RIP George Floyd

lol I don´t understand why people in such precarious life positions keep putting themselves out there like this...Party City employees and FedEx drivers feeling bold as **** like there´s not a global economic crisis.

...maybe just shut the **** up and hope to Gaia life looks better for you when this is all over.
you gotta keep this kind of person in observation range at least...¨free tickets back to Africa¨ tho hahahahah

Hilarious when idiots think minorities, or simply black people are the only ones on government assistance. White people love government cheese. They qualify at higher amounts and get confirmed at a much faster rate. White people use welfare, food stamps, government housing, white folks live in the projects too. They think by saying to get rid of govt services that they're just hurting black people. Ignorant af.

And a free ticket to Africa....give it to me you sob.
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if thats the worse adversity chinese folks have had to feel
they would have a wake up call being black
everything bad is black
do folks not remember the black death????

the plague? Im lost.

my statement wasn’t to compare racial inequities. It was to highlight Trumps racist rhetoric against anything not white.
Hilarious when idiots think minorities, or simply black people are the only ones on government assistance. White people love government cheese. They qualify at higher amounts and get confirmed at a much faster rate. White people use welfare, food stamps, government housing, white folks live in the projects too. They think by saying the get rid of govt services that they're just hurting black people. Ignorant af.

And a free ticket to Africa....give it to me you sob.

I remember doing a project in college and my research showed whites were the biggest welfare recipients. This was back in 2006 so not sure if the data is still the same but they sure do forget their own people hate “trailer trash”
lol I don´t understand why people in such precarious life positions keep putting themselves out there like this...Party City employees and FedEx drivers feeling bold as **** like there´s not a global economic crisis.

...maybe just shut the **** up and hope to Gaia life looks better for you when this is all over.

I think it's case where lots of middle and middle-low income, precarious people felt like if they worked hard, kept their head down and they'd have some modicum of comfort a year or two hence. Now, with COVID and the deliberately anemic state response, many people have concluded that they'll lose what little they have any way so might as well assert some humanity now, either at work in the streets.
she's toast, **** her :smokin

I swear I´m a pretty nice guy in person but [jordanwithtablet.gif]

I think it's case where lots of middle and middle-low income, precarious people felt like if they worked hard, kept their head down and they'd have some modicum of comfort a year or two hence. Now, with COVID and the deliberately anemic state response, many people have concluded that they'll lose what little they have any way so might as well assert some humanity now, either at work in the streets.

guess a bit of nihilism is probably to be expected in a textbook cluster**** such as the one we inhabit.

I just used to be the kind of person who would be against finding it funny, the antithesis of a social Darwinist.

but again, in 2020 it is very much:

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