RIP George Floyd

Been disappointing to see more pushback from both parties when it comes to defunding and decreasing the already obscene budgets for these PD's to reinvest into other areas than I've ever seen whenever cuts to public education, housing and healthcare are on the docket...

They've talked those up as tax cuts for years yet seem to have a problem applying that same thinking and messaging to the overinflated law enforcement budgets that have only militarized them instead of helping them serve the public better. How that's considered more normal and less 'radical' than the austerity measures they install for those other public sectors I'll never know.

Says a whole lot about the what are considered priorities by congress and leadership in a lot of municipalities...
Been disappointing to see more pushback from both parties when it comes to defunding and decreasing the already obscene budgets for these PD's to reinvest into other areas than I've ever seen whenever cuts to public education, housing and healthcare are on the docket...

They've talked those up as tax cuts for years yet seem to have a problem applying that same thinking and messaging to the overinflated law enforcement budgets that have only militarized them instead of helping them serve the public better. How that's considered more normal and less 'radical' than the austerity measures they install for those other public sectors I'll never know.

Says a whole lot about the what are considered priorities by congress and leadership in a lot of municipalities...
"what we dont know keeps the contracts alive and movin"
milking that OT too
budgets so crazy cops do this outright and is widely known
if you dont use it, you lose it

a friend of mine told me his cop relative banked 100 hours of OT the past two weeks. These guys aren't upset. The MAGA crowd just want the public to sympathize with police by acting like they're cowering in fear when majority of protests are peaceful and these guys are jumping at the opportunity to make an extra couple thousand on their next paycheck.
milking that OT too
budgets so crazy cops do this outright and is widely known
if you dont use it, you lose it
The OT pay those scumbags get to claim for whooping on innocent people is absurd,especially given the struggle we just saw health workers go through for a couple months straight trying to handle a pandemic...

Yet they want to play the victim and go all 'woe is us' whenever there's any talk about holding them accountable
Yeah they were in utter fear of a kernel shell getting stuck in their teeth

To be honest, they would be justified in letting da yappa sing on the microwave out of fear of unpopped popcorn.

she needs her biracial children taken away from her...she pretty much said KILL MY CHILDREN also

According to the people that know her, she doesn't have custody.
You have to be a low down trifling *** ***** to not get custody of your kids.
She's already been fired and starting her apology tour.
America can **** around if it wants to but if dude gets re-elected in November I just can’t see America staying so “civil” going into 2021.
Real talk. And the more I watch how so many people refuse to change in this country and how much they hold on to so much horrid hatred the more I believe that in my lifetime I will see the end of this country.
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