RIP George Floyd

I remember when this happened. Can't find the thread about it but I did find the posts when it was brought up in the political thread from 2017.

Should've been a wake up call to white folks but they deflected like they do when Black people are murdered by cops. That POS cop had "You are f_ed" on his gun.

Remember this **** too :smh:

"All Lives Matter" was real quiet when this **** happened. Not a ******* peep
I think banning choke holds is def needed but how does that get enforced? What happens when people are choked out and no ones around?
What's funnier is that 302 people liked her tweet.
If she's in school she should not be allowed to take any courses until she performs 4 years worth of schooling on black history. If she is working, she should not be allowed to return to work until she completes a mandatory training and pass a formal exam on black history.
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Idk man I was telling some of my friends this, this collective movement and energy does feel different. I believe tangible change is imminent maybe not to the extent it needs to be but this is going to be a marathon anyway.
man I saw this again a few days ago. I had to run it back like 5 times and I found myself getting even more upset with the reporter. that was one of those questions that a black man SHOULD never ask to another black man. how did you not understand what he was saying and it’s not his wilder’s job to explain to anyone who doesn’t

wilder a real one :pimp:
Lol homeboy was trying to get him to go off on white people without getting his hands dirty and it blew up in his face. :lol:
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