real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Destiny's Child dropping "Independent Women" in guy world seems like the equivalent to Hiroshima & Nagasaki (sp?)

For myself, only slightly... at least now at this point in my life...I actually look at I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.A.N.T. by Boosie as equal or worse... only because all the sudden so many females I know started taking those lyrics tolife, calling themselves independant, but def still relying on their parents (and guys) to get stuff done...
Nah, jus cuz you can sing a song make you that. I could sing Ballin' all day. Dont make me rich. But Shorty, i could show up in a wifebeater and ballshorts and get a plate then. Just have sum of them chicks throw some socks on so i can keep my food down. And Thug, i aint been postin on here that long. Dontkno what a spoiler is, sh.......... i just learned how to post pics on here.
Nah, we gonna have to negotiate somethin else. But i will be sendin all them for a plate tho. And a gay cousin, he count to right.
I've seen this thread here for the past 5 days. Never ventured in. What's it about, and why am I not seeing hot white women on my screen?
gay gay right? no DL mess aloud...we'll put them on blast quick...

gays are only aloud to certain events...some events/seminars are for women only although we do sponsor many church pinics/fish frys throughout the summer so beon the look out for that...
I think he gay as they come. But he can t come to no outside events tho. Keep him and his friends out if u throwin them picnic/fish fry's/traps. And themdusty old hatin pastor's too.
Prez T you absolutely right about the whole thing about black women finding a "good man"----they have this uninvited priviledge to test them out likeregular men. A black man of means isn't going to tolerate that----they dont have the time to put up with this especially if she has nothing to bring to thetable.


pimpin' I'm using my new Sidekick XL and having mad troubles with it so I may need to get to my CPU soon, and share some more of my thoughts in-depthand with more substance---also to steer this thread back into the issues at hand.

Lastly, a dozen roses to ALL the ladies of NT that passionately contributed to this post with their comments and inputs---whether we agreed or disagreed oncertain issues expressed relating to this thread in general---iIhave learned a lot from you all in a positive light. Once again I (and the black men of NT)appreciate it wholeheartedly....
Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

man... all women are the same. black white purple and red.

they all trip for a whole week once a month, yell at you for not talking about your feelings and want the last bite of your sandwich.

thats why i treat chicks like a bus. if i miss one, next one comin in 15 min.

You a better man than me, I would have atleast a little hostility towards black women if this happened to me........
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by BobbyBrownpacks

man... all women are the same. black white purple and red.

they all trip for a whole week once a month, yell at you for not talking about your feelings and want the last bite of your sandwich.

thats why i treat chicks like a bus. if i miss one, another one comin in 15 min.

You a better man than me, I would have atleast a little hostility towards black women if this happened to me........
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by paenguin

DAAYUM... thats some big percentage...
yeah apparently this post ain't da only one that don't like black women *ouch*

shut always got some slick stuff to say about african DR are acknowledge as suck outside of NYC....NOPE ..
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by paenguin

DAAYUM... thats some big percentage...
yeah apparently this post ain't da only one that don't like black women *ouch*

Did you even watch the video YOU posted?...Reasons why the number is so large is explained.
Prez T you absolutely right about the whole thing about black women finding a "good man"----they have this uninvited priviledge to test them out like regular men. A black man of means isn't going to tolerate that----they dont have the time to put up with this especially if she has nothing to bring to the table.
Always the ones with the least positives trying to give a dude the hardest time. I dealt with this all the time.

I'm EXTREMELY good at mind games, but I dont have time to waste doing it.
Aight people I see this post needs to be steered back into the right direction. I will comment and give my perspectives of what I read in this post so far andshare my feelings about this thread again.

WARNING: long read but infrmative....

First of all and for the record, we or not making this a "throw the sistas"or "throw the brothas into the fire" type of thread-----Ibelieve both "non-white" men and women have been doing too much of this already in society the past 45 years now (especially in this post) andfranlky it has produced nothing but pettiness and self-hatred among ourselves throughout the years which turned into this intra-racial cession, and separation,and crassly superior-inferior divide within the "non-white" community.

I say "non-white" instead of black now because all of these issues and concerns that are addressed in this post and in American socierty, effect ALLpeople of color----not just African-Americans or other labels that American society has called people of color.

