RIP George Floyd

This Ghandi racism talk made me think about a show on Netflix. It’s called the patriot act, starring some Indian American comedian who makes fun of the news headlines. He was talking about BLM and began to scold his own people because all the ish the old heads talk about black people. It always eye opening to hear all the people of color and their issue with people who are the same color as them.
This Ghandi racism talk made me think about a show on Netflix. It’s called the patriot act, starring some Indian American comedian who makes fun of the news headlines. He was talking about BLM and began to scold his own people because all the ish the old heads talk about black people. It always eye opening to hear all the people of color and their issue with people who are the same color as them.

Results of propaganda and colonialism. Seems wherever Europeans went and played the role of god or the police, dark skin became hated. Even cultures and people that interacted with African nations thousands of years ago successfully and peacefully fell victim.

I believe “colonized mind” is the phrase.
The police system in America was a direct evolution of the slave patrols that states in the south put into place to catch any slaves that attempted to run north for freedom. That's where a lot of this "brotherhood" and gang mentality came from. Not to mention the innate desire to target black men.

See any similarities?
If you close your eyes and listen to some of them speak you’d think a white person was talking. Some Asian women have mastered the white girl voice.


A lot of asian women go for white men. I remember an Asian NTer Came On here was type salty that his countrywomen would dub him for white dudes. From that thread I learned what an white/Asian couple is called a “Twinkie”
I bet those relationships are strained right now with everything going on.

They almost (killed) got Jay Pharoah, yall

TLDR: Black man is drunk. Parks his car and goes to sleep rather than continue driving intoxicated. Wendy's workers call the police because the car is blocking part of the drive thru. Cops show up and after the black "suspect" fails a sobriety test, he resists arrest and as they're wrestling with him, he grabs their taser. He gets up and runs away and as the cops are chasing him they shoot him in the back and he dies

TLDR: Black man is drunk. Parks his car and goes to sleep rather than continue driving intoxicated. Wendy's workers call the police because the car is blocking part of the drive thru. Cops show up and after the black "suspect" fails a sobriety test, he resists arrest and as they're wrestling with him, he grabs their taser. He gets up and runs away and as the cops are chasing him they shoot him in the back and he dies

Shoot him in the back?

They have his car, so they know who he is.
Shoot him in the back?

They have his car, so they know who he is.

You know they can't allow a black man to whoop their *** without killing him. They must've been ecstatic that he grabbed that taser so they could have an excuse to shoot him. He could've stole their pepper spray and they still would've shot him and said pepper spray is deadly (unless used on protestors)
WTF would Wendy’s call the cops?! They too scared to tell him to move his car? It’s **** like this that got us calling to abolish the police! Folk too quick to dial 911 when most of these situations could be handled civilly by the people

I heard that happens a lot.

Late at night at Taco Bell and Wendy's when the drive thru is long people fall asleep when they're drunk. Normally another car just knocks on their window or blows their horn.

A lot of asian women go for white men. I remember an Asian NTer Came On here was type salty that his countrywomen would dub him for white dudes. From that thread I learned what an white/Asian couple is called a “Twinkie”

”Twinkie“ is a derogatory term for an Asian who is yellow on the outside and white on the inside, similar to calling a black person an Oreo. There might be a slanderous term for a white person dating an Asian, but it’s not a Twinkie.
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