RIP George Floyd

All the corny black biscuit boy NFL players want to make a black lives matter video now when it’s popular to do so. Where was the video when Kaepernick was being black balled. Bunch of lame biscuit boys. I’m not impressed by their phony and late video.

Some people can change their position (eventually) by being reasoned with. Most people change their political positions because the balance of power shifts. Within the NFL, the "all lives matter" position was hegemonic until very recently. Now, the balance of power has shifted and there is parity between "All Lives" and "Black Lives" within the context of the NFL.

So much of politics is about brave, uncompromising cadres, doing what they feel is right and if they persist and get lucky, the balance of power changes and what had previously been considered crazy and aberrant beliefs or behavior becomes today's consensus, today's normal behavior.

So obviously Colin Kap was the leading edge and the luck was COVID, mass unemployment and civil unrest/urban uprisings which have caused power to at least make symbolic concessions. The NFL commissioner says black lives matter and now the more apolitical or white supremacy sympathetic black players now agree that black lives matter. Now, some are surely doing it for cynical, marketing based reasons but that is still a victory. It means that fewer young, black kids will form the belief that white supremacy is ok or that racism is no big deal, in the first place. So even symbolic and coerced victories can lay the foundation for a stronger material position in the future.

Lastly, Colin Kap must be made whole. It s obviously the right thing to do but it is also good politics. If he is made whole, then the cost and risk of rebellion is reduced and that will caused other leaders and other cadres to form and act boldly on other issues.
Seeing conflicting reports about his status, some say he's already dead, others say he's critical and had emergency surgery but seeing most accounts from people supposedly on the scene say he spoke to them for 20 mins and got 3 in the back trying to run away on some Walter Scott **** |l

Mayor Bottoms is gonna have to do a lot more than CNN panels and interviews if some of these details turn out true cause the streets are gonna be on fire if they are especially if there's video...
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All the corny black biscuit boy NFL players want to make a black lives matter video now when it’s popular to do so. Where was the video when Kaepernick was being black balled. Bunch of lame biscuit boys. I’m not impressed by their phony and late video.

Alot of the players in the one that went viral weren't in the league yet in 2016.
back on topic....

Nigerians have a name for black Americans, “the stolen ones”. It’s sad that the false narrative that Africans don’t like Black Americans Is still prevalent in many circles.

East coast Africans didn’t even know slaves were being taken. Northern Africans were fighting their own battles with religion...the same battles still being fought today.

anyway, if any of BLACK NT has a chance to go to Africa, go. the wife was shaking and crying when we landed.

I’m a Igbo half caste and didn’t start going back to Nigeria til my 20s it is still one of the mozt fulfilling feelings in the world for me whenever I go back. Everything from the people, the culture, the way of living, the food, the women, etc. it’s all beautiful to me man. I really can’t wait to take my son and future wife.

I hope Hollywood doesn’t respond by making a whole bunch of slave movies.

Man that would be the worst response to this ever. Either Hollywood needs to find a way to make modern black pride movies, focus on the powerful black power movement of the 60s and 70s or **** it just really dig deep and give us the story of powerful African dynasties preslavery.
man what?? was it because I like the warriors? lmaooo.

I'm bold with my blacktivity.
Yup lmao. I was like man this Damb pinoy was prob a lakers fan before the warriors title runs. The weebay gif in me the day I realized your were black lol. I just stereotype warriors fans as Bay Area flips or bunch of brad hall techies
this is sickening every time man.....

reform the whole damn country policing. the current mode of operations needs to end .

the pessimist in me concedes that this is a white mans society..... but the optimist in me feels the emotions stirring in the people.

but... damn
I mean they say this but hypothetically if every single black American went there at once is that something they would want??
Plenty of countries want citizens from America cause they are arriving with money, skills, education, resources, and ideas.

Seeing conflicting reports about his status, some say he's already dead, others say he's critical and had emergency surgery but seeing most accounts from people supposedly on the scene say he spoke to them for 20 mins and got 3 in the back trying to run away on some Walter Scott **** |l

Mayor Bottoms is gonna have to do a lot more than CNN panels and interviews if some of these details turn out true cause the streets are gonna be on fire if they are especially if there's video...

All those chase scenes on cops and it seems it's only for TV purposes. It seems in real life when the TV cameras are off, they just blaze people up.
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I'm ready for a pre-slavery movie. Black people didn't poof into existence in crates. There's way more to our story than Amistad. The companies don't want to really empower us into believing in ourselves. They don't want you to really know where you came from.
Crazy thing is they trying to act like it was so long ago it's not worth doing anything about. Yet I watch TV shows where people use all kinds of forensic biometric information to find and trace people bloodlines on cold cases.

The president better be announcing some form of reparations in Tulsa. What other reason would you show up there on juneteenth, a place where historically the government used the military to drop bombs on black citizen's out of jealousy of their prosperity. The tried to erase that history because they know it will come back to haunt them. You don't just bomb your own citizens. We go to war with other countries for much smaller infractions. Now it seems like the rest of the world is going to war with America over treatment of blacks.

Come to find out George Floyd killed over hatred and jealousy. Chauvin was handing out checks at the bar they both worked at and was vocally upset about how much George was getting paid. History is repeating over and over, but these blank police reports painting a different narrative for the people so no one realizes we are stuck in a cycle of systematic madness.
And he dies over a supposed fake $20 bill?
Why do these companies not have a marker for bills?

I remember in HS going out to Olive Garden with a classmates family. Big family and the dad made good money to be able to cover about 12 people's meals. We stopped by the ATM before the restaurant and my friends dad pulled out some money for the night. After he paid almost $400 for everyone food the manager and server tried to hold us there saying one of the bills looked fake. No marker, no uv light, just some money expert that works at olive Garden decides one of the freshly atm withdrawn bills is fake.
Police came out and everything. My homies dad was getting heated cursing them out and I feared for his life as a black man. He was done wrong and embarrassed in front of his family and friends, and in expressing his frustration he can get killed. Luckily his sister in law came up there with a fresh marker in the box and they tested all the bills which of course were real. Crisis averted right? On the way home we some how get pulled over by the police to check if our window tint was legal. People go out of there way to make blacks feel like they are not wanted in certain spaces or can't be don't to well in front of them. Most servers would be trying to get a good tip from a big party like that. Probably thought since we were black we weren't gonna tip.
Its official

RIP |l

All those chase scenes on cops and it seems it's only for TV purposes. It seems in real life when the TV cameras are off, they just blaze people up.

If you're black most definitely, seen enough examples of white folks running from cops, one time naked after killing people and others wrestling and legit fighting with them even sometimes, and still getting brought in without being killed...

i know this has nothing to do with george floyd
but can you imagine this in front of a project anywhere in nyc or black owned home in canarsie brooklyn
every black person would be harassed ticketed or taken into central booking

this is real white privilege
everyone here should not get a pass because its in a majority white area of manhattan

too bad protesters didn't bum rush their drinking party
Getting wild in England today too...

The statue stuff has devolved into fully fledged culture war

Crazy how their Gramps fought Hitler only for their descendants to proudly wave the nazi salute decades later in 'defense' of statues of the wartime PM and British in real strange times
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