And also from this post, people are getting the misconception of what is "black" and what they call themseleves to be, and as a result, dissassociatethemselves from that "black" label and arrogantly and superiorly claim their nationalities----which is all good, but here in the Continental US, likeDe La Soul says "black is black" and you will be STILL be categorized, stereotyped, and generalized, and most importantly treated in a similarfashion as other blacks that woefully and proudfully attempt to disassociate themselves from other blacks by claiming their"conquerors"----especially ones that originated from European colnies or decent.

ALL rules apply to all "non-whites" here living in american society----point blank. Let's get that straight now......

Furthermore, from what I been reading and commenting upon in this post, and I believe someone mentioned it a few pages back----is who do we as a non-whitecommunity hold accountable for the lack of respect within the non-white community (black AMERICAN community) and what are the solutions for increasing andrestoring the amount of respect within the non-white community?

Let's face it NT, and society in general---RESPECT is what "it" boils down to---"it" meaning any social problem that arises in life.

First and foremost, the accountability rests in the hands of both men and women of the non-white community----its up to US to take the initiative to rectifyour situation.

I will try to be "brief" in getting my points across,,,,so I apologize if I ramble or take too long in getting my message across.....

As a non-white community, we will have to respect oursleves more and watch our actions carefully.

For my brothas....

History shows that men of the non-white community were a powerful force in American society and well-respected in the non-white community----especially sincethe late 1950s.

The "black man" as Western socierty calls us---was THE de-facto leader of the black community and houehold----when problem arises within or outsideof the community, the black man was the "official spokesperson" to address the problem----For instance when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat inMontogomery in 1955---she went to Dr. King, a well "respected" minister and "attorney" for civil rights in the community---- Also whenvoting rights were being denied to non-whites in some Southern states in the 1950s and 60s, who did the non-white community seek for defense?----StokleyCarmichael, Ralph David Abernathy, and Medgar Evers---all of them male leaders of their communities that were well-respected by their people. These men heldthemselves accountable and responsible for the social and moral well-being of the non-white community and the people trusted their actions-----thereforerespecting their confidence in protecting the non-white community.

The list of men goes on...

And why were these men respected?: they were mentally strong and didn't let nothing or nobody, especially from the white society inflict moral harm to thebacks of the non-white community---they did it through their visions, their sufferings, and trials endured throughout their quest for equal rights and justice.

However, the elitist American society, which heavily includes the actions of the U.S. Government at the time back in those times---im talking about from late1890s to mid 1960s ----knew that the "power" and "respect" garnered by the black man from their commmunity will pose a enormous theatagainst the current make up of American society, from within that time peroid and potentially in the future. The elimination of the black male's strongleadership position in the non-white community and in the household, was the only methodical solution for American society to maintain the current status-quoand keep the non-white community regulated, subjugated, and "in-check."

Why do you think when non-white men were allegedly targeted or persecuted for a wrongdoing---or for postively doing something right----not only the man ofcolor would be targeted and harmed, but their whole community will soley face the brunt of societys wrath-----read the history of the "black wall streetin the early 1900s" and read about the white mobs of that would burn and destroy non-white communities for the non-whites' non-conformity andambitious attitudes; or watch movies like "Rosewood"; -----why do you think anti-color terrorists groups like the Klu Klux Klan were formed?---itgoes much deeper than just racism, prejudice, hatred, and, discrimination.

So starting in the 1960s, the "seeds" for diminishing the role, authority, and overall communal respect for the black man within the non-whitecommunity were implemented: starting with murders of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, James Chaney and Malcolm X in the decade from 1955 to 1965----a time where thepresence, roles, and actions, of the man of color were the cause of social unease and reform.

(hence the civil rights movement).

Then, destruction of the leadership and respectability of the man of color within the non-white community continued with legislative acts administered by theUS Government, and more notably by Presidential administrations and Federal agencies like the FBI.

Around 1964, after JFK's assassination, the US government with the execution and implemenation of social-financial programs issued by President Lyndon B,Johnson---aided in the process of destroying the man of color. These welfare, section-8 vouchers, and assistance programs legislatively restricted men of colorfrom being in the household and it unintentionally entitled women of color the "head of the household" in an economical sense, I will talk about thewomen of color later....

