RIP George Floyd

Once again,how the hell was this even a thing??

Dudes were really out there proudly honoring the same side that fought against the US Army and killed more American soldiers than any other opposing armies during all the wars in US history combined...

White supremacy is a hell of a drug man

Backwards white Amerikkka. Some of its Citizens are dressed in German WW2 Military doing sieg heils even though they may have lost someone in their family tree to fighting said army. Can't expect anything sensible from them.
So I’ll know that white people are serious about ending racism when they begin to teach history from honesty. Teach the truth as to how Black people were doing everything for at least three thousand years, before white people had even shown themselves on this planet. Teach the truth about why people were actually sent to the United States as punishment, while also teaching the truth about how being white, was actually conceived. Only then will I know that they are serious.

Dawg Uncle Shay was saying the same exact thing. My respect for him keeps growing.

"Who did the cooking??? Ms Mary ain't do no cooking!"

"Who took care of y'all kids, y'all ain't take care no kids!!"

:lol: :emoji_fire:

Dude, they have Al Capone tours all around Chicago.
White America loves their gangsters. Just Google "mafia tour" and see for yourself.
Now, try to set up a sight seeing business with black gangs as the focus and watch how fast you get run out of City Hall.

Now as black americans lets take full accountability here because we are also guilty of the narco/mafia culture glorification ******** also.
We also glorified Capone, Gotti,El Chapo,Escobar Griselda Blanco.
These South American kingpins have filled their countries with terror,fear, tragedy and hardship.
Yet our music culture glorifies it so much as to even travel to these voilence stricken places to shoot music videos paying tributes to people who caused alot of hurt and emotionally damaged Mexican and Colombian locals actually despise. Why the **** should Mexicans and Colombians reason or care for what happens to black culture in America when all they see is black rappers visiting thier countries wearing Escobar/Griselda/Chapo shirts making music videos about these murderous people.Urban black American culture are also part of the insensitive glorification of warlord,narco,kingpin culture and all NT’s favorite little rappers are guilty of just this.

(lil mo dumb *** even paid tribute to the racist mobsters)

(There is a whole rap group called Griselda Records)

(What about these victims?)

How would you like it if Mexicans and Colombians came to the US to shoot music videos glorifying the vile people we feel should be forgotten????
This goes both ways folks...

Bash Cam,Jay Z, Nas and all the rest of your favorites just like you would anyone who glorifies David Duke or a KKK Grand Wizard
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I wish there was a 2020 version of Malcolm X. He was eloquent but firm. Didn't reduce his speech to "less aggressive" tones or vocabulary to appease anyone. He was straight to the point and wasn't afraid of offending anyone regardless of race.

I wish too. He was raw and so calm and eloquent with what he was saying and his speech.
It's a thing b/c it aligned w/ their beliefs. Nothing more, nothing less.

Always blows my mind the contrast between the US and say a country like Germany.

One of the 2 felt enough collective shame and guilt about the darkest moment in their history that after deep introspection as a society, decided to destroy and outlaw any and all remnants of that era to make sure to never repeat it again while still taking responsibility and acknowledging their past actions by paying reparations to the affected parties.

The other proudly glorifies and celebrates their darkest period while actively engaging in revisionism and continuously stifling efforts to make things right with the most impacted parties well over a century later...

In many cases, they actually doubled and tripled down on making life more difficult for those affected groups in the century after.
well bye then fred durst. keep rollin


Now as black americans lets take full accountability here because we are also guilty of the narco/mafia culture glorification bull**** also.
We also glorified Capone, Gotti,El Chapo,Escobar Griselda Blanco.
These South American kingpins have filled their countries with terror,fear, tragedy and hardship.
Yet our music culture glorifies it so much as to even travel to these voilence stricken places to shoot music videos paying tributes to people alot of hurt and emotionally damaged Mexican and Colombian locals actually despise. Why the **** should Mexicans and Colombians reason or care for what happens to black culture in America when all they see is black rappers visiting thier countries wearing Escobar/Griselda/Chapo shirts making music videos about these murderous people.Urban black American culture are also part of the insensitive glorification of warlord,narco,kingpin culture and all NT’s favorite little rappers are guilty of just this.

