real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Mr. Black & Old Gold "goin hard" like they say.

And like others said this supposed to be a dialouge/forum about issues within the black community concerning dating and relationships and its effect and impacton society---which includes the OPs initial topic----so this isn't an anti-black woman or anti-white woman or other "anti-race" post by in anyway.

I also would like to hear more from other races and ethnicities experiences---and give their opinions and statements about the issues concerning thisthread----we're not only learning from ourselves but from other races too.

And my ladies of NT, are you still with me or us, in this matter?----- I definitely want to hear more from you all though---we appreciate and most importantlyrespect your comments and opinions you all have shared with us. You all definitely recieve my respect and appreciation in that aspect.

I promise I will share some more of my thoughts when I get to a CPU----Prez T, blackmagnus, I see yall' puttin in that work---yall' def know what timeit is .
Can I get a recap of this thread

I read the first couple of pages and its what the topic title says and then I read the last couple of pages and its about church.

Whats going on in here?
Can I get a recap of this thread

I read the first couple of pages and its what the topic title says and then I read the last couple of pages and its about church.

Whats going on in here?
Originally Posted by Prez T

the respect issue ultimately stems from the dynamics of the black community coupled with the confusion black women have about the way a relationship is SUPPOSED to work . tbottom line . theyre confused about what being independent is supposed to mean , they are confused about what attributes to look for in a partner , they are confused about where to seek guidance

- being independent and submitting to your man are NOT mutually exclusive
- what you see in your neighborhood and in rap videos are NOT qualities that define what makes a guy a 'real man' (this issue is more of a problem with girls and women who never had a father figure in their life)
- your hater girlfriends who cant keep a man themselves are NOT good to seek relationship advice from
Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

Can I get a recap of this thread

I read the first couple of pages and its what the topic title says and then I read the last couple of pages and its about church.

Whats going on in here?
This thread has had so many twists and turns

Manoj Night Shyamalan would be impressed.
The past few pages have almost turned into a blame game and I think that that's divisive and clearly a step backwards from solving the problem.

Instead of pointing the finger at others we need to look in the mirror and try to change that person first.

As a black male, we gotta do better in a lot of ways.

I was gonna write a lot more but "I have nothing" (c)Whitney Houston
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Money is not an object with white women, yet you say they'll only date a black dude if he's a rich athlete or actor. That is, of course, unless they're fat and desperate with low self esteem (we learned that in last week's topic). Black girls can do no right. They get with a dude with money, they're gold digging. A white women get with the same dude, she has her head on right, knows what to look for. Sista gets with a dude without money who she loves for him, she has no standards and that's why she can't pull or deserve a good udde. It's not like black women are the one dating guys 2 and 3x their senior with money who are about to die or trailing around dudes like Jerry Buss and Hugh Hef.

If 65% of marriages fail, and black women are 42 or whatever percent less likely to get married in the first place, seems like all those non black women aren't so perfect in relationships after all. Maybe failed relationships and miscommunication is a problem that spans all racial groups like so many other things and should be attacked as a general problem and not a black problem. At some point, obviously 65% of women stop "submitting," as if you're automatically right and should be followed no questions asked because you're a male anyways. It's not the 1800s anymore, they're allowed to think and have opinions too

Tell me about it...

Realtalk...I feel like all i've been reading in this thread is Black women need to do this, it's a Black woman's fault that this happens, Black women lack this, Black women need to do more of this...etc.

First the excuses were used to argue why females of other races are "better". Then, they were used to argue why black women were "lacking". Now, these excuses are being used to highlight the problems we have in the black community...

And I'm seriously sitting here like...are these dudes really that biased, in denial, and that naive-- to the point where they're implying that the problems (the great majority) we have in the black community stem from the inabilities of the "black woman" this the route brothas are taking now, in an attempt to vindicate themselves of the problems in the black community...damn...ishhh is damn near shameful...


/thread for the dudes he just called out...
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Prez T

the respect issue ultimately stems from the dynamics of the black community coupled with the confusion black women have about the way a relationship is SUPPOSED to work . tbottom line . theyre confused about what being independent is supposed to mean , they are confused about what attributes to look for in a partner , they are confused about where to seek guidance

- being independent and submitting to your man are NOT mutually exclusive
- what you see in your neighborhood and in rap videos are NOT qualities that define what makes a guy a 'real man' (this issue is more of a problem with girls and women who never had a father figure in their life)
- your hater girlfriends who cant keep a man themselves are NOT good to seek relationship advice from

I hate when dudes put /thread as if that's supposed to end the discussion... just pointless IMO

And people should stop the generalizations & broad statements...

all i know is that none of the *@!@ yall syain is true for me... i know my *@!@ don't stank... ye dig?

Man this thread really has gone so many different ways. I am shocked that the blame game lasted so long. I think that there have been some people who have beenoffended by the original topic and it is funny to me because it really is a pretty general subject. While we can point out the source of where the issue hasstarted it makes excuse why things have grown to the point that they have. Respect becoming a lost word and way of life in the black community and in thisparticular subject it is the lack of it that fuels the fire. Anyone who tries to blame another for their own actions when the actions are wrong is a weakindividual to me.

I honestly believe that this seems to strike a chord with women who see what some of us men are saying. Look at the men of your culture being raised, changed,and awaken to want to steer clear of you. It can be a hard sight to take in, but at this point in time it really is the fault of the women who are as some menhave described. I know I get upset when I see the good women go for the jerks, the bad seeds, and the type of guys that don't represent what a man issupposed to be, so why is it hard to take it when a good man or talented man begins to grow cold to a certain class of women? Most of us are adults and well itis hard to change our views at this point, but I know I wouldn't want my daughter to be a woman who makes a man feel like he has to give up on a class ofwomen.