Once again, there are movies, films, and pictures that were based from these circumstances-----As a result, society would take these depictions and "runwith it" ----labeling, stereotyping and antagonizing men of color, especially for the next 40 years---the examples of these antagonizing stereotypes runin copious amounts today in all sorts of mediums.

Lastly, the assasination of MLK in 1968 and the destruction of certain Civil Rights movements like the Black Panther Movenement of the mid 1960s to the early70s--Movements that led to the assassination of Fred Hampton and many BPP leaders-----all masterminded by Federal agents like J. Edgar Hoover (please readabout him), were the last seeds planted in the ground to start the divide within the non-white community, creating a dimminshed awareness of respect,cohesiveness, and unity within us at that time.

Ever since that time just look at what has went on throughout history because of these seeds planted by elitist American society to remove the man of color asthe principal and patriarchial leader of the non-white community---from the creation of the street gangs in the late 1970s; and crack that followed in the nextdecade; to what you see prevalent on Youtube and on Myspace now----ALL have grown from those intial seeds planted by the-powers-that-be.

Now, for my beloved sistas....and im not speaking in a general sense to denounce degrade, antagonize, or criticize you all....

But somewhere during the 1960s, the women of color were "seduced" and manipuated into submission and assimilation into the hands of elitist americansociety. In other words, the-powers-that-be "laid their mack down" strongly on the women of color----and sadly you all fell for the bait.

And it started with the welfare programs, and other financial assistance programs given by Uncle Sam----all were counter-acts in reaction to the FeministMovement of the 1960s (The Femenist Movement had a influence on the issue of black men with "money" dating white women)----the powers that be issuedwomen of color "bread crumbs" like section 8 housing, welfare, and even Affirmative Action to women of color so they can "part ways" withthe men of color in terms of admiration and reverence for them as a leader and provider in the home and community.

As a result, over time, this separation and "parting of ways" between the men and women of color has given women of color a completely falseimpression of "independence", self-entitlement, and victimization from the man of color-----Hence look at all the women that claim that they are"independent" or insanely lists unwarranted demands and expectations of the men of color today.

In addition, women of color also have been manipulated, coaxed, and swayed---not forced---over the years to assimilate and emulate the elitist Americansociety, in a general sense---- to futher divide and separate the non-white community.

Tariq Nasheed explains in one of his podcasts that women of color would emulate the appearances of women from non-color backgrounds especially women ofEuropean decent (white)----from the blonde hair-straight processed type of hairsyle; to wearing the Fendi, Coach, Gucci purses worn by their non-colorcounterparts----women of color would copy or emulate the culture of these elitists---I definitely agree with his statements too.

It is this lack of STRENGTH and mental and psychological "independence"----not other forms of "indpendence" that women of color falselyclaim to have----that have been continually programmed in the minds of women of color ever since the 1960s----And this lack independent thought and thefallacies of indepedent thought also attributes to why women of color seek men of color with that demonstrates a false sense of "strength" throughvarious acts of physical and mental aggression and anger---hence the popularity of women of color desiring "thugs" or "bad boys" and theirambition to "change" them-----These thoughts also transpire due to the reduction of standards held by the women of color, a by-product of the seedsplanted by American society in the 1950s and 60s.

Our mental and psycological strength as people of color have been gradually weakened by not only the powers-that-be but most importantly, OURSELVES----we, bothmen and women of color let our mental strength become poor through cunning persuasion and manipulation---and as a result, created this separation of ourcommunity. Once people can develop a strong impenetrable mind, devoid of external influence----like the MLKs, Malcolms, Caesar Chavez's, AngelaDavis's, Coretta Scott Kings, throughout history----and now with the Obamas----then we as a non-white community can regain some of that pride, loyalty,honor, and most importantly, RESPECT---that was prevalent among us during the 1950s and 1960s.

I apologize if I offended anyone by my sentiments and apologize for this preamble/thesis.

I appreciate those who took the time to read my thoughts.

