Riot in Brooklyn over cops murdering 16 year old boy.

So let me get you straight. You're saying if you got your *** kicked in a fair ONE ON ONE fight, you will shoot that person? That to me is not being a man at all, its being a coward.

If so, thats the stuff you CHOOSE to live with. Thats a HORRIBLE way to live your life.

If its just for protection, its your legal right and I just hope you're registered, legal and trained.
You succ at this.

Clearly for protection.

A grown *** man trying to tell another grown *** man how to live, foh. Save that **** for your kids.
You have no problem watching reality TV's shows so what's the difference in the violence being portrayed ?

Lulz WAT?


I can't keep up with the gibberish at this point.

I'm now a happy, healthy 30 year old...if living with the fact that being victimized by some sucker with a gun, helped me get to where I'm at today then I can live with must not know how to pick your battles....lulz good luck in life with that mentality fam.
You succ at this.

Clearly for protection.

A grown *** man trying to tell another grown *** man how to live, foh. Save that **** for your kids.

Dude I wasn't coming at you. The way you phrased your answer it sounded like you were saying if you got beat up you're shooting. Thats a coward to me. Straight up.

I am ALL FOR an adult who goes through the legal channels to own, operate and even conceal a weapon.

You still didn't answer my question though. Is your gun registered? Have you ever been trained in handling guns?

If not, you are just another peg in the board of problems.
Well steezy said it was a form of entertainment to kiki and his friends. I simply said it's the same way with reality shows some people watch it for the violence and drama. So I guess it's safe for me to say that anybody with a criminal record that shows violent tendencies are about that life and deserve whatever comes their way. Am I right or Am I wrong ?

When did I say I endorse the foolishness of violence in a reality TV show...which btw is probably scripted.
How we venturing so far off the grid that now we talking reality TV...that's how you know this argument is going nowhere
Well steezy said it was a form of entertainment to kiki and his friends. I simply said it's the same way with reality shows some people watch it for the violence and drama. So I guess it's safe for me to say that anybody with a criminal record that shows violent tendencies are about that life and deserve whatever comes their way. Am I right or Am I wrong ?

Watching violence on television is different from going outside and committing a violent act though.

To me, the main thing here isn't about the kid's past, it's that he (allegedly) pointed a gun at a police officer. That's not something that you do without grim repercussions.
See u painting your own picture of this kid because what you perceive him to be based upon media. You keep saying victimized and mugged I didn't know he was arrested for a robbery.

inciting a riot

grand larceny

Possession of stolen property

And grand larceny and possession of stolen property goes hand in hand. So where along the lines did he pose a threat to anybody up until the cops saying he pointed a gun ?
i dont get how some of you think that you have to be black to go through the struggle.

i can honestly say i've had it rougher than all the black friends i have made here in cali.

you think where you grew up was ghetto because you had a liquor store, i grew up in section 8 housing single mother on welfare brother locked up from 7th grade up til now in calexico,ca.

cartels ran the town, anyone under 30 was either working for them or in a gang that was under the mexican mafia.

from 8-12 i sold drugs and packed a gun, but even at 8 i knew not to point the damn gun at anybody and not to pull it out unless i was going to use it.

i got lucky my moms met my step pops and moved us to georgia, i didnt grow up to be an angel, i just knew what that life would lead to.

i didnt learn that lesson until last year, when a good friend of mine was taken into the desert and killed, 

i've had my experience with the police, got shot at when i was 19,when they broke up a house party 

the police know my name only because of how many times they have stopped me before and havent found anything, i know they profile, i know they abuse their power.

im not gonna defend some kid who was flagging his colors out in the open and banging for his little status..

but when hard working innocent people are gunned down by police because of their color and the evidence is all around that they were innocent 

then thats when i get pissed and get on my anti cop ish..

now i own a billion dollar dog with million dollar gold chains on..
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How we venturing so far off the grid that now we talking reality TV...that's how you know this argument is going nowhere

argument been dead for a while now :lol: dudes just throwing out random **** at this point.

