RIP George Floyd

:lol: Yo they were dead *** already doing this? The **** that's racist as ****.
Yes. Usually in more black areas, and not unusual to come by elsewhere. Some of them have plastic covers over the shelves that set off a fairly loud alert when u lift it. And no, I never paid for those products from those particular stores. It would enabling racism.
White supremacy has been seeped in "analytics" for decades.

Police are in _____ because that's where the crime is!
Black people products are locked in cases because that's what our data shows as being stolen the most!
Yadda Yadda Yadda

People have had enough of the bs! Data can and is manipulated to tell the story they want to hear and see. Authors Coates and Sowell- although on opposite ends of the spectrum both do a great job of telling a story of black America with data to make contrary points than white America would have you believe.

I know people are stressing black owned and that is important yes. But we need to start boycotting these places monetarily. You shopping at home depot? Additionally, real change will come from getting black people represented in corporate America instead of the tokenism that takes place in todays society. A few "chosen" get to play ball that play by their rules while the rest clamor for a small piece.
watch all the old italian mob flicks, or even the sopranos. they always call us moolies or moolians.

after having traveled to italy

i started separating and thinking of Italy Italians and American Italians. The italians over in ny and jersey and **** can be hella racist. Theyre frauds. They stayed on that mob/ fugazi guido ****

Italy Italians were nothing but nice and respectful and humble hard working people. And also chill, just want to get their loaf of bread and bottle of vino.

Most Italian Americans I came across never been to Italy and can't speak a lick of Italian.
I’ve personally witnessed 2 grocery store chains close in DC/MD because of this exact very real issue of failed loss prevention and mass crippling theft.
Yes the theft was that bad in these PREDOMINANTLY BLACK areas...where white people dare not go.
Soooo...who were the main culprits of the mass thefts???? Who do we blame?
Those two areas are now food deserts because of this....who do we blame?
Who were stealing the ethnic hair products so bad to the point they needed to be locked up??

Again white folks,asians and hispanics are barely even seen in these Predominantly Black areas.
So who were stealing that much and beating down inventory profits just that bad????

As a store owner what would you do if even hiring armed security doesn’t put a dent in the loss prevention effectiveness??
Wouldn’t you wanna lock stuff behind glass or just pack up and close shop???

So now grandma and papa live in a food desert area and gotta travel further for groceries and their meds...they weren’t the ones stealing.

Self accountability folks....
There's been studies out for years that highlight that on average, wealthier people steal on a higher rate than poor folks and the most common profile of a shoplifter are teenage girls and middle aged women from middle class to wealthy backgrounds yet the stereotypes for theft get assigned automatically to minorities.

Those cases are get vastly under-reported compared to theft in lower income areas for a multitude of reasons which results in vastly disproportionate punitive measures against a certain profile compared to another

That's not even to mention how frequently white collar crimes go unpunished a large majority of the time even when the sums involved are exponentially larger..

It sounds like you've bought all into the dog whistle laden narratives that get pushed under the guise of speaking up for 'self-accountability' imo
Imagine defending racism to help shift the focus away from your failures in life. What's even crazier to me is, he was allowed to participate(can't even use the word compete :lol: :lol: :lol: ) for so long. If it were any one of us competing for even half that time and put up subpar numbers, we would have lost sponsorships, told to hang it up etc. Instead, this fool is allowed to do it for so long. White privilege at it's finest.
I forgot where I read it, but saw someone say "I get it, i'd deny white privilege too if I amounted to nothing despite having it" or something like that.
There's been studies out for years that highlight that on average, wealthier people steal on a higher rate than poor folks and the most common profile of a shoplifter are teenage girls and middle aged women from middle class to wealthy backgrounds yet the stereotypes for theft get assigned automatically to minorities.

Those cases are get vastly under reported compared to theft in lower income areas for a multitude of reasons I'm sure you'll be eager to dismiss >D

That's not even to mention how white collar crimes go unpunished a large majority of the time even when the sums involved are infintiely larger..

It sounds like you've bought all into the dog whistle laden narratives that get pushed under the guise of speaking up for 'self-accountability' imo

I believe in false racially biased analytics.....but I also have to be honest with myself and from what I've witnessed in my own communities.
Maybe some of us are just from different worlds....but where I'm women were stealing those ethnic beauty products like there wasn't any tomorrow before Walmart started locking **** up.
These are family members and peers around me....even if they had the money they would shoplift this stuff in bulk.
Same with grocery store chains....
Again maybe some of us are just from different environments....but where I'm from.....shoplifting was unfortunately and ignorantly a way of life. :rofl:
The food food deserts I've witness occur were just from that......ineffective loss prevention and mass profit crippling theft.

Any mention of self accountability seems to trigger some really bad allergic reactions as always:tongue:
Living in the burbs and working retail you find out just how much white people steal :lol:

Nothing is under lock and key in those stores besides expensive electronics (if it's only spider-wrapped those get swiped too).

On more than one ocsassion I have been in a store and a shoplifter (each time it was white women) had barricaded themselves in a restroom after being caught stealing.

