RIP George Floyd

I remember this from a while back. Still hits home.

These rich fools need to stop with the BS!!!!

Here are the FACTS!!!


Falsehood No. 1: Black and Latinx families have less money because they’re led by single parents.

Nope. A 2017 study from Demos and the Institute on Assets and Social Policy showed that single-parent white families have twice as much wealth as two-parent black and Latinx families.

In other words, raising kids in a two-parent household doesn’t close the racial wealth divide.

Falsehood No. 2: Black people are poor because they’re less educated.

Hard no. A 2015 study titled “Umbrellas Don’t Make It Rain” found that black families led by college graduates “have about 33 percent less wealth than white families whose heads dropped out of high school.”

In fact, according to that 2017 Demos study, “The median white adult who attended college has 7.2 times more wealth than the median black adult who attended college and 3.9 times more wealth than the median Latino adult who attended college.”

In other words, higher education doesn’t close the racial wealth divide.

Falsehood No.3: Black people don’t work or are bad with money.

Definitely not. Demos found that white families actually spend more and save less than black families with the same income. Yet white families have way more wealth than black families with the same income.

The Umbrellas adds that “white families with a head that is unemployed have nearly twice the median wealth of black families with a head that is working full-time.”

In other words, not even income alone can close the racial wealth divide.

So if these arguments are all false, what’s really going on here?

The simplest answer is a history of oppression and inherited advantage. The impacts of slavery, sharecropping, Jim Crow, white capping, red lining, mass incarceration, and predatory subprime lending, among many other things, are still very much with us.

Many white children, by contrast, start life with a more robust safety net of family wealth. It may be as small as getting a few hundred bucks from their parents when they really need it, or as big as a few hundred thousand for things like college, weddings, or their first home.

Addressing these problems is a lot harder than blaming oppressed people for their hardship. But if we’re going to address racial disparities in this country, we must heed James Baldwin’s challenge that “nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

It’s not individual behavior that drives the racial wealth divide — it’s a system that many folks pretend doesn’t exist.

Education then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of men...
-Horace Mann 1848


This ties into what I said earlier in this thread about not calling the cops on every ******** inconvenience you encounter. These WalMart dip****s call 911 because they SUSPECT this person stole something because they scanned one item and put multiple of the same item into a bag. And all they did was input the number of items into the self checkout screen.

You're really that pressed that you called 911 over potentially $10 or less in items you don't own for a billion dollar corporation? people are slaves to these jobs. You make minimum wage but you're so concerned about the rich man's money that you put a black man's life at risk to ensure he doesn't get away with free tomatoes (he wasn't stealing but even if he was you don't need to call the police over everything)

This ties into what I said earlier in this thread about not calling the cops on every bull**** inconvenience you encounter. These WalMart dip****s call 911 because they SUSPECT this person stole something because they scanned one item and put multiple of the same item into a bag. And all they did was input the number of items into the self checkout screen.

You're really that pressed that you called 911 over potentially $10 or less in items you don't own for a billion dollar corporation? people are slaves to these jobs. You make minimum wage but you're so concerned about the rich man's money that you put a black man's life at risk to ensure he doesn't get away with free tomatoes (he wasn't stealing but even if he was you don't need to call the police over everything)

What's more is they NEVER call the cops in suburban neighborhoods when this happens. I remember when I was in highschool I worked at a grocery store for a summer. They (management) KNEW someone was stealing and let them leave.....I observed the whole thing. I was like, oh that's how the game works.
Could you imagine coming home from Supercuts and having to tell your partner you got stomped out by some young dude from your own race in ****ing SUPERCUTS? Mans prolly had a tough time spilling that hate around his WS buddies for a while. Dudes be so gung ho about a civil war until they get punched in the mouth.
What are you talking about? Did you see the video Bruh definitely 'got jumped by 2 black guys.'
So the cop that murdered Rayshard Brooks kicked him after he killing him...

Man these people need to be taking off the earth.
People got mad when I stated that IF covid were the thing that ended white supremacy, that it would be just. I stand by my initial comments. May this virus run rampant at each and every Trump stump spot, all over this nation.

politics rule this country. A black man will let his own people die at his feet if it means reelection. If it means more funds they can embezzle. It means more illegal **** they can personally get away with. You don't think there's any white republicans who think Trump is a trash president? They just refuse to speak on it because their political careers depend on their cooperation.

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