Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

I honestly dont care.

A lot of our amendents are outdated and could use some modernizing.

In my opinion, I struggle to see why we need such malicious weapons in our society. For what?

Give civilians a year to turn in their guns and after that, its a minimum 5 years in prison if you're caught with one.

Will that stop crime and violence? No.

Is it a guaranteed fix? No. But i'd imagine taking guns out of everyone's hands makes the country a safer place. Yes I know other weapons would be used by criminals but guns are far and away the most efficient.
If governments are the only ones allowed with weapons then we are all totally screwed.  Just do a quick research on all countries who were stripped of gun right and see what happened to them directly after doing so.. 

you my friend cannot live in a world where only one faction is allowed weapons while everyone remains a slave to the system

Every heard of the UK?
the place where the cop got his head sliced off in the middle of the street and no one couldnt do anything about it??? sure

Yep, in Scotland there was a shooting in a school 20 years ago. The government banned private ownership of handguns in response. You can own a hunting rifle or a shotgun but you need a licence and it's fairly onerous.

You know how many mass shootings there have been since then? I can't think of any.

You know how many there have been since Sandy Hook in the US? Over a thousand. That's utterly insane.

Sure, there is the occasional problem like nutters with swords but I'd gladly trade that for thousands being killed. I knew a guy who was the head trauma surgeon on a major city hospital and he'd seen 6 gunshot wounds in his career. He'd obviously seen a lot of stabbings but your chance of survival is a lot higher in that case.
You can unleash an entire 30 round clip in about 10 seconds. In a club people are mashed up in one room. Not that hard to shoot 50 bodies in an enclosed room.
It's 2016 and there are over 300 million plus guns in circulation in the US and people are still talking about banning guns in the US? Even if the Govt bans guns in a week or whatnot, it's too late.
Fam, a full-length AR is going to stick out of a long *** coat.

He could have broken the rifle down, snuck it on his person, and assembled it in the bathroom, or some dark corner. You sound like you know enough it only takes a few seconds to assemble an AR upper and lower, pop in a mag, and rack a round.
a witness said a whole bunch of people just dropped to the floor and he shot at them as well :smh:

thats why I'm saying assault rifles should be illegal. because they can do that type of damage, if he had just a handgun, or rifle, there probably wouldn't have been the many deaths, or maybe there could have been a point where a bunch of people could have tackled him.

fully automatic machine guns are attainable (i thought they were illegal) but you have to go through ALOT of loops to basically ensure you're not a threat, if those same measures were put in place with assault rifles i think it would help.
It's more than once a month according to the link I posted -

There have been about 1000 since Sandy hook and that was 3.5 years ago. They define a mass shooting as 4 or more not including the shooter.

So that works out at almost 24 per month - one each day of the week, with weekends off which is considerate.
Yall are TRIPPIN if yall think ONE dude did all of that damage. That just doesn't make any sense at all

Two semi auto weapons, and a club with several hundred people in it in close quarters.

Remember everyone is most likely trying to run out to the same exit.

It doesn't take that long to reload if you have spare cartridges.
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Two semi auto weapons, and a club with several hundred people in it in close quarters.

Remember everyone is most likely trying to run out to the same exit.

It doesn't take that long to reload if you have spare cartridges.
People also seem to be forgetting that Bullets can go thought people 
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We shot an automatic or semi automatic ar15 in riflery class the last day
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Couldn't someone with an ar stand in the middle of the room, or anywhere, and hold the trigger while doing an MJ spin and presumably kill everyone?

Yeah if he had a Fully automatic.

He pulled the trigger for every bullet. .
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The Nightclub Was Loud and Crowded

Mass shooting fatalities are often higher in large, crowded spaces that are somewhat confined, making it hard for people to escape, said J. Pete Blair, a Texas State University professor who trains law enforcement officers to respond to shooters. The noise may have also played a factor: When Mr. Mateen started shooting, one patron said he first thought the gunfire was firecrackers; others said they thought it was part of the music. “Without available avenues of egress, it seems like they didn’t have an easy way of getting out,” Mr. Blair said.

The Shooter Was at the
Nightclub for Three Hours

The police did not stop the gunman until three hours after Mr. Mateen started shooting, an unusually long time, Adam Lankford, a professor at the University of Alabama who studies mass shootings, said. At some point after the first shots were fired, Mr. Mateen went outside the club and later returned, creating “a hostage situation,” Chief John Mina of the Orlando police said. It is unknown if the shooter killed more people as the police prepared for a confrontation.

The amount of time it takes law enforcement to respond can be a strong predictor of the number of fatalities, Mr. Lankford said. He pointed to the mass shooting at Columbine High School in 1999, when police needed more than three hours to reach injured people, resulting in the deaths of some who desperately needed medical assistance.

The Shooter Had a Powerful Rifle
and High-Capacity Magazines

The gunman was armed with an AR-15-type semiautomatic rifle and a 9 millimeter handgun, Chief Mina said.
I mean logically you can't deny that this guy would've killed far less people if he didn't acquire a fully automatic assault rifle

People say they need these rifles for protection, I guess that's why they are called ASSAULT rifles. I don't know about these protection rifles they speak of-Jim Jefferies.

I'm pro gun because of the nuts out here. Unfortunately with the militias and hate groups they're needed, because they have them. We pretty much made our own bed with our gun culture. We can't go back now to being Canada.
It blows my mind that this whole thing lasted 3+ hours. I understand you can do a ton of damage with those weapons but to last that long? One person? How does that even work?
Anyone who advocates banning guns in America is an idiot.

More human life would be lost attempting to do so than every mass shooting in American history times 10.

The very military and police force you are entrusting to carry this out would be a massive part of the resistance
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I mean logically you can't deny that this guy would've killed far less people if he didn't acquire a fully automatic assault rifle

He did not have a fully automatic rifle.


Fully Automatic = one pull of the trigger releases the sear so multiple bullets are fired

Semi Automatic = one pull of the trigger results in one bullet being fired
I mean logically you can't deny that this guy would've killed far less people if he didn't acquire a fully automatic assault rifle

He did not have a fully automatic rifle.


Fully Automatic = one pull of the trigger releases the sear so multiple bullets are fired

Semi Automatic = one pull of the trigger results in one bullet being fired

The fact people don't know the difference and then are talking about banning them grinds my gears.
I mean logically you can't deny that this guy would've killed far less people if he didn't acquire a fully automatic assault rifle

He did not have a fully automatic rifle.


Fully Automatic = one pull of the trigger releases the sear so multiple bullets are fired

Semi Automatic = one pull of the trigger results in one bullet being fired

The fact people don't know the difference and then are talking about banning them grinds my gears.

I don't really care. The issue is more the power and the capacity - handguns are bad enough but he wouldn't have killed 50 people with one in each hand. The fact that it's not fully auto doesn't make it reasonable that the public has access to them.
The people who fight for the right to own assault rifles, should instead be given the free penis enlargement they need.
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