RIP George Floyd

First time seeing the video. This is Insane.

I have been following this thread closely. As this is my first post, let me first say peace to the brother George Floyd and his family. His life has and will continue to change the world, as professed by none other than his own daughter. I'm so pleased to see that she has that understanding given the gravity of this situation which she has been untimely and unfairly burdened with.

With regard to the quoted video, it offers an interesting perspective through its underscoring of a pompous, arrogant attitude that pervades police forces across this country. The brother is clearly trying to help this officer Thao, "get off his neck bro! Does he even have a pulse ?!" - his failure to recognize that the brother was appealing to his sense of humanity, is the price that these so called minorities must pay when they elect to wave that blue flag. When dealing with black men, they are not interacting on a human level because we are seen as subhuman.
The Middle Eastern / Arab thing I can kind of wrap my head around. Some Middle Eastern’s will categorize themselves with their nationality (ie. Syrians from Syria, Iraqi from Iraq, Iranian/Persians from Iran) and some will just call themselves Arab even though they’re not technically from Arabia.

But I cannot for the life of me understand why Latins in NYC call themselves Spanish. Can someone from Dyckman or the Heights explain this to me please?

it's as simple as they speak spanish (hispanic) lol you are overthinking it

I’m not from India, so I’m not Indian.

i was asking about your race/ethnicity, not nationality
The Middle Eastern / Arab thing I can kind of wrap my head around. Some Middle Eastern’s will categorize themselves with their nationality (ie. Syrians from Syria, Iraqi from Iraq, Iranian/Persians from Iran) and some will just call themselves Arab even though they’re not technically from Arabia.

An Afghan wont refer to themselves as Arab. Neither will a Turk, a Kurd, a Persian etc.
..I mean...was she a young 70?


im sayin...Vera Wang is 70

I didn't know why Dyckman was trending until now and it's a ****** up situation. And quite frankly the Dominicans vs American Black people argument is very tiring. I'm Dominican myself but I'm from Queens not Uptown. I'm also fully aware of my African lineage. I understand the reasoning for why Dyckman would band together but I think the execution was poorly done. I think they should have coordinated with the protests and taken part in the protests and united to stop looting together rather than take the Howard Beach approach. Dominicans have a bad record when it comes to racism and colorism and doing it that way doesn't help matters. That said, the looting of Manhattan and the Bronx really got out of control. A lot of Dominicans come to the states and open up bodegas, drive taxis, manage supermarkets, open restaurants. There is an independent spirit in our culture, like with most immigrants who come from nothing. The looting was absolutely despicable and I think all business owners have a right to protect their businesses. People didn't escape poverty to lose their business overnight (and mind you the pandemic ****** a lot of businesses up to). But the assumption that it's only Black people looting is wrong. Lots of looters are Latino and White as well. The looters are not part of the movement and they're taking advantage of the movement to wreck havoc. Dyckman should have coordinated with the protests and figured it out imo.
Technically I’m considered “Asian” when it comes to race. My family immigrated to the US from South Asia.

are you sure that black, latin, and other communities identify you as "brown" all your life & it wasn't you just telling people to identify you as brown?
The Middle Eastern / Arab thing I can kind of wrap my head around. Some Middle Eastern’s will categorize themselves with their nationality (ie. Syrians from Syria, Iraqi from Iraq, Iranian/Persians from Iran) and some will just call themselves Arab even though they’re not technically from Arabia.

But I cannot for the life of me understand why Latins in NYC call themselves Spanish. Can someone from Dyckman or the Heights explain this to me please?
And we aid and enable in it because everybody wants a Spanish Mami :rofl:
Watched the video again that started this. I havent peeped since the first time around. Yo even when the damn ambulance came he didnt take his knee off, the paramedic was TOUCHING FLOYD, and he STILL HAD HIS KNEE ON HIM.

****ing horrible. Whatever he gets, he deserves. Punk ***.

I saw it once that first day, and every time when they try to show it on the news I hit mute. I can't do it anymore.

They should all suffer in the same fashion. It's bad enough he was crying out. You had people around him crying out saying what was going to happen. And they just sat there, even when he stopped saying anything.

That video should be part of a psychology test for cops. They need to be hooked up monitors and also given a lie detector. If you don't feel empathy from watching that video, you shouldn't be a cop, period.
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