RIP George Floyd

The universe got time today.:lol:
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As long as we live in America, in my heart, white supremacy will always be the systematic, structural power. Instead of waiting for white people to show up and make the change for us - I strongly believe that we/or of color, must do for ourselves and come together; financially, politically, education, etc.

I don’t disagree but literally every level of the judicial, political, economical, etc system has a flesh of white supremacy who would rather die before letting a black person get to their level. If it isn’t them, then it will be our own who wouldn’t be able to handle another face that looks like him at the top.
There's a massive youth presence in these protests and I think that's a testament to pure perspective. Most black Americans want to end the systemic racism and oppression in America. And they grow up with the confidence that one day they can do something to end it. Then they become adults and have bills to worry about, mouths to feed, and whatever other obligation distracts them from being able to influence change.

These young people still have that hope in their blood. The current state of the country is terrible with the highest unemployment rate any of us ever saw, the ever growing gap between the wealthiest Americans and the average American, and the racism that the country experienced centuries ago still existing today.

I will continue to support their movement in any ways I can. whether it's through protest, voting, donating money, etc. They've put too much blood, sweat, and tears into these protests for me to have the mentality that this will end with little to no change.
you can't make this up.
57 members of the riot squad resigned from the squad to show their solidarity to the two accused. And today as they were leaving the courthouse, EMTs/ fire department/police applauded and cheered on the two as they left to show support. They had their own protest of sorts

Its ingrained fellas

This is where national guard or troops are for. We need replacement cops ready to do what's right.
Any white person who says ‘this time feels different’ is really saying ‘this time feels different because I’m involved this time.’

I think what makes this time different is a "nothing to lose" mentality. For one, most younger people don't have jobs because of the COVID situation. So they have a ton of free time to be able to protest and disrupt the daily flow of the cities they're in

And second, what do they have to lose? They can sit back and watch the unemployment crisis keep growing and suffer in the inevitable recession without doing anything to influence a change, or they can go out and demand improvements for the generationally oppressed.

I salute their determination because we shouldn't be sitting home watching our fellow Americans struggling through an economic depression with a millionaire president saying the economy is booming Because his fellow rich pals are profiting off the suffering of the lower and "middle class"
The signs and chants are misleading. They keep screaming no justice, no peace. That no peace part, is riots. You have to riot. You have to make them afraid and uncomfortable. Police still beating on people. Still killing. Still excessive force. White house still talking ****. Peaceful protest will get you a nice shiny band-aid and a warm cookie. A couple random firings. Government still comfy tho. You gonna get corona virus and **** being all close, you might as well make it worth it. Burn it down to the ground. Trust me on this.
Any white person who says ‘this time feels different’ is really saying ‘this time feels different because I’m involved this time.’

in fairness, enough people saying exactly that IS what will make it different.

I am filled with hope and fulfillment like nothing else I have ever experienced.

The signs and chants are misleading. They keep screaming no justice, no peace. That no peace part, is riots. You have to riot. You have to make them afraid and uncomfortable. Police still beating on people. Still killing. Still excessive force. White house still talking ****. Peaceful protest will get you a nice shiny band-aid and a warm cookie. A couple random firings. Government still comfy tho. You gonna get corona virus and **** being all close, you might as well make it worth it. Burn it down to the ground. Trust me on this.

idk man for me a revolution need not necessarily be overly violent.

at the root, it´s a group decision that we are going to do something different...good news is we do not have to burn society to the ground to make that happen....but we have to be damn near willing to risk that.

general strikes, boycotts, demonstrations, civil disruption (roadblocks, impeding non-essential construction, etc.), a couple million broken windows...sorry. de-arrests. street medics. donations. solidarity.

it can go as far as making some billionaire feel the heat by destroying elements of his commercial infrastructure...but even repairing a thing instead of replacing it is a revolutionary act in an ultra-capitalist society, so throw that stitching fist in the air.

what #They want is ¨a normal¨ you hold what they want hostage until your demands are met.

thing about a civilization that values things over people is that you only have to hurt objects to be heard loud and clear: **** your Disney trip, your NBA, your Starbucks, nothing works until it works for everyone.

...or at least, that´s my theory.
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Man i used to live in america for like 5yrs.

Used to always wonder why they wanna "help" other countries when their own backyard is in shambles. Early this yr was out in LA with my mom. We ended up in skidrow, my mom said "look.... 'superpower' but people live in tents on the street"

Then i read "confessions of an economic hitman"

Like ive said, america is not a country its an enterprise.
Tell me about that book my guy
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