their well being comes first and thats my first and last priority. Russ taking care of that boy is stand up and should be applauded
On the other topic, no matter how much i may try and be in my kids life having joint custody means i won't be there 100 percent of the time. As a father i would be selfish to hate on any person with good and pure intentions trying to help my ex out with my kids.

Their well being comes first and thats my first and last priority. Russ taking care of that boy is stand up and should be applauded

Which is lost on people...because, Future.
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