RIP George Floyd

i know this has nothing to do with george floyd
but can you imagine this in front of a project anywhere in nyc or black owned home in canarsie brooklyn
every black person would be harassed ticketed or taken into central booking

this is real white privilege
everyone here should not get a pass because its in a majority white area of manhattan

too bad protesters didn't bum rush their drinking party

IMO, COVID news and commentary like this fit right under the BLM/George Floyd news and commentary umbrella. COVID presents the risk of a horrible death through suffocation and it is more likely to happen to black people, just like police brutality.

When COVID was starting to take hold in the US, it looked like the distribution of cases and death would be somewhat equal. Initially it looked we were running a real-time Rawlsian experiment. Early on, we all thought that the harm from COVID had a similar chance of killing a rich white person as a poor black person. As COVID played out, we all saw how unequal the distribution was and that an explosion of new cases due to "reopening the economy" (not sufficiently paying non essential workers to stay home, not providing no-cost PPE and treatment, not even mandating paid sick leave) would largely fall on the front line service workers, a population which is disproportionately black.

In other words, when affluent whites thought that they faced similar risks as working class black folks, they moved heaven and earth to keep the spread of the virus at bay. Once it was clear that we could return to business as usual and as usual capital owners, a mostly white group, could keep profiting and having fun, while service workers, a disproportionately black cohort, can get back to toiling for little money all the while incurring a huge risk of death.

COVID has become what "tough on crime" politics has always been, a boon to a mostly white capital owning class and an acute danger to a hyper exploited, and heavily non white slice of the country.
Bro....they shot this man who was running away. This is 2nd degree murder at least. And who discharges a fire arm around civilians when there's no viable threat. He shot him in the back after he embarrassed those 2 idiots breaking the tackle and choke hold

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I think that I’ve said this several times here on NikeTalk, with my being banned from two threads because of stating this fact. Now that it is being bought out into the open, especially coming from White people? I wonder how all of you white nt’ers, and your model minority protectors will begin to recognize this.
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Again, seen a few instances of dudes straight squaring up and going off on cops with other cops around without guns ever being drawn on some 'feared for my life' bull...

Just their lives seemingly have more value in the eyes of the law than black lives evidently

i know this has nothing to do with george floyd
but can you imagine this in front of a project anywhere in nyc or black owned home in canarsie brooklyn
every black person would be harassed ticketed or taken into central booking

this is real white privilege
everyone here should not get a pass because its in a majority white area of manhattan

too bad protesters didn't bum rush their drinking party
Not that you’re wrong, but seen someone post an IG story with ppl playing ball and like 50+ ppl hanging out in the projects. Nobody gives a **** about coronavirus anymore
Not that you’re wrong, but seen someone post an IG story with ppl playing ball and like 50+ ppl hanging out in the projects. Nobody gives a **** about coronavirus anymore

believe me if liquor was involved and their not white everyone is getting arrested
playing basketball i think the cops are giving people a pass
IMO, COVID news and commentary like this fit right under the BLM/George Floyd news and commentary umbrella. COVID presents the risk of a horrible death through suffocation and it is more likely to happen to black people, just like police brutality.

When COVID was starting to take hold in the US, it looked like the distribution of cases and death would be somewhat equal. Initially it looked we were running a real-time Rawlsian experiment. Early on, we all thought that the harm from COVID had a similar chance of killing a rich white person as a poor black person. As COVID played out, we all saw how unequal the distribution was and that an explosion of new cases due to "reopening the economy" (not sufficiently paying non essential workers to stay home, not providing no-cost PPE and treatment, not even mandating paid sick leave) would largely fall on the front line service workers, a population which is disproportionately black.

In other words, when affluent whites thought that they faced similar risks as working class black folks, they moved heaven and earth to keep the spread of the virus at bay. Once it was clear that we could return to business as usual and as usual capital owners, a mostly white group, could keep profiting and having fun, while service workers, a disproportionately black cohort, can get back to toiling for little money all the while incurring a huge risk of death.

COVID has become what "tough on crime" politics has always been, a boon to a mostly white capital owning class and an acute danger to a hyper exploited, and heavily non white slice of the country.

i do agree with you somewhat but mostly black and brown people are more affected by coronavirus because of their living working and health conditions

coronavirus effects everyone im personally more worried about this virus than anything else in the past 20 years as i think everyone thats breathing air should
White supremacy lasted long b4 & after the confederacy. Look at our line of presidents since. The current president has a had/has a full blown white supremacy slogan in “make america great again.” This country is a confederate country.
White people, Hell’s Kitchen yesterday. Midtown Court, Midtown Police Dept right around the corner.

BTW, ALL of the hoops/rims have been taken down, off of the courts in and around NYC, by the NYC Dept of Parks, so there is no Ball playing happening anywhere outdoors here.
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White people, Hell’s Kitchen yesterday. Midtown Court, Midtown Police Dept right around the corner.

BTW, ALL of the hoops/rims have been taken down, off of the courts in and around NYC, by the NYC Dept of Parks, so there is no Ball playing happening anywhere outdoors here.
So much for social distancing, I can see one mask in the entire photo. We’ll be back in quarantine by Labor Day.
I think that I’ve said this several times here on NikeTalk, with my being banned from two threads because of stating this fact. Now that it is being bought out into the open, especially coming from White people? I wonder how all of you white nt’ers, and your model minority protectors will begin to recognize this.
You and Jane are 100% correct.
Getting wild in England today too...

The statue stuff has devolved into fully fledged culture war

Crazy how their Gramps fought Hitler only for their descendants to proudly wave the nazi salute decades later in 'defense' of statues of the wartime PM and British in real strange times

White supremacist ideology follows no logic that I can clearly see. I repeatedly see “fought Hitler” in reference to these people’s ancestors. Their ancestors fought facists and communism, not racism or white supremacy. Today many of them think they’re still fighting communism/socialism as they run in opposition to capitalism and the white supremacy system that it props up.

All comes back to that white savior superiority complex to me. Same with Lincoln references. “These white men did this for you, be grateful”.
Asian people are just as racist as whites people from MY experiences.
Complete opposite for me out here in Cali they’ve always seemed to take a liking to me especially older Asian women, I’ve been told o look half Asian so maybe that could be the reason...
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