To those who criticize, how about you actually listen to what some people are saying.

To women who have issues or try to blame, why don't you listen to what these men feel. This isn't a topic to boast about. It honestly is sad and I knowthat when I came to the conclusion that I did (or rather just let the honesty of the world sink in) it was a hard pill to swallow.

To the guys who feel like they just can't find hope in the mentioned class of women let me just say that the comfort, hope, affection, and love you want tofind in a woman is out there. I didn't want to believe it, but it is. Just don't close yourself off to trying seek these things and give up hope on allwomen.

Oh and Thugnificence when it comes to pointing out something that is just wrong pointing out generalizations isn't always a bad thing, but you are rightthe broad statements should be indepth statements.
But see nobody in here is really takin any responsibility for anything. If i see a valid point a female make, we should ask them ok u right on that now how youthink we should work to correct that. But i see alot of defensiveness instead of standing up and saying some of these points are right. People just point outan reaction to the problem as to why they act like that. "Black women argue to much." "We argue to much cuz you dont respect us" "wedont respect you cuz you dont listen" " We dont listen cuz you a dog" It just keep goin back and forth. I havent seen any Black woman in here(sorry if i did miss it tho) say anything about anybody havin a valid point. They just tryin to shift the blame eslewhere.
KiCkSaReMyLiFe, I can agree with you, it is a lot of back in forth going on. The sad thing is that in my opinion this is something that is stamped on ourgeneration. It is just starting to be spoken freely. Me personally I don't want to blame anyone. I can point out the source, the actions, and the reactionsbut at this point my mind is made up. I honestly feel this way about American women period (yes that is a generalization). This is a result of the way we aspeople in our nation have grown as a people and now it is just time to move on with the decisions we have made and pray we can teach the next generation how tocorrect this mess. I can be long winded about this issue because honestly man it breaks my freakin heart, but it seems to be the conclusion I needed to come toto understand the world I live in.

I do find it funny how some women respond to this when a man says that they feel like the women that fit the arguement are the problem. Many of them justjumped on the defensive with no sense of understanding what so ever.
^ Good stuff... Something to dwell on (for me personally). I'll make very few comments...

The subject touched upon at 4:50 is eye opening and her response is too real...

With that said, I will not touch on her choice to never date a white guy, because as for me, I will not date a white woman...

*Edit* Good call shortydoowopp, Imistakenly wrote black man....

By the way, what's up with you? Ain't really scene you around since you made those comments about not knowing black guys like me existing,
Wow, is that chick in front of Harlem USA on 125th??? It looks just like it. The video i messin up so i cant really hear what she sayin. But you right toorowenarrow bout females gettin so defensive too. That was a lil part of what i was sayin. No female from what i read said yea sometime what yall sayin is truand females can get like that just like some dudes admittin faults on here.
man... all women are the same. black white purple and red.

they all trip for a whole week once a month, yell at you for not talking about your feelings and want the last bite of your sandwich.

thats why i treat chicks like a bus. if i miss one, another one comin in 15 min.
ya'll need to be like me

admit that you're a self centered commitment phobe who talks to women on his own time.

you'll be shocked @ how many women can respect it and try to "change" it. It's on them @ that point.... but never deny a woman the right tochoose
Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

man... all women are the same. black white purple and red.

they all trip for a whole week once a month, yell at you for not talking about your feelings and want the last bite of your sandwich.

thats why i treat chicks like a bus. if i miss one, another one comin in 15 min.
Dayum son, me too. I know that aint right but ill get to fixin that someday, maybe, lol.
KiCkSaReMyLiFe wrote:
No female from what i read said yea sometime what yall sayin is tru and females can get like that just like some dudes admittin faults on here.

Admit to what? There's been alot said in here so if you give me the general list of grievances with black women i'll do my best to respond to all ofthem. I am the official black woman spokesperson on NT...any problems...come to me and i'll take them back to headquarters lol
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

KiCkSaReMyLiFe wrote:
No female from what i read said yea sometime what yall sayin is tru and females can get like that just like some dudes admittin faults on here.

Admit to what? There's been alot said in here so if you give me the general list of grievances with black women i'll do my best to respond to all of them. I am the official black woman spokesperson on NT...any problems...come to me and i'll take them back to headquarters lol
shortydoowopp wrote:
KiCkSaReMyLiFe wrote:
No female from what i read said yea sometime what yall sayin is tru and females can get like that just like some dudes admittin faults on here.

Admit to what? There's been alot said in here so if you give me the general list of grievances with black women i'll do my best to respond to all of them. I am the official black woman spokesperson on NT...any problems...come to me and i'll take them back to headquarters lol

Lol, aight Queen sista Sheba agent 0069, nah but im a definitely get back too u, i dont feel like goin back checkin the list right now. But where yallheadquarters located @? I think i might have to stop in for an informative field trip someday.
And that chick is on 125th, wait til i find her, we gonna have to straighten some things out. Some of that stuff she said was jus garbage comin out her mouthbut she had some points.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

KiCkSaReMyLiFe wrote:
No female from what i read said yea sometime what yall sayin is tru and females can get like that just like some dudes admittin faults on here.

Admit to what? There's been alot said in here so if you give me the general list of grievances with black women i'll do my best to respond to all of them. I am the official black woman spokesperson on NT...any problems...come to me and i'll take them back to headquarters lol

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