Richest 17 year old on instagram

He seems to be lagging behind alot when it comes to trends.
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this lil ninja lives here in sf.

hes def doing a lot of flexing,

cuz homie was def riding the bart about 7-10 days ago.

his parents must be fools if they gave their 17 yr old that much cash to do with whatever he pleases.  
@ calling his rich parents fools
i guess you think all rich ppl are smart. like this kid will be one day. 
Reading the comments on his pictures is so painful and funny at the same time. Bunch of broke haters. I'd come back with more amo just like he does. So I don't really blame him. 
Are you guys referring to having big meats?
Cause ill take cash money over that any day. Not that I don't already have a big meat.
You can be smart in business but a fool in raising a child

not saying that's the case here, just throwin it out there happens all the time
son is a master troll.....

has managed to rustle so many jimmies that is epic.

When did this become some lauded trait? I don't get why intentionally pissing people off is praised

Kid needs to be kidnapped for a lesson. But I thought the pics would be even worse to be honest
I was about to post something similar WhatCanISay.

Like its crazy how many dudes in here saying he should get jacked, kidnapped etc. cuz he "flossin" on IG when we are on a forum showcasing and talkin about new shoes we got/want all the time. It may not be showing how much money you got per say, but to a lot of dudes I know (and i'm sure some of you do too) the majority of yall look like food. But the moment one of ours get jacked just for having fresh feet it's all woe is me and sympathy. No1 is gonna come in and be like "well thats what u get for buying new shoes". Im just saying if lil homie wants to show off let him live cuz in some way or another we all show off and can be looked at as a target.

And inb4 all that "not me cuz I keep the tool" talk. Cuz 8/10 in that situation both parties are gettin shot.
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