RIP George Floyd

What's funnier is that 302 people liked her tweet.
Never heard of him until this week, when conservatives began exploiting his tragic death in a sick attempt to diminish the current movement.

I forgot the name but I remembered that video very vividly and remember the outrage when it happened, so they can shut up with that nonsense.

man I saw this again a few days ago. I had to run it back like 5 times and I found myself getting even more upset with the reporter. that was one of those questions that a black man SHOULD never ask to another black man. how did you not understand what he was saying and it’s not his wilder’s job to explain to anyone who doesn’t

wilder a real one :pimp:
Defund these mfers. Put that money back into education system especially to the black communities. Them pigs don't deserve it.

They’ve been livid here in LA that Eric Garecti is proposing budget cuts for the LAPD. But I’m tired of my taxpayer dollars going to fund settlements for their F ups. And when you see the exuberant salaries some of those pigs make. It’s an even bigger slap in the face.
That systemic racism video that’s been floating around social media is just the tip of the iceberg. Feel like it was made for white folks to kinda get it and not feel too bad about themselves.
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