RIP George Floyd

Do these folks not realize the confederacy were traitors to this country they love so much?

They think the wrong side won
They also keep saying the civil war wasn’t about slavery
She probably a descendant of a
Daughter of the Confederacy
Victim blaming at its most insidious. Instead of discussing the system that only allowed a few, the statement shifts the focus toward personal responsibility, that bootstrap bull****. Jeff Bezos can still do more than all of them combined, with his having less talent to work with. Don’t get me started on how the christian church will run with that narrative as well.
but jay snake self..........
From Ben Kadow, one of their skaters:
Monster children basically jacked the article from a diy skate mag that put out the original article a year ago. Monster children got a bunch of things inaccurate in their article. The original one is legit.
Bottom Line is know who you support through your spending. CG has stake in CTS even though they consider it “worthless”. Who knows who else has interests and is eating of f the “culture” and brands we support.

sometimes the biggest threat to the movement isn't White racists, but self hating black Americans who allow white racists to hang their hat on their words as evidence that oppression doesn't exist

1:36 to end of video

And this is in the 60s. A *****talking about Black people’s biggest problem is they are feeling “sorry for themselves”.

In the damn 1960s :smh:.

These people have existed forever. To give white people comfort in their racism, with a black face. Candace is a grifter, psycho and attention wh0r....who found financial success, fame and her own comfort zone as a “good black” with racist.

She doubles down in resentment and the rightful rejection by black folk of her clear bs. That’s what fuels her. She’s getting more and more extreme with it. You can see it in her eyes :lol:.

sometimes the biggest threat to the movement isn't White racists, but self hating black Americans who allow white racists to hang their hat on their words as evidence that oppression doesn't exist

Unfortunately there's always gonna be money on the right for self-hating grifters like the likes of her, David Clarke, Diamond and Silk and Dan Bongino pandering and appealing to racist/WS sensibilities by being token black figures that they point towards to try to justify themselves.

Sensible folks can see right through them for the opportunists they are but a lot of bigots use them as a source of validation for all their preconceptions and deep seated hated so they end up doing a lot of harm in the grand scheme of things imo but those types don't care and will gladly sacrifice their dignity for a check.

She used to be a vocal Obama supporter and started an anti-Trump site a few years ago before finding out how lucrative it was being the alt-rights favorite token. She even won an racial discrimination suit with the NAACP's help back in the day :lol: :smh:
1:36 to end of video

And this is in the 60s. A *****talking about Black people’s biggest problem is they are feeling “sorry for themselves”.

In the damn 1960s :smh:.

These people have existed forever. To give white people comfort in their racism, with a black face. Candace is a grifter, psycho and attention wh0r....who found financial success, fame and her own comfort zone as a “good black” with racist.

She doubles down in resentment and the rightful rejection by black folk of her clear bs. That’s what fuels her. She’s getting more and more extreme with it. You can see it in her eyes :lol:.

I wish there was a 2020 version of Malcolm X. He was eloquent but firm. Didn't reduce his speech to "less aggressive" tones or vocabulary to appease anyone. He was straight to the point and wasn't afraid of offending anyone regardless of race.
Police have no one to blame but themselves for the current "defund the police" movement. All people have wanted for years is transparency and accountability within police forces and police unions have answered back "no".

It's very difficult to get the bad cops off the force and taxpayers have very little transparency into police investigations, some of which drag on for months before cops are charged.

Like any other publicly funded organization, if taxpayers aren't getting the results they want, and aren't even given visibility into what's going on, of course that organization is going to eventually lose funding.

And please the "If you haven't done the job, you have no right to complain" garbage. I don't need to be the president to critique him. I don't need to be a teacher to critique them.
You ever wonder what exactly Harriet Tubman and her team had to go through back then?
How many cowardly other slaves did she have to coddle through the escapes?
How many other black cowardly stockholm syndrome plantation snitches did she have to kill in order to save all?
I bet if she could speak from the other side she would heavily advise internal spring cleaning before going to war with white supremacy.
Oh yes, but I do not need to divine Harriet in order to get an answer on who, and then how, to deal with such individuals. The story has been told many times. Those who are ruled through fear, will be the weakest link. Those of us who know that death is not the end? Will always be standing the strongest when it is time for the final count. I see those who are weak of character, and I pity them.

I knew a guy. A black guy who's obsessed w/ cars n' ****. loves Nascar. People like him deserves to see this. Very dope & overdue move by them.

sometimes the biggest threat to the movement isn't White racists, but self hating black Americans who allow white racists to hang their hat on their words as evidence that oppression doesn't exist

Yo this women is evil. Same lady that defended HItler. I've never heard someone defend Hitler outside of movie until she did last year. That woman is deaf, dumb, and blind, and has will be used as muse to cater to the racist rhetoric.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: Wild phones, screens, & keyboards were broken over this tweet. This was an excellent troll, but ya'll gotta stop it.

These are Candance Owens own words:

Nascar making that move is shocking. They are most good ol boy confederate flag waving people out. :lol:

But I said it in the NFL thread, this modern day lynching has forced all these companies and sports leagues/teams to take a stand. The protest have been so big. There's zero room for justification. There is no middle ground or "both sides". That video was pure racist evil. Anything less than saying justice should be served makes you look like a racist, period. That's why people snapped on Drew Brees so hard. College athletes are speaking up about some of these coaches. A lot of white people are exposing their racist friends. I'm still waiting for some change in the law books because that's what really make these cops hesitate but the reaction situation has been a lot different than others.
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