RIP George Floyd

NASCAR taking a "stand" is truly putting Makeup on an actual PIG.

Not buying their foolishness.

Nah man. Come on, you gotta be all types of fools to listen to that and think they are doing it in good faith.

I dunno man, you can say that about most of these leagues but Nascar's quite literally biting the hands that feeds them with that move :lol:

Takes some amount of guts to be willing to potentially mess up their money like that to do the right thing imo cause they're 100% gonna catch hell from their fans
sugafree sugafree Bro you aren't the only dude in here who grew up in city. We got plenty of cats from NYC, LA, DC and whatever other place you can name. I'm born and raised in NYC so you aren't talking about anything me or others haven't seen.

What cats are saying is that no matter what effort black people make with self accountability these issues didn't start with us doing wrong. And that's not to say self accountability shouldn't be considered or carried out but the problem with black people isn't self accountability because most of us are doing right and yet still are treated like second class citizens.

The issue is society has set itself up to trip up people of color and chooses to vilify us. Self accountability only goes so far when a country systematically decides to oppress you. Oppression is our biggest problem.

Of course it didn’t start with us doing wrong.
Of course oppression is the layer of ice over our head that keeps us drowning.
Im sorry you’re right as grown *** black men we can only focus on one at a time, and not fighting oppression and practicing self accountability and discipline at the same time.
So when I play myself pushing dope to poison my own community and land in prison. I can sleep well at night knowing that “oppression is the reason I was forced to push dope instead of fighting oppression in the face applying for a job or building income generating buisness that doesn’t poison or ruin families of the people of my community.
Your right man lets just focus on one at a time since we are incapable of doing both.

Lets fight oppression continue to shoplift with a pocket full of money from the stores our mothers and fathers depend on for food.
Continue to push posion to our communities and kill other black men.
When we finally beat oppression we’ll focus on self accountability even though our own lacking of such has already lead to food deserts,rubbled neighborhoods and fatherless black children.
Again since focusing on both is such a distraction and we are so one track minded.
I want you to keep this same energy if we ever get black designated states of our own and they are too violent and food stricken for you and your family to live in, because of our continued unchecked destructive habits from lack of accountability that followed us past fighting racism and oppression and we coddled and carried all the wolves and leeches of the black community with us to our new State of Black Utopia.

Enjoy the choas that ensues when you try to do internal cleaning and policing and no one has the balls or spine to want to hold other blacks accountable out of fear, lack of discipline and most of all deflection.
Starbucks bans employees from wearing anything in support of Black Lives Matter

An internal memo sent to Starbucks employees last week specifically warned staffers against wearing accessories or clothes bearing messages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The memo, obtained by BuzzFeed News, reminds staffers that such messages are prohibited under the company's policy against accessories that "advocated a political, religious or personal issue."

Numerous employees told the news outlet, however, that the company regularly allows or even encourages employees to wear pins in support of LGBTQ equality, especially during Pride Month every June.

tr1ll tr1ll

Its really a rough line to cross and its probably the most uncomfortable subject at “my ties” roundtable right now.

Put offs/DPs for members of the set/turf who are deadbeat fathers. Policing our own.
Its always been something that people turn or look the other way at. As in I personally was never comfortable checking or probing into a comrade’s personal marital/baby mama/children/household affairs. This is also a problematic toxic in its own for letting it go unchecked, but can also be potentially destructive and dangerous due to the nature and past of one’s ties. This is a true test of brotherhood.
Just in general with male relationships in the black community whether its brother,father cousin or uncles. Its a necessary start and issue that needs to be addressed no matter how uncomfortable. If you reppin or claimin and functioning your kids had better be taken care of fully...OR ELSE!

This particular pillar of discipline should have never went to the wayside in the first place...since the Black Panthers, but we all see what bastard mutations followed afterwards.
In which I myself was birthed into unfortunately.
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Starbucks bans employees from wearing anything in support of Black Lives Matter

An internal memo sent to Starbucks employees last week specifically warned staffers against wearing accessories or clothes bearing messages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The memo, obtained by BuzzFeed News, reminds staffers that such messages are prohibited under the company's policy against accessories that "advocated a political, religious or personal issue."

Numerous employees told the news outlet, however, that the company regularly allows or even encourages employees to wear pins in support of LGBTQ equality, especially during Pride Month every June.

There were times where I questioned whether I was too quick to decide to stop going to starbucks for these reasons years ago. Glad they confirmed how that place always made me feel.
Starbucks bans employees from wearing anything in support of Black Lives Matter

An internal memo sent to Starbucks employees last week specifically warned staffers against wearing accessories or clothes bearing messages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The memo, obtained by BuzzFeed News, reminds staffers that such messages are prohibited under the company's policy against accessories that "advocated a political, religious or personal issue."

Numerous employees told the news outlet, however, that the company regularly allows or even encourages employees to wear pins in support of LGBTQ equality, especially during Pride Month every June.

HA, this is the same company that stopped business for a day to have "Racial Bias Training"
Starbucks bans employees from wearing anything in support of Black Lives Matter

An internal memo sent to Starbucks employees last week specifically warned staffers against wearing accessories or clothes bearing messages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The memo, obtained by BuzzFeed News, reminds staffers that such messages are prohibited under the company's policy against accessories that "advocated a political, religious or personal issue."

Numerous employees told the news outlet, however, that the company regularly allows or even encourages employees to wear pins in support of LGBTQ equality, especially during Pride Month every June.

Tried looking up Zing Shaw to see if she had a statement on it or anything, but didn’t find much. Disappointing, but I‘m not surprised :smh:.

tr1ll tr1ll

Its really a rough line to cross and its probably the most uncomfortable subject at “my ties” roundtable right now.

