Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

What gang did he claim ? did u hear him say he was blood in the video ? When you speak to me speaks facts that can be observed and noted

Ok, i'll play.



Sorry fellas, I'm no longer getting paid to argue anymore time to go home and enjoy life. I probably wont revisit this until tomorrow. I'll be happy to pick apart all your asinine statements in the morning though..
Some of you have your minds made up already on this situation that I know. I just pray to god that none of you are every on my jury and my life is on the line.

If new details/evidence emerge proving his innocence I'll gladly eat crow. I'm simply going off initial reports.
No my time and his time never corresponded but he chose to calm down on his own

Well that's a shame, you should have tried harder, for all we know you could have saved his life....too late for all that now.

Really Steez?? :smh: "you should have tried harder" ... that's like throwing salt on an open wound, especially if that man was a friend of the family as he stated. I'm pretty sure that thought has crossed his mind plenty of times since said incident took place, no need for a friendly reminder.
What gang did he claim ? did u hear him say he was blood in the video ? When you speak to me speaks facts that can be observed and noted

Ok, i'll play.



Sorry fellas, I'm no longer getting paid to argue anymore time to go home and enjoy life. I probably wont revisit this until tomorrow. I'll be happy to pick apart all your asinine statements in the morning though..

I swear some of you think way too highly of yourselves

picking apart my asinine statements? foh
Really Steez?? :smh: "you should have tried harder" ... that's like throwing salt on an open wound, especially if that man was a friend of the family as he stated. I'm pretty sure that thought has crossed his mind plenty of times since said incident took place, no need for a friendly reminder.

Didn't mean it to that extent, but ok...
Lulz WAT?


I can't keep up with the gibberish at this point.

I'm now a happy, healthy 30 year old...if living with the fact that being victimized by some sucker with a gun, helped me get to where I'm at today then I can live with must not know how to pick your battles....lulz good luck in life with that mentality fam.

i agree with the picking your battles part. its dudes around my way that if someone ran up on them with a gun and tried to rob them that the robber "would have to fight them for their stuff or kill them trying" and that mindset is stupid. it's so many people i've known or currently know that either got killed, are in jail, or their in a wheelchair right now due to that mindset.

material stuff can be replaced and i don't care how soft it sounds, handing over stuff i can eventually get agian is a much smarter choice then taking my chances with some irrational kid with a gun who in my eyes is more of a loose cannon then an adult because he feels he has something to prove.
Again they say he pointed the gun but 4 out of 7 bullets entered from his back so how can you pose a threat when your back is turned
Bro are you serious? What's more like he got shot and turned around to run and took 4 more bullets or he got shot 4 times and turned around to see what was happening and took 3 more?
I can't wait for the clowns to come in and call 7 shots excessive.
If someone points a gun at me, im firing as many rounds down range as it takes to neutralize the threat. LEO's arent trained to kill, we're trained to stop the threat. If the threat dies, then so be it. My goal is make it home safe to my family when my tour is over
I'm curious why this hasn't made nation news. I searched on CNN and nothing came up.

prolly cuz the kid pointed his gun at cops. just another case of cops shooting down a crook. w.e..

Somebody make a sreggie101 appreciation post.

Pink bikini could open a credit card in my name, I dont eem care.

View media item 312159
s.reggie why do you want this thread locked so bad?? 

you cried out foul as soon as people started posting evidence that this kid was no angel..

this is a pretty civilized thread, compared to others.

the issue i had/have is that although its widely reported that cops shots and killed a teen who pointed a .38 at them, where said gun was recovered at the scene, OP and others seem to still take offense to the apparent "senseless" killing of a black teen.

now lets be clear. this kid wasn't unarmed. sean bell was unarmed. trayvon martin was unarmed. jordan davis was unarmed. amadou diallo was unarmed. they died doing nothing wrong. they were blown away by police/trigger happy citizens because they appeared suspicious. so by all means, start threads on that, protest on the streets and call for change and show anger at the injustice of these killings.