I will try to say less next time


- the lack of respect within non white community had declined historically
- American elitist society influences and aids the separtaion of the non-white community
- the lack of respect comes from the lack of mental strength displayed by both men and women of color
Originally Posted by airmissionretro


Is this a closed topic or you all don't feel like sharing your thoughts anymore????

pretty sure its closed bruh, the fact that its 40pgs is enough for me
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Aight people I see this post needs to be steered back into the right direction. I will comment and give my perspectives of what I read in this post so far and share my feelings about this thread again.

WARNING: long read but infrmative....

First of all and for the record, we or not making this a "throw the sistas"or "throw the brothas into the fire" type of thread-----I believe both "non-white" men and women have been doing too much of this already in society the past 45 years now (especially in this post) and franlky it has produced nothing but pettiness and self-hatred among ourselves throughout the years which turned into this intra-racial cession, and separation, and crassly superior-inferior divide within the "non-white" community.

I say "non-white" instead of black now because all of these issues and concerns that are addressed in this post and in American socierty, effect ALL people of color----not just African-Americans or other labels that American society has called people of color.

And also from this post, people are getting the misconception of what is "black" and what they call themseleves to be, and as a result, dissassociate themselves from that "black" label and arrogantly and superiorly claim their nationalities----which is all good, but here in the Continental US, like De La Soul says "black is black" and you will be STILL be categorized, stereotyped, and generalized, and most importantly treated in a similar fashion as other blacks that woefully and proudfully attempt to disassociate themselves from other blacks by claiming their "conquerors"----especially ones that originated from European colnies or decent.

ALL rules apply to all "non-whites" here living in american society----point blank. Let's get that straight now......

Furthermore, from what I been reading and commenting upon in this post, and I believe someone mentioned it a few pages back----is who do we as a non-white community hold accountable for the lack of respect within the non-white community (black AMERICAN community) and what are the solutions for increasing and restoring the amount of respect within the non-white community?

Let's face it NT, and society in general---RESPECT is what "it" boils down to---"it" meaning any social problem that arises in life.

First and foremost, the accountability rests in the hands of both men and women of the non-white community----its up to US to take the initiative to rectify our situation.

I will try to be "brief" in getting my points across,,,,so I apologize if I ramble or take too long in getting my message across.....

As a non-white community, we will have to respect oursleves more and watch our actions carefully.

For my brothas....

History shows that men of the non-white community were a powerful force in American society and well-respected in the non-white community----especially since the late 1950s.

The "black man" as Western socierty calls us---was THE de-facto leader of the black community and houehold----when problem arises within or outside of the community, the black man was the "official spokesperson" to address the problem----For instance when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in Montogomery in 1955---she went to Dr. King, a well "respected" minister and "attorney" for civil rights in the community---- Also when voting rights were being denied to non-whites in some Southern states in the 1950s and 60s, who did the non-white community seek for defense?----Stokley Carmichael, Ralph David Abernathy, and Medgar Evers---all of them male leaders of their communities that were well-respected by their people. These men held themselves accountable and responsible for the social and moral well-being of the non-white community and the people trusted their actions-----therefore respecting their confidence in protecting the non-white community.

The list of men goes on...

And why were these men respected?: they were mentally strong and didn't let nothing or nobody, especially from the white society inflict moral harm to the backs of the non-white community---they did it through their visions, their sufferings, and trials endured throughout their quest for equal rights and justice.

However, the elitist American society, which heavily includes the actions of the U.S. Government at the time back in those times---im talking about from late 1890s to mid 1960s ----knew that the "power" and "respect" garnered by the black man from their commmunity will pose a enormous theat against the current make up of American society, from within that time peroid and potentially in the future. The elimination of the black male's strong leadership position in the non-white community and in the household, was the only methodical solution for American society to maintain the current status-quo and keep the non-white community regulated, subjugated, and "in-check."

Why do you think when non-white men were allegedly targeted or persecuted for a wrongdoing---or for postively doing something right----not only the man of color would be targeted and harmed, but their whole community will soley face the brunt of societys wrath-----read the history of the "black wall street in the early 1900s" and read about the white mobs of that would burn and destroy non-white communities for the non-whites' non-conformity and ambitious attitudes; or watch movies like "Rosewood"; -----why do you think anti-color terrorists groups like the Klu Klux Klan were formed?---it goes much deeper than just racism, prejudice, hatred, and, discrimination.