"you watch reality TV though"

oh :lol:
Dude I wasn't coming at you. The way you phrased your answer it sounded like you were saying if you got beat up you're shooting. Thats a coward to me. Straight up.

I am ALL FOR an adult who goes through the legal channels to own, operate and even conceal a weapon.

You still didn't answer my question though. Is your gun registered? Have you ever been trained in handling guns?

If not, you are just another peg in the board of problems.

Im not answering that on a message board, stevie.

Some of you have your minds made up already on this situation that I know. I just pray to god that none of you are every on my jury and my life is on the line.
Some of you have your minds made up already on this situation that I know. I just pray to god that none of you are every on my jury and my life is on the line.

Well if you're living your life the correct way you shouldn't be in court with the jury's verdict controlling your life.
See u painting your own picture of this kid because what you perceive him to be based upon media. You keep saying victimized and mugged I didn't know he was arrested for a robbery.

inciting a riot

grand larceny

Possession of stolen property

And grand larceny and possession of stolen property goes hand in hand. So where along the lines did he pose a threat to anybody up until the cops saying he pointed a gun ?

Bruh your biased hatred towards NYPD antics is blinding your logical are defending a criminal that given the chance could have probably robbed/killed you or someone you love for the sake of proving his toughness to his crew....

You got your way of thinking I got mines, lets leave it at that...I hope the way you think doesn't change God forbid you fall victim to one of these knuckleheads who have no regards for their own life let alone anyone's around them.
Like I said until you witness certain things with your own 2 eyes you will never understand why people do what they do. You'll never understand why a kid becomes a killer,dealer, or robber.

Your struggle and a next man's struggle are always different even if they appear the same on the outside.
Well if you're living your life the correct way you shouldn't be in court with the jury's verdict controlling your life.
Seen your twitter.

It all adds up now.

You know nothing of "this" life. You probably call police on speeders on the highway.
Bruh your biased hatred towards NYPD antics is blinding your logical are defending a criminal that given the chance could have probably robbed/killed you or someone you love for the sake of proving his toughness to his crew....

You got your way of thinking I got mines, lets leave it at that...I hope the way you think doesn't change God forbid you fall victim to one of these knuckleheads who have no regards for their own life let alone anyone's around them.

My bias opinion I personally knew this kid I was at his mothers house last week to be exact.
Some of you have your minds made up already on this situation that I know. I just pray to god that none of you are every on my jury and my life is on the line.

Well if you're living your life the correct way you shouldn't be in court with the jury's verdict controlling your life.

"If you're living correct you shouldn't ever get frisked"

"If you're living correct you shouldn't ever get stopped"

unfortunately not the way it works
Seen your twitter.

It all adds up now.

You know nothing of "this" life. You probably call police on speeders on the highway.


you know nothing about me man. Again, another person that stalks peoples pages to get ammo cause they can't have a rational conversation.

99% of what I put on twitter is inside jokes between friends.

I'm not about to get into a pissing contest on who's more gangster. I'm no gangster and I'm damn proud of that. I live in one of the crappiest neighborhoods in Philly. I could have EASILY been in and out of the system very early. I didn't.

You on the other hand want to glorify "this life."

That is a moronic way of thinking, and it truly shows your lack of intelligence.

Stay about that "life" man.
This whole thing is a tragedy. But rioting is never the answer. 

It might not have been right but it was needed to ensure that the media picks up the story and it doesn't die down. It's not like not like much people were concerned with the matter to begin with until the riot occurred.
"If you're living correct you shouldn't ever get frisked"

"If you're living correct you shouldn't ever get stopped"

unfortunately not the way it works

What? You don't make sense.

You said if the jury had your life in their hands.

Are you comparing yourself to the minuscule percentage of court cases that a persons life is on the line that were wrongfully accused.

You're jumping from one extreme to the next to further your point.
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