Put offs/DPs for members of the set/turf who are deadbeat fathers. Policing our own.
Its always been something that people turn or look the other way at. As in I personally was never comfortable checking or probing into a comrade’s personal marital/baby mama/children/household affairs. This is also a problematic toxic in its own for letting it go unchecked, but can also be potentially destructive and dangerous due to the nature and past of one’s ties. This is a true test of brotherhood.
Just in general with male relationships in the black community whether its brother,father cousin or uncles. Its a necessary start and issue that needs to be addressed no matter how uncomfortable. If you reppin or claimin and functioning your kids had better be taken care of fully...OR ELSE!
Well, I have a different take on Black fatherhood, and how here in NYC, there were certain housing laws, those that involved aid in places that prevented Black men from being in those households. I had many buddies in elementary school who’d tell me that they’d wish that their Dad would meet them after school like mine could. My father made a conscious effort to hoop with those kids as well after school, buying them sodas afterward. I saw the effect of this as I got older, as the dudes who I grew up with would only talk to my father about stuff they were going through, not being able to have the same convo with their own pops out of them being absent, or simply not being able to connect with confidence. So I saw how the system made it rough on Black men, not allowing them to be present as they should be.
Of course it didn’t start with us doing wrong.
Of course oppression is the layer of ice over our head that keeps us drowning.
Im sorry you’re right as grown *** black men we can only focus on one at a time, and not fighting oppression and practicing self accountability and discipline at the same time.
So when I play myself pushing dope to poison my own community and land in prison. I can sleep well at night knowing that “oppression is the reason I was forced to push dope instead of fighting oppression in the face applying for a job or building income generating buisness that doesn’t poison or ruin families of the people of my community.
Your right man lets just focus on one at a time since we are incapable of doing both.

Lets fight oppression continue to shoplift with a pocket full of money from the stores our mothers and fathers depend on for food.
Continue to push posion to our communities and kill other black men.
When we finally beat oppression we’ll focus on self accountability even though our own lacking of such has already lead to food deserts,rubbled neighborhoods and fatherless black children.
Again since focusing on both is such a distraction and we are so one track minded.
I want you to keep this same energy if we ever get black designated states of our own and they are too violent and food stricken for you and your family to live in, because of our continued unchecked destructive habits from lack of accountability that followed us past fighting racism and oppression and we coddled and carried all the wolves and leeches of the black community with us to our new State of Black Utopia.

Enjoy the choas that ensues when you try to do internal cleaning and policing and no one has the balls or spine to want to hold other blacks accountable out of fear, lack of discipline and most of all deflection.
I'm not saying self accountability isn't important or shouldn't be practiced. I'm not saying your points are incorrect. I'm not saying both can't be addressed at the same time either. Any mistakes I've made in life, I've addressed and have used the experiences to get me to where I need to be or should be headed. Self accountability is something I've learned plenty of over the years and I'm sure others can say the same.

I just think people are tired of the masses blaming black people for the bulk of their issues because it is often used as a deflection tactic than a true assessment of why things are what they are, but I'm not in disagreement with you in black people making stronger efforts to better themselves or their communities.
Starbucks has been overpriced trash for a minute

Bit weird seeing them take that sort of stance though right after announcing their downsizing and closing hundreds of shops :lol:

Going all the way in on the suburban clientele for their survival, bold strategy...

Not supposed to be funny but it is at the same time :lol: :lol:
Starbucks bans employees from wearing anything in support of Black Lives Matter

An internal memo sent to Starbucks employees last week specifically warned staffers against wearing accessories or clothes bearing messages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The memo, obtained by BuzzFeed News, reminds staffers that such messages are prohibited under the company's policy against accessories that "advocated a political, religious or personal issue."

Numerous employees told the news outlet, however, that the company regularly allows or even encourages employees to wear pins in support of LGBTQ equality, especially during Pride Month every June.

Welp, if Dunkin Donuts is smart...this is s great opportunity.
Well, I have a different take on Black fatherhood, and how here in NYC, there were certain housing laws, those that involved aid in places that prevented Black men from being in those households. I had many buddies in elementary school who’d tell me that they’d wish that their Dad would meet them after school like mine could. My father made a conscious effort to hoop with those kids as well after school, buying them sodas afterward. I saw the effect of this as I got older, as the dudes who I grew up with would only talk to my father about stuff they were going through, not being able to have the same convo with their own pops out of them being absent, or simply not being able to connect with confidence. So I saw how the system made it rough on Black men, not allowing them to be present as they should be.

Yup by design they wanted us fatherless, overly emotional, predictable and less calculating as we were deemed a potential powerful threat the first shackles filled on the slave ships.
Welfare didn’t want black men in the household back then instilling discipline to not only our children but also to the mothers of our children.
These particular grey areas are now being regarded as “drama”.
So drama is the answer and excuse for a man not taking care of his children?
Naw that ******** excuse ends now!
Its now up to us as black men and only us to fix these issues.
I feel if we cant check and police each other with the essentials of our survival there is no way we can unite for anything militarized.
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Starbucks bans employees from wearing anything in support of Black Lives Matter

An internal memo sent to Starbucks employees last week specifically warned staffers against wearing accessories or clothes bearing messages in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The memo, obtained by BuzzFeed News, reminds staffers that such messages are prohibited under the company's policy against accessories that "advocated a political, religious or personal issue."

Numerous employees told the news outlet, however, that the company regularly allows or even encourages employees to wear pins in support of LGBTQ equality, especially during Pride Month every June.

Thoughts on this RustyShackleford RustyShackleford ?

Especially the part of them allowing LGBTQ accessories.

I come in Peace.

I hate ninjahood ninjahood
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