So starting in the 1960s, the "seeds" for diminishing the role, authority, and overall communal respect for the black man within the non-white community were implemented: starting with murders of Emmett Till, Medgar Evers, James Chaney and Malcolm X in the decade from 1955 to 1965----a time where the presence, roles, and actions, of the man of color were the cause of social unease and reform.

(hence the civil rights movement).

Then, destruction of the leadership and respectability of the man of color within the non-white community continued with legislative acts administered by the US Government, and more notably by Presidential administrations and Federal agencies like the FBI.

Around 1964, after JFK's assassination, the US government with the execution and implemenation of social-financial programs issued by President Lyndon B, Johnson---aided in the process of destroying the man of color. These welfare, section-8 vouchers, and assistance programs legislatively restricted men of color from being in the household and it unintentionally entitled women of color the "head of the household" in an economical sense, I will talk about the women of color later....

Once again, there are movies, films, and pictures that were based from these circumstances-----As a result, society would take these depictions and "run with it" ----labeling, stereotyping and antagonizing men of color, especially for the next 40 years---the examples of these antagonizing stereotypes run in copious amounts today in all sorts of mediums.

Lastly, the assasination of MLK in 1968 and the destruction of certain Civil Rights movements like the Black Panther Movenement of the mid 1960s to the early 70s--Movements that led to the assassination of Fred Hampton and many BPP leaders-----all masterminded by Federal agents like J. Edgar Hoover (please read about him), were the last seeds planted in the ground to start the divide within the non-white community, creating a dimminshed awareness of respect, cohesiveness, and unity within us at that time.

Ever since that time just look at what has went on throughout history because of these seeds planted by elitist American society to remove the man of color as the principal and patriarchial leader of the non-white community---from the creation of the street gangs in the late 1970s; and crack that followed in the next decade; to what you see prevalent on Youtube and on Myspace now----ALL have grown from those intial seeds planted by the-powers-that-be.

Now, for my beloved sistas....and im not speaking in a general sense to denounce degrade, antagonize, or criticize you all....

But somewhere during the 1960s, the women of color were "seduced" and manipuated into submission and assimilation into the hands of elitist american society. In other words, the-powers-that-be "laid their mack down" strongly on the women of color----and sadly you all fell for the bait.

And it started with the welfare programs, and other financial assistance programs given by Uncle Sam----all were counter-acts in reaction to the Feminist Movement of the 1960s (The Femenist Movement had a influence on the issue of black men with "money" dating white women)----the powers that be issued women of color "bread crumbs" like section 8 housing, welfare, and even Affirmative Action to women of color so they can "part ways" with the men of color in terms of admiration and reverence for them as a leader and provider in the home and community.

As a result, over time, this separation and "parting of ways" between the men and women of color has given women of color a completely false impression of "independence", self-entitlement, and victimization from the man of color-----Hence look at all the women that claim that they are "independent" or insanely lists unwarranted demands and expectations of the men of color today.

In addition, women of color also have been manipulated, coaxed, and swayed---not forced---over the years to assimilate and emulate the elitist American society, in a general sense---- to futher divide and separate the non-white community.

Tariq Nasheed explains in one of his podcasts that women of color would emulate the appearances of women from non-color backgrounds especially women of European decent (white)----from the blonde hair-straight processed type of hairsyle; to wearing the Fendi, Coach, Gucci purses worn by their non-color counterparts----women of color would copy or emulate the culture of these elitists---I definitely agree with his statements too.

It is this lack of STRENGTH and mental and psychological "independence"----not other forms of "indpendence" that women of color falsely claim to have----that have been continually programmed in the minds of women of color ever since the 1960s----And this lack independent thought and the fallacies of indepedent thought also attributes to why women of color seek men of color with that demonstrates a false sense of "strength" through various acts of physical and mental aggression and anger---hence the popularity of women of color desiring "thugs" or "bad boys" and their ambition to "change" them-----These thoughts also transpire due to the reduction of standards held by the women of color, a by-product of the seeds planted by American society in the 1950s and 60s.

