Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

It's pretty easy to get one in AZ, especially the cheap plastic ones from China.
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People don't want to hear solutions though.

As soon as gun reform is whispered people lose their damn minds.

Right now if I wanted I could walk into a gun store flash my ID and have a new piece in 15 min :smh:

That aint healthy.
It's even easier to get one the "other" way. No id, age verification, paperwork is evolved and it takes 1 phone call, door step delivery.
The sad thing is these events are virtually non preventable. I don't know what laws exactly can reverse the tide. It varies by state, but guns are literally easier to acquire on the streets than drugs. 
I'm a resident of the orlando area this is just horrible to wake up to two days in a row to this type of news , we went to universal city walk last and had to walk through metal detectors for the first time since I've been living here its a sick sad world we live in. They announced this P.O.S name on cnn Omar Mateen apparently he drove 125 miles to do this **** , prayers go out to anyone involved
I'm a resident of the orlando area this is just horrible to wake up to two days in a row to this type of news , we went to universal city walk last and had to walk through metal detectors for the first time since I've been living here its a sick sad world we live in. They announced this P.O.S name on cnn Omar Mateen apparently he drove 125 miles to do this **** , prayers go out to anyone involved

I live in Ocala, which is a hour away and this too frustrated and angers me. Two tragic shootings two days in a row in Orlando is too much. I'm glad I got my conceal carry permit recently to not only protect myself but my family as well
Had a feeling it was radical Islam. Attack is similar to the Paris nightclub one.

Speaking of Trump, dude didn't even offer condolences in his tweet.
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thanks donald trump

His support is only gonna increase from stuff like this :smh:

Not even trying to defend Trump but how you really going to pin this on him?

I'd make this a gun control issue much sooner than I make this a Trump issue.

Where was I putting him at fault?

I'm not pinning this on him at all,just saying that the fact that the shooter was in fact Muslim is only gonna get more support for his message
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