RIP George Floyd

We only drink Folgers in da mines so not impacted by Libbies and their soy drinks from Starbucks.

by the gallon, Folgers always on tap in the mines over here. ☕☕☕
Trump calling it the Chinese virus didn’t help.

the more and more I think about 2016, the more cemented the Idea of this United Farce of America is my mind.

it’s like we’re legit living in the Truman show
Post-war Germany would have looked a lot different if it weren't for the US, the UK, and Russia occupying their territory and reshaping their society (the most obvious proof of that influence is how different life in East Germany was from West Germany). The US also has had a huge role in rewriting the Japanese constitution and reshaping the national character of that country.

We know how to fix the disease of racism. We just don't want to take that pill because American exceptionalism dictates that we are above the rest of humanity.
Its easier to tell somebody how to do something when you know it wont affect you....These days those same other countries try to tell the US how to change **** up or to chill but they like NOPE! :lol: :smh:

The USA always tries to go around the world being in everybody business, preaching "democracy, freedom, and liberty" cuz thats whats makes it looks like the country still at the top and knows better
I don’t like Starbucks but my daughter stays going there.

she can go to dunkin or caribou from now on.
I bet she will take an empty Dunkin Donuts cup, and get some drink from Starbucks, then pour the Starbucks into the empty Dunkin Donuts cup. :lol:
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I bet she will take an empty Dunkin Donuts cup, and gets some drink from Starbucks, then pour the Starbucks into the empty Dunkin Donuts cup. :lol:

It depends if the 7th graders hear about this which they will... tbh they will all probably boycott Starbucks.
American public school system so crazy to me. A country with so many resources has some of the most idiotic people in charge. I remember as a schoolboy having to write a report on influential people in America. They used George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison as examples. I did a report on George Washington Carver and the teacher told me that they've never heard of them before. As if this was some made-up story.
That's how the people in charge always wanted it...Citizens learn enough to follow directions and get work done for corporations but still dumb enough to go along with whatever bs they throw out there to keep the status quo and let em keep running **** no questions asked...Every time more/better/different investment in education is brought up, the average person wants no parts of it cuz they been told what we got is good enough and anything is "tAxES, SoCIALism, UnFAiR" ...And for minority communities the baseline is just providing a building (in any condition) for kids to show up for 6-8 hours, actual learning is optional and not encouraged
NASCAR taking a "stand" is truly putting Makeup on an actual PIG.

Not buying their foolishness.

Nah man. Come on, you gotta be all types of fools to listen to that and think they are doing it in good faith.
NASCAR is already a dying and fading niche sport...Alotta their fans thats mad aint really going nowhere regardless, its in their blood they pump faking...Its all upside for that sport in switching it up and trying to appeal to other ppl, if it dont work o well they can just keep quiet and have the same rednecks show up to the racetrack
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