Police show up to try to talk them out of the restrooms. :smh: :lol:

Always blows my mind the contrast between the US and say a country like Germany.

One of the 2 felt enough collective shame and guilt about the darkest moment in their history that after deep introspection as a society, decided to destroy and outlaw any and all remnants of that era to make sure to never repeat it again while still taking responsibility and acknowledging their past actions by paying reparations to the affected parties.

The other proudly glorifies and celebrates their darkest period while actively engaging in revisionism and continuously stifling efforts to make things right with the most impacted parties well over a century later...

In many cases, they actually doubled and tripled down on making life more difficult for those affected groups in the century after.
Post-war Germany would have looked a lot different if it weren't for the US, the UK, and Russia occupying their territory and reshaping their society (the most obvious proof of that influence is how different life in East Germany was from West Germany). The US also has had a huge role in rewriting the Japanese constitution and reshaping the national character of that country.

We know how to fix the disease of racism. We just don't want to take that pill because American exceptionalism dictates that we are above the rest of humanity.
Anyone would quit if their entire career looked something like his.

Loser Ray.JPG
A real life NPC...
Living in the burbs and working retail you find out just how much white people steal :lol:
It really does seem like a genetic thing. Like there's people who lie when it's convenient and then there's people who lie about any and every damn thing. There's people who steal out of necessity, then there's white people.
All these white supremacist getting outted, due to the world changing going steadily. I love it. Now police abroad in the U.S. needs a face lift and we need to replace these statues of racist agents with agents of love, education, peace, sports etc. hell a homage to the medical workers, mail carriers and teachers. Those are the mvp’s.

I’m not trying to get clout here but with this pandemic and the riots etc the essential workers more than showed out.
Having been born in South Carolina near a city that was once a major slave import, the confederate flag is akin to a yankee fitted here in nyc. Especially with the white women that walk barefoot around wal-mart there. Them southern folks aren’t gonna take that NASCAR edict lightly.
All these white supremacist getting outted, due to the world champion going steadily. I love it. Now police abroad in the U.S. needs a dave lift and we need to replace these statues of racist agents with agents of love, education, peace, sports etc. hell a homage to the medical workers, mail carriers and teachers. Those are the mvp’s.

I’m not trying to get clout here but with this pandemic and the riots etc the essential workers more than showed out.

What if we were THEIR curse all along???
What if stealing us from Africa was a curse all along?
What if our existence influence and energy alone has been driving their society to destruction?
Here we are in 2020 and white folks can barely live in the society they created for themselves without self destructing and sabotaging their lives and their families lives.
Its only gonna get worse for them as our influence has broken the hive mind set of white supremacy from what it once was.
We may not have influenced the slave masters from the past...but those are the slave masters children out there genuinely protesting with us.
Little by little the world is starting to despise white the point white americans will feel it everywhere they go as tourist in other countries.

Killing a black man has always been a form of white self destruction...unfortunately we kill each other also.
I believe in false racially biased analytics.....but I also have to be honest with myself and from what I've witnessed in my own communities.
Maybe some of us are just from different worlds....but where I'm women were stealing those ethnic beauty products like there wasn't any tomorrow before Walmart started locking **** up.
These are family members and peers around me....even if they had the money they would shoplift this stuff in bulk.
Same with grocery store chains....
Again maybe some of us are just from different environments....but where I'm from.....shoplifting was unfortunately and ignorantly a way of life. :rofl:
The food food deserts I've witness occur were just from that......ineffective loss prevention and mass profit crippling theft.

Any mention of self accountability seems to trigger some really bad allergic reactions as always:tongue:

News flash crimes across the board are overwhelmingly committed by the people in proximity to each other. That's why the whole black on black crime is a dog whistle. If you're in a predominantly white neighborhood, the majority of thefts/crimes are going to be committed by white people. What you don't see is corporations putting the avocados behind glass in those neighborhoods. You're really saying a whole lotta nothing.
News flash crimes across the board are overwhelmingly committed by the people in proximity to each other. That's why the whole black on black crime is a dog whistle. If you're in a predominantly white neighborhood, the majority of thefts are going to be committed by white people. What you don't see is corporations putting the avocados behind glass in those neighborhoods. You're really saying a whole lotta nothing.

Put your emotions down.....and read again.
You've pretty much said what I've stated of MY own experiences.
Racially motivated biased analytics are indeed real but also ....where I'm from black shoplifters do exist.
I don't care what white folks do in their own communities....just because white people steal also makes it justifiable to shoplift in our own communities???
Any mention of self accountability seems to trigger some really bad allergic reactions as always:tongue:
Nothing you said is wrong; it's just that the issue here is double standard. The reason for all these protests is the fact that the image of the welfare queen is a black single mother when white folks constitute the main recipient block of public aid. The issue is that we put a large amount on importance on some black folks who glorify street life through their art while there is an equally thriving industry centered around white organized crime. This society condemns all black people for "crime" while their sons and daughters get a pass for getting married in former plantations.

I want the same benefit of doubt that American society gives to white women. When black folks get that, we can resume the talk about the danger of black shoplifters and Chief Keef.
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