RIP George Floyd

Someone saying that to you, isn't a compliment.

when I had my hair low and waves back in school, folks would ask if I was mixed with white or Puerto Rican and when I said no I’m Black sometimes they’d look disappointed or kinda turn their nose up.

Will never forget that.

Yup there's no real consistency or logic behind the beliefs,literally just WS as the main guiding principle.

The other stuff under the guise of being anti-'insert political ideology' is usually just window dressing because some of them are too cowardly to admit what they really believe, the ones that aren't are upfront like this

You see it. Any counter protesting, ALM chanting, white supremacist monument saving white folks I’m automatically placing them in this category. There is no safe way to support white supremacy. You’re complicit and actively supporting violence committed against humanity at that point.
I think that I’ve said this several times here on NikeTalk, with my being banned from two threads because of stating this fact. Now that it is being bought out into the open, especially coming from White people? I wonder how all of you white nt’ers, and your model minority protectors will begin to recognize this.
:lol: White privilege to be able to say it unbothered. Atleast she knows it and uses it for good.
You see it. Any counter protesting, ALM chanting, white supremacist monument saving white folks I’m automatically placing them in this category. There is no safe way to support white supremacy. You’re complicit and actively supporting violence committed against humanity at that point.

Most definitely, you see those scenes posted of them fighting the very same police officers they claimed to be 'defending' last week and calling anti-racist protestors a menace and savage for their interactions with them...:lol: >D

The messaging is always a convenient ruse to try to legitimize acting out on their deep rooted white supremacist beliefs, the jig has been running its course more than ever lately
RE: I don't see Color

Yea those people are ridiculous.

There is a wrestler named Cody Rhodes (Father is a legend Dusty Rhodes), who married a black woman.

He told her he didn't see race.

This is how that played out

They used to say cops were trained to not shoot unarmed folks or in the back. That true? Is that a real part of their training? Doesn't seem like it.
Gotta have the right complexion to get that sort of measured and level-headed treatment

All training and willingness to de-escalate seemingly flies right out the window once they see a certain amount melanin...

All too often someone ends up hurt or dying during what would be the most regular and normal stops for a certain segment of the population.
Who wants to explain why Ghandi was a racist? I would like to learn about this
It really came to light after his writings from his time in Africa were unearthed and released in which he considered blacks below everyone else even when his people were receiving much of the same treatment from the colonial british authorities.

My dude P Present posted a whole bunch of his racist quotes from his private diary in depth earlier in this thread
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