RIP Glenn Bell, Founder of Taco Bell

Oct 26, 2009
[h1]Glen Bell, founder of Taco Bell, dies at 86[/h1][h2]Bell first sold tacos for 19 cents in San Bernardino in 1951, and he built Taco Bell from one Downey stand in 1962 to a $125-million business when he soldit in 1978.[/h2]

An undated photo of Glen Bell. (Business Wire)
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By Myrna Oliver
January 18, 2010 | 12:15 p.m.

Glen W. Bell Jr., the innovator and entrepreneur who tapped an unsated hunger for Mexican fare as Americans discovered fast food, creating Taco Tia, El Tacoand in 1962 his signature Taco Bell, has died. He was 86.

Bell, who had Parkinson's disease since 1985, died Sunday at his home in Rancho Santa Fe, the company announced. No cause of death was given.

"We changed the eating habits of an entire nation," Bell said in his 1999 biography, "Taco Titan: The Glen Bell Story."

That he did.

When post- World War II Americans began to realize they could no longer survive without cheaply purchased, quickly delivered hamburgers, the SouthernCalifornia born and bred Bell looked for another simple staple of the masses.

He chose the taco, which he first sold in 1951 for 19 cents each at Bell's Hamburgers and Hot Dogs in San Bernardino.

Eventually, Bell coaxed multiethnic palates across the country into salivating for his tacos and later additions of burritos, tostadas, frijoles and chiliburgers.

PepsiCo purchased Taco Bell from Bell in 1978 for $125 million, and eventually spun off its restaurants into Tricon Global Restaurants Inc. The company wasrenamed Yum! Brands in 2002.

Over the decades he developed what he called his "recipes for success" -- some 60 homilies outlined in his biography. His first three rules provedthe formula for all his restaurant chains:

-- You build a business one customer at a time;

-- Find the right product, then find a way to mass-produce it;

-- An innovative product will set you apart.

As one taco stand grew to many, he applied his rule No. 40 -- find people who know things you don't.

"I'm an entrepreneur, not an administrator," he said. "Taco Bell prospered because I recognized my limitations, hired professional managersto make up for them, and knew when to let go."

Glen William Bell Jr. was born Sept. 3, 1923, in Lynwood, to an often out-of-work construction worker father and resourceful mother faring worse financiallythan their own parents. Bell virtually grew up selling produce to help the struggling family.

When he was 5, the family moved to a small farm in Oregon, and as the Depression came on, he sold cottage cheese door to door so that his mother could put foodon the table.

In 1934, the family moved to a 10-acre mountainside orchard, owned by Bell's maternal grandmother, south of San Bernardino in Cedar Springs. The family,now with five children, was more or less self-sufficient with the orchard, a garden and chickens. Again, young Glen became the salesman, peddling eggs, applesand flowers.

Halfway through high school, he hopped freight trains and roamed from Iowa to Washington seeking work, sometimes on relatives' farms. He spent a summer inWashington with a great aunt, learning how to bake blackberry pies and selling them as Mrs. Dye's Homemade Pies. They split a profit of $3,000, and youngBell decided eventually he wanted to own his own food stand.

After high school graduation in 1941, he worked for the U.S. Forestry Service and for the military near Barstow before joining the Marines. Bell's wartimeservice -- as a waiter serving top military brass in the South Pacific -- taught him how to balance the amount of food needed by specific numbers of diners,and the importance of clean and prompt service.

At war's end, he returned to San Bernardino and worked in a brickyard and the railroad yard before founding Bell's Hamburgers and Hot Dogs in 1948,which he later sold to in-laws.

He also built a second hamburger stand in San Bernardino. When he developed and sold that first 19-cent taco at that location, Bell separated himself from theneighboring competitors he so admired, Mac and #++* McDonald. He had found his profitable niche.

But Bell's success, built through long work days, destroyed his six-year marriage to Dorothy Taylor, the mother of his oldest son, Rex. They divorced in1953.

As he restlessly built new stores and explored developing chains of food shops with partners, only to sell his interest, he influenced the creation of suchfast-food brands as Taco Tia, Del Taco, El Taco, and even Der Wienerschnitzel, whose owner he tutored.

