RIP George Floyd


I remember he was on an episode of MTV's Punk'd and he defended a black employee for the whole episode. I don't know if that show was "staged", but his reaction seemed pretty legit to me.
y'all should research how crooked police are in Latin countries such as Brazil, Mexico, etc.

Problem needs to be stopped worldwide.
The world is a messy place, and it got that way from one source of people. Before they existed? All was groovy. Wars were being fought, but afterward? Everyone went back to their starting positions.

Now, you have this, and they are to blame for it all.
Wow: The 2 Buffalo Police Officers Who Pushed & Injured A 75-Year-Old Man Get Cheered & Applauded By Their Colleagues After Leaving The Courthouse

canadians are something else :smh:
My city racist af. Barely any protests here

Pennsylvania one of the most racist Northern states in America. Philly is an exception due to its areas of diversity but I've seen a ton of racism in other parts of PA. I was in a rural part of PA and a dude pulled up next to me threatening to "beat my ***" for cutting him off when I merged in front of him 10 yards apart. I kept it moving because he was in a pickup truck and I wasn't about to get shot in a quiet road by a farm
Pennsylvania one of the most racist Northern states in America. Philly is an exception due to its areas of diversity but I've seen a ton of racism in other parts of PA. I was in a rural part of PA and a dude pulled up next to me threatening to "beat my ***" for cutting him off when I merged in front of him 10 yards apart. I kept it moving because he was in a pickup truck and I wasn't about to get shot in a quiet road by a farm

Wow! My aunt has a farm in Upstate NY by the Pennsylvania border. And my first time there, we decide to attend a County Farm in Pennsylvania, a 20 minute driven and we ended rural white America like I've never seen before. Confederate flags everywhere
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