(lil mo dumb *** even paid tribute to the racist mobsters)

(There is a whole rap group called Griselda Records)

(What about these victims?)

Its the same thing black would you feel if Mexicans or Colombian tourist came to America to glorify the people who have caused us pain?
How would you like it if they came to ahoot music videos glorifying the vile people we feel should be forgotten????
This goes both ways folks...

The glorification of mobsters in hip hop is just weird to. Those Italians use to beat black ppl's asses in Belmont until maybe 10yrs. And Black ppl especially the men use to get off the stop b4 hitting Brenthurst the way white ppl would suddenly disappear from the red lines b4 hitting 116th st. Italians are like the NY's small rendition of the KKK, & rappers were just giving it up to them in the 90's :lol:. Them dudes had the nerve to be pro-black too :rofl: .

The Pablo Escobar glorification is beyond me as well. Race aside, homie was a full blown super villian :lol:.
The glorification of mobsters in hip hop is just weird to. Those Italians use to beat black ppl's asses in Belmont until maybe 10yrs. And Black ppl especially the men use to get off the stop b4 hitting Brenthurst the way white ppl would suddenly disappear from the red lines b4 hitting 116th st. Italians are like the NY's small rendition of the KKK, & rappers were just giving it up to them in the 90's :lol:. Them dudes had the nerve to be pro-black too :rofl: .

The Pablo Escobar glorification is beyond me as well. Race aside, homie was a full blown super villian :lol:.

you gotta remember man....these are some foreign countrie’s locals first impression of black American culture and first impressions mean everything!

So can we even expect victims and locals of Chapo,Griselda,Escobar’s rise to power in Mexico and Colombia to even begin to feel sympathy or compassion for Black Lives in America?
"Cicarelli" Stupid ******* it's not even your racism to adapt.
This reminds me of when people find “outs” in relationships :lol:
Imagine defending racism to help shift the focus away from your failures in life. What's even crazier to me is, he was allowed to participate(can't even use the word compete :lol: :lol: :lol: ) for so long. If it were any one of us competing for even half that time and put up subpar numbers, we would have lost sponsorships, told to hang it up etc. Instead, this fool is allowed to do it for so long. White privilege at it's finest.
watch all the old italian mob flicks, or even the sopranos. they always call us moolies or moolians.

after having traveled to italy

i started separating and thinking of Italy Italians and American Italians. The italians over in ny and jersey and **** can be hella racist. Theyre frauds. They stayed on that mob/ fugazi guido ****

Italy Italians were nothing but nice and respectful and humble hard working people. And also chill, just want to get their loaf of bread and bottle of vino.
you gotta remember man....these are some foreign countrie’s locals first impression of black American culture and first impressions mean everything!

So can we even expect victims and locals of Chapo,Griselda,Escobar’s rise to power in Mexico and Colombia to even begin to feel sympathy or compassion for Black Lives in America?
In those countries? No. Those ppl are being terrified & have their own problems to worry about. And I'm not giving them a 1st impression pass. They live in corrupt societies. They should be able to spot them ******* better than you & me. For every Chief Keef there's a Earl Sweatshirt. I know for fact that not every Colombian isn't a gun toting the hoodlum. That's the overwhelming minority.

Been hilarious watching all these corporations copping pleas the last few weeks :lol:

I’ve personally witnessed 2 grocery store chains close in DC/MD because of this exact very real issue of failed loss prevention and mass crippling theft.
Yes the theft was that bad in these PREDOMINANTLY BLACK areas...where white people dare not go.
Soooo...who were the main culprits of the mass thefts???? Who do we blame?
Those two areas are now food deserts because of this....who do we blame?
Who were stealing the ethnic hair products so bad to the point they needed to be locked up??

Again white folks,asians and hispanics are barely even seen in these Predominantly Black areas.
So who were stealing that much and beating down inventory profits just that bad????

As a store owner what would you do if even hiring armed security doesn’t put a dent in the loss prevention effectiveness??
Wouldn’t you wanna lock stuff behind glass or just pack up and close shop???

So now grandma and papa live in a food desert area and gotta travel further for groceries and their meds...they weren’t the ones stealing.

Self accountability folks....
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