Reports of a "mass casualty" situation @ nightclub in Orlando shooting

Unfortunately the number will probably go up as who knows how many people are in critical condition, in surgery, etc. Hope that's not the case.

Just awful all around. Don't even really know what to say. I feel like saying "this needs to stop" just doesn't cut it anymore and goes without saying.
how did he get that work in? they dont pat you down in orlando clubs?

Nah man it ain't the type of place you'd be patted down at.

This is tragic man. I used to live blocks from there for years just a couple years ago.
Had a feeling it was radical Islam. Attack is similar to the Paris nightclub one.
it may or may not be but you're speculating at this point, which isn't the right thing to do

as for similarity to the paris attack - how? seems like a stretch based on what we've been told unless you have some inside info you'd to share
Wow police saying that he had an ar15 I have no idea how he was able to get that inside.... so terrible
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Jeezus christ. 50?!

Thats a lot of ammo and time. No one tried to jump this clown or something? I mean I know it isnt a movie and youre fight or flight instinct makes you wanna run but how the hell did 1 guy with a semi get that many people?

From Orlando here's my point of view.

Only black nights have pat downs.
Anyone can get an AR-15 lets ban them. Even tho buddy had a security license with firearm
Clear hate crime defiantly doesn't see terror group based
Jeezus christ. 50?!

Thats a lot of ammo and time. No one tried to jump this clown or something? I mean I know it isnt a movie and youre fight or flight instinct makes you wanna run but how the hell did 1 guy with a semi get that many people?


There is a HBO real sports video maybe 2 episodes back about AR-15s watch it
it may or may not be but you're speculating at this point, which isn't the right thing to do

as for similarity to the paris attack - how? seems like a stretch based on what we've been told unless you have some inside info you'd to share
True, I'm not saying for sure and it hasn't been confirmed. It was just my gut instinct. Soft target at peak capacity in the middle of the night. Gun free zone. Assault rifle. Suspicious devices.

Of course I don't have "inside info." And if I did, I don't think I'd post it on a sneaker forum
thanks donald trump

His support is only gonna increase from stuff like this :smh:

Not even trying to defend Trump but how you really going to pin this on him?

I'd make this a gun control issue much sooner than I make this a Trump issue.

He's not pinning anything on him, he's drawing attention to a lot of the demographic that supports him --- ones with "Don't Tread On Me" symbols on the back of their rusty F-150s, "you're not from around here" types, and YouTube commenters that go to mostly black videos just post paragraphs full of hate
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He's not pinning on him, he's drawing attention to a lot of the demographic that supports him --- ones with "Don't Tread On Me" symbols on the back of their rusty F-150s, "you're not from around here" types, and YouTube commenters that go to mostly black videos just post paragraphs full of hate

It's pretty easy to get one in AZ, especially the cheap plastic ones from China.

Not just those
people go out to gunshows and backdoor a lot of stuff without showing proper ID
Money talks and even these shows are roaming with undercovers, guns still move

50 and possibly more, smh
This just doesn't hurt the lbgt community, it affects us all.
Is the " blame all Muslims for the actions of a few " rhetoric going to arrive tonight or later in the week?

Because it's coming
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