In 1953, at age 30, Bell struck out for Barstow and built Bell's Hamburgers, selling tacos and hamburgers. He took in a partner, Ed Hackbarth, who in 1964would found Del Taco.

Bell took in another partner, variety store owner Al McDonald, to build a new taco stand in San Bernardino -- the first dubbed Taco Tia.

After adding Taco Tias in Riverside and Redlands, he sold out to McDonald, who opposed Bell's insistence on further expansion.

Bell remarried in 1955 to a teacher named Marty Ahl, and with their new son, Gary, struck out on his own again -- this time in Pasadena. But he misjudged theclientele and his Taco Tia on Colorado Boulevard failed to show a profit.

With still other partners, he built a food store in Long Beach they called El Taco. They built half a dozen or so, served by a central commissary to reduceoverhead and control quality, before Bell again sold his interest.

Fresh out of names for a new enterprise, Bell turned to his real estate agent and friend, Bob Trujillo, who came up with his trademark Taco Bell.

The first Taco Bell opened in March 1962 at 7126 Firestone Blvd. in Downey. Within two years, Bell opened eight more.

In 1964, he decided to franchise -- selling a turnkey restaurant, training, assistance and a grand opening celebration. The first franchise operation opened inTorrance and was wildly popular.

By 1966, Bell had his first franchise outside California -- Scottsdale, Ariz. -- and had spawned 80 Taco Bells. The next year he opened a headquarters buildingin Torrance and hired architect Robert McKay as president to handle the nuts and bolts of everyday business. Bell moved to Florida to extend Taco Bellseastward.

When the first Taco Bell in Florida opened Nov. 29, 1967, tacos were so unfamiliar to residents that Bell had to run advertisements, defining and picturing themenu items, listing ingredients and showing how to pronounce them.

The company was so financially successful by 1969 that Bell made his first public stock offering. He remained the major stockholder and personally pocketed $1million from the sale. By 1975, Bell resigned as chairman of the board and sold stock valued at $5.85 million. The PepsiCo stock he received in 1978 was valuedat $32 million.

Bell remained a lifelong Taco Bell consultant and booster.Enamored with Knott's Berry Farm and Disneyland, Bell had always wanted to develop his own themepark. After his efforts to create a family entertainment venue called Rainbow Springs in Florida fell through, he sold the property, which became a state park.

Closer to his Rancho Santa Fe home, Bell bought property near the bucolic town of Valley Center and in 1963 created Bell Gardens, a model produce farm,complete with sales of fresh pumpkins and items from the other 63 crops to the public.

Bell, indulging in his own personal history, installed a quarter-scale train for rides, a miniature train station called Summit that was reminiscent of the onewhere he hopped freights as a teenager, and vintage vehicles similar to ones owned by his family. One area of the farm was dubbed Cedar Springs.

The development welcomed thousands of schoolchildren each year on class trips, providing demonstrations in conservation and how various crops are grown, andoffering train rides. Bell's 75th birthday was celebrated there with a huge fiesta reminiscent of those he staged to open Taco Bell restaurants.

Bell put his own money into the farm for many years, but in 2002 turned it over to a nonprofit corporation, which was unable to attract financial support. BellGardens closed in 2003.

As part of his philanthropy benefiting youth, Bell bought 4-H animals at local livestock auctions and donated them for resale to provide scholarships. He alsosupported the YMCA, Boys & Girls Club and Salvation Army Scripps Hospital.

Bell is survived by his wife, Martha, three sisters, two sons and four grandchildren, according to the Associated Press.

A private funeral is planned.

Oliver is a former Times staff writer

Glen Bell,

I owe you so much. Your establishment has fed me for years and you asked for such a small amount of currency in return. Thank you for that. You dreamed up some crazy concoctions of combinations of mexican food that i would have never thought of. I will forever support your restaurant, and I am in your debt.

I love you. Rest in peace.
R.I.P, first
now this
thanks for the amazing food after coming home from the club at 2am
Taco Bell > any other fast food place here in the midwest (In and Out > Taco Bell if we counting the west coast).
Nobody can front on Taco Bell. If they don't like it, its because they never had it or they just got the wrong thing...

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

founder of Taco Bell

Good man, good man.

I actually watched the story of Taco Bell on MSNBC not even 2 weeks ago. R.I.P.

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