Our mental and psycological strength as people of color have been gradually weakened by not only the powers-that-be but most importantly, OURSELVES----we, both men and women of color let our mental strength become poor through cunning persuasion and manipulation---and as a result, created this separation of our community. Once people can develop a strong impenetrable mind, devoid of external influence----like the MLKs, Malcolms, Caesar Chavez's, Angela Davis's, Coretta Scott Kings, throughout history----and now with the Obamas----then we as a non-white community can regain some of that pride, loyalty, honor, and most importantly, RESPECT---that was prevalent among us during the 1950s and 1960s.

I apologize if I offended anyone by my sentiments and apologize for this preamble/thesis.

I appreciate those who took the time to read my thoughts.

I will try to say less next time


- the lack of respect within non white community had declined historically
- American elitist society influences and aids the separtaion of the non-white community
- the lack of respect comes from the lack of mental strength displayed by both men and women of color

fam I have almost 5000 posts, and I don't think I collectively have wrote as much as you in that post.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Racists, self-haters & sexists on NT? No way.

How are so many of you quick to generalize both White and black women without even giving a second thought to the misogynistic & racially
inflammatory stereotypes you're also promoting? Ain't no different than the common racist or sexist who offends some of you when similar things are said from an opposing perspective.

Black women are difficult, angry & don't take care of their men? White women are passive, goldigging & down for whatever? Right. Keep thinking that.

I think a lot of you cosigning and pushing these stereotypes need to stop living in the movies or surrounding yourselves in the circles that are helping you form these extremely shallow opinions of women in general and black and White women, specifically. Real unwise and ignorant to think that way.
You act like you live in a "perfect, Brady Bunch-type" world.

Originally Posted by Thugnificence

question though...

why do black women tend to get upset when black men date white women? What difference does it make in their lives who he's dating?

honestly to me it feels like as a black man im not supposed to date any women besides Black Women... and then people make it seem like its detrimental to our culture if we date outside the race...

just like how a majority of yall parents expressed in some way that you should not bring a white girl home to her... i mean most parents wont outright say it like that, but they will communicate it to you somehow...

also people are throwing out stereotypes about all black women about how they are loud, cause drama, have attitude, are angry, not easy to be with... Yall need to realize that most of you are specifically talking about hood black females, ghetto black females... aka hoodrats... and some of the things you are saying are true, but in no way are they true for all black women... and the same can be said for black men...

but im tired of hearing this whole nonsense about its all the black man's fault... or its all the black woman's fault... clearly its both of our faults that we've gotten into this situation in regards to each other... i mean really who cares who's fault it is... knowing that aint gonna solve the problem... IMO when black females say there are no good black men, thats just to hide the fact that they know they dont really deserve a good man... just like when black men say there are no good black females, thats just to hide the fact that they know they dont deserve one...

Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Thugnificence wrote:
HarlemKickDiva wrote:
DAYTONA 5000 wrote:
Damn some much hate towards black women, from black dudes of all people. smh. Sad....
Yes but I doubt many of them practice what they preach anyway....

It's sad also because of all these generalizations

It's statistically proven that black men:

Lack jobs
Lack education
Spend more time in jail than a school....

Yet black women still bear all scrutiny

now see that's part of the problem... people see these statistics & generalize it towards all black men... which then turns into "all black men are dogs, there are no good ones out there"...

but another part of the problem is that black women are unwilling to accept that it is also partly their fault for this mess we have...

i love how she posts those stats and people get offended...but god forbid we get a lil upset about generalizations about us...we're salty right?

Yeah, no kidding.

Originally Posted by xxhu5sl1npnoyxx

half-black/half-asian women > all ....imo...
That's got to be the worst combo I've ever seen.

I just got caught up to page 12, I'll read more later.

Originally Posted by KenJi714

Originally Posted by Pmighty

i laugh errytime i see this
@ this bein 40 pgs tho
what show is this from ?

did girl give ol boy the i threw up in my mouth when i saw you treatment or something ?

The show is an MTV dating show called Next.
"ol boy" is an NTer. BobbyBrownpacks
And indeed she did
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