RIP George Floyd


how does a company identify a racist?
Voter suppression will never get acknowledgement because the racist conservatives of America refuse to believe it's a thing. You can show them an LA TImes article saying it's a major issue and they'll scream "fake news" then send you a link from that disproves it and swear it's factual
About time black college athlete stand-up for themselves.
All it takes is one or two classes of these 3-5 star prospects going to black universities to change the whole landscape in college ball, especially if basketball players did it.
Made me think about it and realized some of the most coveted coffee sources are black countries. They should demand more.
Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, the only christian church in the world that I have any respect for, has coffee farms there, Kenya I believe. I have a great deal of respect for the pastor of that church, even though I despise the faith.
You arent saying ****, but yea that'll show white america!!

Dawg, what do you, a non black person, even get out of this? What do you get out of telling black people what they should or should not be offended by?

And more importantly, how can you even fix your mouth to tell black people "nah, it aint even racism bro, its something else"

How would you know what it is? Youll never experience life in America as a black person and thats the very reason why you think you can tell us how it is.

Trying to divert our concerns towards something that you, an outsider, deems worthy is a beacon of white supremacy. They do it us everyday and you bringing that **** here to NT. Why not just S T F U and keep it moving.

Black people cant even speak to our own experiences without someone else telling us how "our" experience isnt really how it is.
Watermelon and fried chicken fire af. And white folks know it. If they're deadset on making it a black thing, fine, but I bet not find out they're stuffing their faces with it. Or they're getting put on blast.

Imagine a fruit and a technique of cooking chicken being used as a way to insult black people. Racists are dumb as dirt.
Watermelon and fried chicken fire af. And white folks know it. If they're deadset on making it a black thing, fine, but I bet not find out they're stuffing their faces with it. Or they're getting put on blast.

Imagine a fruit and a technique of cooking chicken being used as a way to insult black people. Racists are dumb as dirt.
It's just funny how food for hard working slaves high in calories and protein and cooked for duration and sitting in your stomach and you burned it all off working hard back breaking labor from sun up to sun down became known as "southern comfort" food and nostalgic of the south. But after my travels I realized fried chicken is a poor people staple world wide.
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