...but for this kid who took aim at cops? this thread can honestly be seen as an insult to those whose death deserves practical discussion.

but no, you got stupid motherfkers in here talkin bout the cops do this, the cops do that. WELL NO ****. of course there are crooked cops, start a thread on something we don't know! the NTers in here who are crying racism and injustice over this are no better than the tom ***** who think it wise to hit the streets hard and rob rite aids n **** and riot, because a kid who tried to shoot first, who had a rap sheet longer than any 16yr old i ever heard of, died. IGNORANCE IS BLISS.

if al sharpton isn't saying much about it, then your cries are grossly misplaced.

Lastly, the blacks who cry wolf when there isn't one do much more harm than good. You people seem to not understand that if you keep saying thats racist, or this is racist when there isn't a case of racism, NOBODY is going to give a flying **** about the next point in time when THERE IS a case of racism and injustice. Because yall were to busy playing the race card. White america is gonna be like *kanye shrug* "yea sure, racism".

To those who are making it harder for me, thank you.
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Again they say he pointed the gun but 4 out of 7 bullets entered from his back so how can you pose a threat when your back is turned

Is it hard to imagine that he pointed his gun at them and then turned to run when they started firing? Unless the first shot that hit him rendered him paralyzed and he was unable to move, I think it's safe to say that he would turn and run once he heard shots.

It's also odd to me that you're scolding some of the people in here for forming their opinions based on what the media has told us, but at the same time you're taking info from the NY Times and using it to back up your argument.
Destroying your own neighborhood because your mad at the cops. How smart that is.

End of the day some of you are just stubborn.

If the kid really did point a gun on them then he deserved to get popped, simple as that. Hell if he even had a gun on him he deserved to get locked up knowing how strict new yorks gun laws are.

I believe in innocent until proven guilty and let the truth come out how it may either way but its hard to give a kid with an extensive rap sheet and videos popping off on YouTube the benifit of the doubt.

If he really did pull a gun out on the cops some of you will still make excuses and try to rationalize his actions and that just speaks alot about who you are as a person.

If he didn't pull a gun out then there's justifiable outrage but the real tragedy is a 16 year old kid that was getting in trouble left and right due to lack of guidance and being a product of his environment.

I don't like most cops but if he really did pull a gun out on them there's no rationalizing things or trying to point blame at the cops as that would be a slap in the face to many situations where people have every right in the world to be mad at the actions of the cops.

well said sir.

The stubborn heads will still make excuses no matter what the circumstances. :lol:

Dude's in here even justifying riots. :lol:

Is it hard to imagine that he pointed his gun at them and then turned to run when they started firing? Unless the first shot that hit him rendered him paralyzed and he was unable to move, I think it's safe to say that he would turn and run once he heard shots.

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A "child" who was a gang member, had an illegal gun, pointed said gun at a cop in possibly a revenge tactic.

Thats a real child there.

Sorry, I'm not trying to put $80,000 a year into another lifer in prison.

He was 16 years old. You are all acting like he was 8. At 16 you KNOW right from wrong. I won't sit here and listen to this gibberish.

Chill bro, like your taxes are gonna go up if they put this kid in jail. Your govt wastes money on an innumerable amount of things on a daily basis but go ahead and use prison costs to justify your absolutely insane disregard for human life. You are a horrible person, there are no two ways around.

He's 16 and you have no clue who or what he is nor how he was raised but if it makes you feel good to celebrate a childs death go right ahead. If it makes you feel safer some h.s. sophomore was shot dead in the streets, by all means, continue with your frail little life.
because NYPD doesn't have a history of planting drugs and smuggling guns

Yes, because most drug dealers caught with drugs have it planted. Let's just work under that assumption in every case. All those drugs being sold in the hood were planted by someone else, it's never the hoodlum's fault.
i don't think no ones celebrating his death, people are just pointing out that most likely he brought his death upon himself with his poor choice of actions and bad decision making.
because NYPD doesn't have a history of planting drugs and smuggling guns

Yes, because most drug dealers caught with drugs have it planted. Let's just work under that assumption in every case. All those drugs being sold in the hood were planted by someone else, it's never the hoodlum's fault.

Notice I haven't placed blame anywhere, I just don't believe one side over the other
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