Richest 17 year old on instagram

People on reddit said this is the same dude

:rofl: his voice doe

The funniest thing about the camo review video is we ALL know they only reason he likes it so much it he can hide his p0rn folders from the parents with it. FOH talking about "if you're making a youtube video and you dont want the screen to be cluttered and you dont want to move stuff" nonsense we know what you're doing. :lol: :smh:

Come to think of it he probably saw what some dues work with and thats why he became mad at the world. :lol:
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Anyone been peeping this dude's posts in the last few? He posted a pic of the guy who won the $20 stacks but everyone's saying it's really his friend and the whole thing is fake :rofl:
Lol at people hating on him and then they see his give away (real or fake) and they start riding his jock. Shame on you all
Here's another video of him.
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dude deleted all his youtube videos but forgot about this one :lol:

Smh I didn't even watch more than half of it after hearing that ole spoiled nerdy voice!

All the smack he talks, I think dude lives his full life in that home or basement getting homeschooled or something. I can't see him out n about taking the chance of getting ran up on! He is hella reckless with his mouth!

He is lowkey funny though with his IG antics.
Have fun counting your $20 bills boys and girls. Lmao. This kid is a joke. His only friend is benjamin franklin.

He only has other video's with money. SMH

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Another one I found. I think he's a good kid at heart. I wouldn't be surprised if this is just a way to get back at people who may have bullied him in the past.

seeing people wasting money for no reason pisses me off so much
 imagine all the money you can use to help others but no, you really need 4 phones
seeing people wasting money for no reason pisses me off so much
 imagine all the money you can use to help others but no, you really need 4 phones
meh not really different from the 1 rock, 2 to stock attitude that a lot of NTers have when it comes to shoes.
Definitely master trolling. Guess he didn't get enough attention with the youtube videos....
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